Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 186: The meaning of gold

Mattorona never thought that things would be like this. His tears were even more dripping than before, and she even tried to close her eyes so hard to watch the scene in front of her.

Is this what she wants? Is this why she forced the people who didn't want to fight to go to the battlefield? Matorona wants to control her body and stand up to save the people in her tribe! But she couldn't do anything except stand here.

When Di An took her back to the village, the battle in the village had been going on for a long time! Is human. Humans hired a giant from another tribe to attack their tribe! Without herself and Di An, her tribe was slaughtered a third!

In this battle, the newborn baby did not escape. The little bit who was still playing in the tribe has now become a cold corpse.

She even saw a child who had just been born only a few months ago was directly pierced with a stone spear by a warrior from another tribe!

This is what she seeks to die in the battlefield, and everything she wants? Matorona had never wanted to stop the war so much.

And Di An had rushed up long ago, no one here is his opponent, but even in this way, he can't stop the killing of other local tribesmen.

Finally, Matorona closed her eyes in pain, and the last tear fell from the corner of his eye. The setting sun reddened the entire sky, and the blood stained the earth. Only a bloody, dazzling red was left between heaven and earth. It seems that the whole world is flooded with red paint.

Diane was the last person to fall to the ground, and she had no strength to stand up anymore. There is no other person here except him. Both the giants who came to attack the tribe or the giants of the Di'an tribe all died here.

This is the result Matorona wants. Di An was lying on the ground, curled up wearily. not moving at all.

And after not knowing how many days have passed. Leonis’s paladin arrested Diane for the crime of slaughtering the entire tribe, that is, since when did Diane once again meet the only human who was willing to accept him, Meliodas, and then started a new one. journey.

It was only unexpected that Matorona did not die. Those poisons did not poison her to death. After waking up in a coma, Matorona left here alone.

It is probably because of this reason that Mattorona has become so different.

"Mom. Yes, I'm sorry, I couldn't catch the fish," said Della who was lying on the bed weakly facing Matorona who was looking at her outside.

"No, it doesn't matter, you have nothing bad about doing it." Mattorona said with a distressed look. At this time, he had calmed down. In any case, he had to save the two her only children. She never wanted to lose anyone again! Absolutely not!

"Zerba, Zolu and Della will be all right?" Dian crouched on the ground and asked towards the bald Zerba.

"The injury is very serious, I don't know how long they can hold on. Even a doctor is useless at this time!" Zerba said to Dian. At this time, ordinary doctors were not enough to cure the two.

"How come," Dian couldn't accept this reality at all.

"Zerba, the two children will give it to you." Mattorona stood up. It seems to be where to go.

"Matorona, where are you going?!" Zerba stood and walked out of the thatched cottage and asked.

"Basel." Matorona turned her back to the two and said softly.

"Basel, is it that weird flyer from yesterday? It's suspicious to say that all the wishes of the winners can be realized? No matter how you look at it!" Dian objected, what about that kind of thing. It might be true!

"Diane is right. It is either a **** or a miracle that can do that kind of thing." Zerba also disagrees with Matorona's choice. This is totally joking!

"I know, but now there is no other way than to rely on this thing that I don't know if it is a **** or a miracle!" Matorona said with her fist.

Is there any other way to go besides this choice? She would never be able to watch the people around her leave her.

And just when everyone was arguing, I don't know when Jin, who was in a coma, woke up. Three people with different opinions were interrupted directly.

"He, where is this. Diane! Diane, I am Jin!" Jin cried out again in surprise when he saw Diane when he woke up.

"I know, your name is Jin!" Diane said in a coping manner, where he was in the mood to care about yelling Jin.

"Do you remember me?! Has your memory recovered? Diane!" Jin heard Diane knowing himself, and immediately flew up to Diane and said excitedly to Diane. But things didn't seem to be as good as she thought.

"Didn't you tell me just before you were in a coma, your name is Jin." Di An said very downheartedly, and his mind is now all on Zorlu and Della.

"Okay, I'm leaving. You must take care of Zolu and Della at home. I'll be back soon." Matorona was about to leave.

"Hey, these two children seem to be seriously injured. If they are not treated, it will be very troublesome." At this time, the low Jin seemed to see something got up and flew into the thatched cottage, and then very seriously probed the two children. Injury.

"You! Can you cure them?" Di An asked in surprise, as if he saw new hope. Looking forward to Jin.

Jin froze for a while, and then put on a soft smile again. No matter when his Diane lost his memory, the essence of kindness would not disappear.

"Of course it can." Jin said confidently. If it was before awakening, even he would definitely have no way to take such an injury, but after awakening, it would be completely different. He could already reach the most root power in the sacred tree of the fairy tribe.

His understanding of life is completely different at this time.

"Really?!" Tomarona asked, turning sharply to face Jin. His eyes were as full of expectation as Di An! ..


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