Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 270: Curse seal

"If I suddenly ran over to see him now, what would happen! The old man who has been dead for many years suddenly appeared in front of him, saying, hello, if you are like this, he will definitely be frightened! And,, , And what if he doesn't recognize my face!! If something like this really happens, I might really die a second time!"

Suddenly Saratoras said with tears on his face, as if everything he said had come true! Such a thing is really embarrassing.

"Perhaps, you think too much," Elizabeth whispered comfortingly.

"What's more, compared to me, that fellow Jill and Meliodas are much closer, and he gets angry when he thinks of it, bastard, it doesn't wink at all!" It seems that Sarators has a four-faced face when thinking of it. Looking at the ceiling at a fifteen-degree angle, he said.

"I want to see Meliodas, I have a few things to say." At this moment Saratoras suddenly turned his head and asked Elizabeth very seriously.

In the room where Meliodas was resting, Elizabeth, Saratoras and Hawke stood by the bed and looked at Meliodas who was asleep.

"His body looks so complete. You must not guess what kind of fierce battle he went through. Right, Elizabeth really did a very remarkable thing. He took Meliodas on All of his scars have been healed." Hall, who was lying on the bed looking at Meliodas, muttered to himself.

"As for the effect, it's simply perfect, it's definitely not something an ordinary druid can do," Saratoras looked at Meliodas' complete body and couldn't help but marvel.

"But, in the end, this power was of no use, and his heartbeat stopped completely, Lord Meliodas, he couldn't open his eyes anymore." Elizabeth did not change because of their compliments. Be happy, this was the recognition she wanted most in the past. But now the only thing he wants is Master Meliodas to be able to open his eyes!

Elizabeth's hand was unconsciously clenched tightly, her eyes were closed, and tears slowly flowed from her eyes and then landed on the white quilt.

"When are you going to sleep until? Huh?" Saratoras leaned forward and put her face in front of Meliodas's face and asked Meliodas as if it seemed that Meliodas would really do. The same as waking up.

"You told me that you won't die easily because your heart stops beating. Even if your soul is worn out, you will still live tough or painful, won't you?" Saratoras stared at Melly seriously. Odas said.

"Elizabeth, have you been to the Capital of the Dead?" Saratoras asked Elizabeth.

"Yes, I want to meet Meliodas-sama anyway, so I went there alone, but...," said Elizabeth could not go on, but the sad expression all showed him Did not see Meliodas.

"He's not there, right!" Saratoras said it for her.

"The soul of Meliodas is corroded, so they said that even in the capital of the dead, there is absolutely no way to see Lord Meliodas!" It seems to correct what Saratoras said. Elizabeth explained.

"I really don't know what to do,,, what to do next, please tell me, Lord Saratoras." Elizabeth was crying silently. She is not as strong as she seems on the surface. She runs the tavern here alone with Hawke. She is used to life without Meliodas. He really can't bear it anymore!

"Where did he go? Why don't you ask Meliodas himself?" Saratoras patted Elizabeth on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Saratoras didn't know where he got some strange berries. He put all these berries in a small fruit plate and mashed them until they turned into some thick soup.

"Meliodas-sama is really a mysterious man. What he said, his thoughts, and the meaning contained in it was not yet fully understood by me at that time," Saratoras said while preparing a little Serum in the fruit plate.

"He feels like a person living in the rescued past, but at the same time he is worried about the distant future. All of his unique strange habits, it seems like he wants to grasp the possibilities at any time. What's going on!" Saratores said as she dipped her fingers in the juice of the fruit plate and painted a mysterious but very obscure rune on Meliodas' forehead.

"Looking back now, I seem to remember a lot of things that surprised me very much now. As a result, Master Meliodas is very rare when he gets drunk, I don’t know if you know it or not. A very rare event, he talked about his death during the conversation with me!" Not just the forehead, chest, and abdomen, all were filled with such mysterious runes.

"He told you about his death?!"

"What did he say to you?!" Elizabeth and Hawke seemed to have caught such a glimmer of hope in Sarators' words, and asked very excitedly.

"Uh, hey, I can't remember!" Saratores did say this, touching her head in a very awkward manner.

"But, let's confirm it, and find out from his memory what the **** is going on!" Said Saratoras's rapid martial arts as if he was doing some tricks.

"From his memory?" Elizabeth repeated what Saratoras said with some ignorance. When Elizabeth said this of his question, Saratoras's curse also seemed to be completed.

"Princess Elizabeth, please take my hand." Saratores put Meliodas from the bed on the floor, Saratoras squatted above Meliodas' head, and Elizabeth squatted on May Leodas is on the left, and Hawk is on the right of Meliodas.

"And your little pig~" As he said, the three men held hands together. ..


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