Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 274: Work in the field

One-third of the residents of the town live on gentle hillsides. Surrounded by mountains, there is a large enough open space and gentle hills for everyone's houses to build.

And the river flowing down from the mountain passes directly through one-third of the town. The water here will not freeze even in winter, which completely ensures the water problem of the people in the village! Near the mountain are large tracts of fields, and the farmers take their hoes and walk toward their home Tianlong every day before dawn.

"Hey, I said you should wake up!" Xie Chen walked to Fregia's room when it was night outside and patted Fregia's face.

"What's the matter? Is the devil here?!" Fregia seemed to be awakened from his sleep suddenly, reacting a little too fiercely, and jumped up directly from the bed.

"Where?! Where is the Demon God!" Fregia, who was waiting for the big eyes and seemed to be looking for the Demon God, stood in a vigilant look. He was wearing only a nightgown and showed his white plump thighs.

"Cough cough. Get dressed and come out!" Xie Chen coughed a little embarrassingly, then opened the door without squinting and went out! I really didn't see that the stature of the paladin he rescued was so good. After going out, Xie Chen thought back to the scene with some thoughts. However, I resisted the thought of going back to take a peek.


"Abnormal!!!" At this moment, the heart of admiration for Xie Chen that scared away the Ten Commandments with just a few words was destroyed! In this respect, Fregia seemed to be the same as all the girls, even if the gods came, he would be called a pervert at this time.

Finally, when Fregia was dressed, she still stared at Xie Chen with an angry look.

"I just glanced at it, it's really stingy!" Xie Chen whispered a few words, but he completely ignored Fregia's ears and careful eyes.

"What are you talking about!?" Fregia said, glaring at Xie Chen angrily after hearing Xie Chen's mutter. That look seems to be eager to just eat Concord City alive!

"If you don't have **** or chest, you want others to look at it." After Xie Chen finished speaking, he didn't even look at Fregia and ran out with a farm tool like oiling the soles of his feet!

"Xie Chen!! You bastard! You stop!" Fregia seemed to have heard the most vicious words in this century, shouting loudly and chasing Xie Chen!

But at this time Xie Chen had long since disappeared!

Farming during the day and rest at night is the longest truth here. No matter which generation you are in, it is a rule, and those who are lazy and do not work are to be despised by the whole village.

This is the old rule followed by people who have lived here for so many years. Those who strike iron stick to the iron shop, and those who plant the land stick to the dragon. Vendors walked and shouted in the streets and lanes, everything seemed exceptionally harmonious.

"I said it is necessary for us to farm here?!" Fregia dusted his face in the field, pulling the dirt. I don't know how many times he has asked Xie Chen.

"If you want to eat, just work. If you don't want to eat, of course I won't force you. If you have to let you eat, you can go back by yourself." Xie Chen scrupulously pulled the weeds in the ground and faced Fu Reggia said.

"Me too, anyway," Fregia wanted to say that I was also a Paladin at any rate~ How could I be reduced to weeding in the farmland! But when the sentence was halfway up, I didn't say any more. Xie Chen is so scared that the Ten Commandments are so utterly ridiculous that all existences are pulling weeds here. She is completely unqualified to say such things at this time! So when I said that, I usually turned my head and looked at the Xie Chen in the field.

"Hurry up, I'll finish it right away, I won't need you then," Xie Chen said as he walked towards the back of the field. This piece of land does not look like two or three acres of land. If you pull the weeds slowly like ordinary people, Xie Chen will also need a morning to clean it up. This is because his body does not know that it is better than ordinary people. In the case of how strong it is.

In fact, Xie Chen had already sealed all his strength, and now he is exactly like an ordinary person, but although the power in the most body is sealed, even the power of the physical body is sealed, but that is not Know how much stronger than ordinary people.

Xie Chen didn’t know why he suddenly liked this kind of life, so he hadn’t experienced the feeling of sweating from work for a long time. At this time, feeling the pain of his body and the flow of sweat, he seemed to be back in the absence of any ability. Same time.

This feeling made him really feel. He is no longer the emptiness god-like guy in the eyes of the masters, but an ordinary farmer who can no longer be ordinary.

Xie Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued his farming work. Fregia, who was sitting on the ridge of the field, gritted his teeth, and finally walked into the field. She didn't want to have no food, although it didn't make her go hungry. After all, as a Paladin, he could fill up his stomach even if he went hunting in the mountains.

Not enough to think about how long he was going to live here with this guy in front of him, he gritted his teeth and walked on, isn't it just farm work? I don't know how much he did when he was young!

"Yeah~ Xie Chen, why is your wife working in the field? The mother-in-law should cook at home! Xie Chen, if you can't do the farm work, tell us, we'll come and help after we beat the bran You!" A big guy who seemed extremely timely seemed to have seen Fregia working in the field, and jokingly shouted to Xie Chen, but he was sincere to help.

This is also a habit in the village. Usually, men are forced to work in the field, while women are at home watching their babies and doing housework. But of course a woman can hold up half the sky when the farm is busy. It’s just that it’s usually during the autumn harvest. At that time, it’s the busiest time. Not only the women but the children at home will come out to help. ..


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