Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 231: cause and effect

"Ban, look at it and I don't know when it will be resolved~" Meliodas said to Ben, standing cutely in front of two huge corpses of the demon.

"Hey, isn't it!!? Don't tell me that the game is over like this!" Ban exaggeratedly shouted, exactly as he said, at this time their game really ended!

"In general, it's a fortunate thing that didn't let these guys meet Elizabeth!" Meliodas stood beside Ben, looked at the two bodies and said to Ben. At this time, the two of them didn't mean to do anything again!

"Even if you run into it, this kind of miscellaneous fish will definitely not cause any trouble!" Ban said in silence, raising his head, but now Ban has the absolute strength to ignore such a small miscellaneous soldier! We must know that after possessing the magic power absorbed from the monsters, the power of the entire class has been qualitatively improved!

At this time, he has more than just immortality! Some also have that powerful exaggerated huge magic power!

"You don't seem to be the same~ You were able to withstand my attack unscathed just now?" Meliodas suddenly said to Ben as if he had remembered something. If it were the past, Ban would be seriously injured anyway when he was attacked by himself. Even if he recovers soon, the fact of the injury will not change! But at this time, even recovery is no longer needed!

"Powerful strength plus vitality that will never dry up. Only then did I really understand what the term strong means. You must be careful in the future, my leader!" Ban said to Meliodas!

"Cut, it seems like I was bullied!" Meliodas rolled his eyes, the class was not so powerful that he was afraid of it.

"Even if it's the leader, shouldn't you thank me. Fortunately, your Elizabeth and my Ellie formed a group! You know, Ellie is a woman of the fairy family who has guarded the fairy forest for seven hundred years on behalf of the fairy king. !" Ben said, looking down at Meliodas proudly.

"If you say that, Elizabeth won't lose. That guy has changed the Demon God's army before but by himself!" Meliodas responded without showing any weakness.

"They seem to be all right there~" Allie said while looking in the direction of Ben and Meliodas who hadn't moved.

"Yes, Master Meliodas!" Elizabeth said and called in the direction of Meliodas.

"The princess gave the army of the demon gods, how long did I say before this time! Don't talk nonsense in front of me!" Ban said with a look of disdain, he didn't remember when the army of the demon gods appeared. Don't remember when Elizabeth did such a thing!

Meliodas did not speak, but smiled happily. Perhaps it was not long ago for Meliodas. This memory only exists in Meliodas' mind!

"Taiz, please announce the result~" Liu Xueni said to Taiz, who was still in a daze.

"Oh, yes! What a group of powerful guys!" Taiz exclaimed! This duel is completely a torture! There is no suspense! "Victor! Meliodas, Ban group!" Taiz held the microphone and announced loudly to everyone!

"Meliodas is still as strong as ever! It's just that in the end it will laugh and say that it will still be us in the end!" Liu Xueni was not surprised by Meliodasi's performance.

"But there are too many uncertain factors, this is also a fact, you have already noticed Liu Xueni in this respect! Especially Xie Chen's existence! His existence makes our original plan not the slightest certainty!" Duoluo Lujun confronted. Liu Xueni said.

"It's true, there are too many people here that can attract my attention, and Xie Chen,,," Liu Xueni suddenly lost all the arrogance in her eyes when she said Xie Chen, and there was only fear. !

The two are talking about such a thing here, and the competition in the ring continues! Standing on an arena, Duoluolu and Liu Xueni's puppets were created by the two directly given a certain amount of combat power in order to gather the number of people.

But even if they are puppets, don't underestimate them, at least their combat effectiveness is close to seven or eight thousand! You must know that among the seven original sins, there is still a class in Meliodas. Before Jin gained the strength, the most stable strength and the most powerful Marlene's combat effectiveness only reached four thousand.

"You, you obviously didn't get hurt, why did you bleed! Are you okay!" Dian asked with concern, looking at Jin who had a nosebleed on the side!

"In this case, I,,,," Jin didn't say half of his words. He couldn't tell Dian that it was her who caused his nosebleed!

"It's okay, don't worry! I will definitely protect you!" Di An consciously interrupted without waiting for Jin to continue speaking, and instantly squeezed Ban between his chest! !

Di Ann, who belongs to 36D, seems to be the safest place for him, but when Jin stayed on Di Ann’s chest, his whole face blushed! This is really a **** battle, but the blood here is just a nosebleed!

"Dian, wait and talk about the joy of meeting, now wait for me to give these two guys," Ban said to Dian, escaping from Dian's chest, but before he finished speaking, Dai Anyou Tiliu Zhongjin's collar stuffed Jin into his chest again!

"Opponents are monsters, so the kids can just hide here obediently!" Dian stuffed Jin in the middle and tapped Jin on the head with one finger. It wasn't until the end that Jin only had one head left! Suddenly, Jin's face turned red!

"Bring your horse here!" After handling Jin, Di An rushed directly towards the two dolls!

"But then why would our two agents confront those two guys," Liu Xueni said to Jun Duoluo who was standing by.

"It seems that you are not very dissatisfied with Meliodas." Dololu said to Liu Xueni.

"Partners fighting side by side and the selection of opponents depend on luck in the final analysis. Everything is a causal relationship. Fate decided that those two people are suitable to fight with our agents, so they arranged it like this!" Dolo Lukai explained! ..


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