Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 240: Escano's past

"I don't really understand either! But I think for each other's sake. If the other party suffers, I want to help him anyway!" This sentence carries all the things that happened when Jerica was with the class during this period, not just Class and Meliodas and others! In short, everyone around him has given her warmth and help!

"It's great, this makes me want to get a heart even more!" Such words did not move Gauser, but even more inspired him to want to get a heart. To say these things to a heartless person is indeed a bit redundant! A heartless person is like a machine. The set program is constantly running. You want to change the trajectory of its movement with emotion. That is something that will never happen!

"Mr. Gauser," Escano and Hawke looked at the slightly terrifying Gauser at this time, just hugging each other, and couldn't do anything! Hawke said it was fine, but if he did it, there would be no possibility!

"Then you idiot!" There is no way to persuade Gauser, so I have to use force. It seems that Jelica is the most powerful person besides Gauser of these four people now! No one can stop Gauser except her! Jelica clasped her hands and slammed towards Goser who was walking ahead!

However, even the most powerful person besides Gao Se is only less than 300. Such a strength against Gao Se, who has a combat power of 3000, is undoubtedly the only way to be killed by a spike! Gauser turned around and kicked Jelica who wanted to attack him! No mercy!

At this time, Gauser had no more thoughts except to win the championship and then get his heart. As for the companion, he never seemed to think it was anything important! It just happens to be eating together, traveling together, and fighting together!

"Gose, you bastard! Look at what you have done to your companions!" Uncle can bear Hawk can't bear it! Hawke was the first to run away after seeing Gauser kick Jelica who wanted to stop him. He shouted and rushed towards Ban!

"Super, Phantom! Tenderloin!" I saw Hawke's speed fast, changing his figure constantly on the way to Goser, and finally three Hawke's figures appeared at the same time! I have to say that the cultivation in the Druid's cultivation cave is still a bit rewarding!

It's just that the result is not so good!

In the end, when Hawke appeared in front of Gauser, he was indeed blocked by Gauser! It's like doing a small thing casually, and then grabbing Hawke's nose and slamming toward the ground! At this point, Hawke also made a heroic sacrifice, he can't die, but at least he has passed out in a coma!

"Pig, Mr. Pig! Miss Jelica!" At this time, there was only one Escano who cringed and did not dare to step forward when he could speak soberly in the ring!

"Okay, no one will hinder me now!" Gauser said softly while looking at the deserted ring. He couldn't hear a trace of embarrassment or he was sad or unhappy.

With five magic powers, five powers, five vigor, and a total of fifteen combat power, Escano faced Gose. It seemed that he felt that the distance was a little far away, and Gauser did not take the initiative to step forward.

But a ray of light flashed directly on the finger! Shoot towards Escano's body! Puppet bondage! This is one of Gauser's skills!

"Ah, ah, body,,, so," Escano exclaimed as he looked at the body who had been slowly walking towards Gauser out of his control!

"But in order to show respect for the crime of arrogance, I will hit you with all my strength!" Gauser stretched out his hands, as if waiting for Escano's arrival!

"Stop, stop, Goose-kun, I don't want to fight with you!" Escano said with some trepidation. However, no matter how hard he resisted, in the end he was still in front of Gauser's control.

"Nightmare whispers!" Gauther's finally put it on Escano's head. Suddenly, Escano's whole person seemed to be clicked, flashing like electricity!

"What a great name, you will definitely grow up to be a gentle and strong child," It seems like a dream here, but it is surprisingly real! It seems to be another world, but here Escano can see and hear, but can't interfere with anything in this world, just like a passer-by!

A man and a woman with a crown holding a baby were talking in the same place as the palace. Escano was stunned when he saw it. They were the father and mother in his memory! And the one being held is himself! And the brother Diamond who hides from the side and looks bad! And in the next moment another scene changed!

"I've always been so spoiled by the father and the queen! Bastard! Bastard!" The jealous Diamond lashed towards the thin Escano with a branch in his hand! And Escano has no other way other than the reluctant low-end!

"Don't, don't fight!" Finally, Escano grabbed his brother's wrist and stood up!

"Are you going to resist me? You are my brother! Let go!" I can't see exactly what Escano looked like at this time, but it feels like a completely different person, from his brother's horrified look and being held tightly. Knows his ankle!

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" A screaming scream came out from the palace. It was the scream of brother Diamond. After hearing the scream, many guards in the palace rushed over!

"Prince Diamond, what's wrong with you?" The guard rushed to the backyard where Diamond and Escano were with a weapon in his hand, and then eagerly asked Diamond! The palace is not so simple, the division of forces is very clear, there are biased towards Diamond, and there are biased towards Escano.

"Escarno, he took my hand, broke my hand,,," Diamond shouted sternly! It doesn't seem to be serious at all, at least there is still so much strength to shout!

"Hey, weird, monster!" Seems to see something, the guards who rushed to look at Escano's eyes are completely different! It's like watching a monster, no, just watching a monster! ..


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