Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 282: monster!

With the final blow, the energy ball at the feet of Escano rushed towards Estarosa, and the powerful force directly led Estarosa to the bottom of Pine Lake!

After feeling that Estarosa had reached the bottom of the lake, Escano directly detonated the energy ball! If everything is going on on land, then the heat emitted by the energy ball is enough, everyone here will be burned to ashes.

But it was completely different in the lake. At the moment when the energy ball burst, the whole lake was directly covered by bursts of white smoke. The smoke rises into the sky, and it can be seen clearly from a long distance!

"There seems to be a lot of smoke coming from the direction of Lake Pine!" Gilsanda said while looking at Lake Pine in the distance.

"That's not smoke! That's water vapor!" Hauser added!

"Monster! He evaporated a lake in an instant!" Fla Woodson, who was flying in the distance, said with an ugly expression at this scene!

"It's not bad! This is not bad, it really makes me feel that if you take a step slower, you will be fatally injured!" Estarosa did not die, but his appearance at this time was exceptional. He was embarrassed, his hair was messy, all the skin on his body was burned out and only the muscles were left. The most critical part was protected by layers of black magic as he said.

If he had just used the magic power for a while later, I am afraid he would no longer be here at this time, but he eventually blocked it, and all the scars on Estarosa's body were slowly recovering. , The recovery ability of the Demon God Race is not for nothing.

"Then..., it's time to tell the winner!" The black magic on Estarosa swept across his face, and the scars on his face disappeared in no time!

"Agree!" It seems to be a response to Estarosa Escano's hand with a giant energy ball like the one just now!

And at this moment, Estalosa's hand pointed towards the energy ball in Escano's hand, and a layer of black magic suddenly appeared on the energy ball!

"You're done!" After finishing all this quickly, Estalosa rushed towards Escano, seemingly wanting to take the lead when Escano did not react!

"Why do you say that!" Escano was not frightened by his offensive, and he still said not to be outdone.

Finally the two collided! It seems that the meteorites are as dazzling as the collision, and basically everyone's eyes are on the duel of the two!

And this time it was Escano who was injured! Shoot blood on Escano's body! Sprinkled in mid-air is particularly magnificent!

"My dark magic power can completely swallow your sun. As far as the attributes of magic power are concerned, I already have the upper hand, and if I use a full counterattack, I can bounce all your physical attacks! I believe you must understand your current situation!" Estarosa’s analysis seems to make sense. In this case, it seems that Escarno really has no way to defeat Estarosa!

At this time, it seems that the winner has really been divided! Estalosa stood there unscathed, while Escano was covered in blood and seemed to be hurt!

However, the weather at this time seems to be about to noon, and today is still a cloudless sunny day!

"You guy left to do nothing and went to fish!?" A shout came from a farm that didn't know where it was!

"It's impossible to shave these wool before noon!" A teenager rubbed his head and complained to an uncle with a dung fork!

"Stop complaining! There is still half an hour before noon! You just have to look up, no matter where you fool around, the sun is looking down on you!" The uncle reprimanded mercilessly!

Yes, today's sun is just like what the uncle said, it seems extraordinarily big!

A crack broke in Estarosa's chest! It's like beef being cut! Then in the next instant, a lot of blood spewed out from the crack!

It was not that he was not injured in the previous duel! This also means that his full counterattack is invalid! Seeing this scene, Gerudelis was also stunned!

"Your attack is invalid for you? Who decides!" At this time, Escano seemed a little different.

"I couldn't see his attack clearly!" Estarosa was still there, surprised at how he was injured!

"My sun will be swallowed by darkness? Who decides!" Escano's arm seemed to be thicker again!

"The way he speaks," Estarosa looked at Escano with some astonishment. Seems to know him again.

At this moment, Escano's sun had become extremely huge, and the magic power of Estalosa attached to it was directly broken! Looking at Escano, who had become so huge before him, Estarossa's heart was full of questions!

"Is he really a human? What is he?! His fighting power is still rising! Why is his size so huge!" It is a pity that no one will help him solve these questions!

"I am the one who decides!" Escano at this time was exactly like a huge monster! There is nothing to say about all the skills and all the truths in front of him, he is the only truth!

Estarosa was as weak as a child in front of him at this time!

"Oops! Run, brother!!" Gerudelis, who had been observing in the air, yelled frantically at Esta Rosa, while screaming towards Esta from mid-air. Rosa flew away!

And Estarosa was completely shocked by the horror of Escano at this time, where she opened her mouth and stared at the monster like Escano in front of her! There was no reaction at all!

"Die!" Like a hell's trial book, Escano said these two words from his mouth, and then waved his hand at Estarosa, who was only his arm size.

The huge energy ball flew towards Estarosa, and the one at this time couldn't be compared with the one just now. If the one was the size of a football, this time it was exactly the size of a house!

"Brother!!!" Gerudelis finally arrived at this time, but even if he arrived, it was of no use. With him, the two people were like two ants in front of the energy ball! ..


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