Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 288: Elizabeth Arrives

"Don't make a fuss, otherwise it won't be a gentle one next time." Daly Allie said as she looked at Door Spitt who had a big bag knocked out of his head. Obviously she hadn't put on the short dress that Menspit had prepared for him.

"It's just a joke!" Menspit said to Daly Ally with a very innocent appearance. However, it seems to be particularly scared by the blow like Daly Ally, with his hands on his chest as if you don't want to come over! Coupled with the big bag on the head, it looks very funny.

"Um, actually, it's not, but I'm sorry, but it's just not appropriate." Menspit said with a very deep look. He seemed to have something to say, but he didn't say it! He looks like hesitating and stopping. And Daly Allie looked at him from there. The expression in his eyes is still the same as before, but there seems to be something else, neither thick nor light.

Just when the two were in such an awkward situation, a low-level demon made a weird cry at them from the window! It seems to be saying something!

After hearing the message that the low-level Demon God wanted to convey, the two of them walked to the window in the other direction together, and looked across the house outside towards the mountains in the distance, seeming to sense something!

"Do you feel Daly Allie!" Men Spitt, who was standing behind Daly Allie, asked.

In the forest outside of the city, there seems to be something close! Trees were trampled directly to the ground constantly. And what was exposed among all the broken trees was the body of a huge pig! That's Hawke's mother.

"I hope that father, sister, and everyone will be fine!" Standing on the back of Hawke's mother, Elizabeth looked at the distant city with worry, and prayed silently in her mouth! The breeze blows his hair, making him look particularly charming!

"I heard that refugees in the village had fled from the royal capital again. I thought it was a rumor, but now it seems to be true. Even here, I feel that there is a very powerful evil force in the king. Condensed in the whole!" There was also the former Lord Paladin who had died but was resurrected for some reason with Elizabeth!

He stood beside Elizabeth, as if guarding Elizabeth! The information was obtained thanks to the guests in the Pig Hat Tavern, who brought news of refugees in the capital.

"Mom! Go ahead at full speed! Mom!" Hawke shouted loudly, standing in front of the two of them.

"Princess Elizabeth, I will talk to you again. I am still opposed to taking you to the center of danger." Saratras stood beside Elizabeth and persuaded Elizabeth. Saratras opposed Elizabeth's idea of ​​entering the capital with him.

"I don't care what you say, I have to go!" Elizabeth is not at all like usual at this time, and her resolute attitude is to live a life.

"Elizabeth,," Saratras was speechless just looking at Elizabeth's figure.

"I also told him! Even if what happened to him, I will continue to fight for my country and people!" Elizabeth said very solemnly, flashing in his left eye that only Goddess Race Some special symbols! This is the special mark of Elizabeth as the apostle of the goddess!

"Don't worry about Elizabeth, as long as I am here, it will be like having the power of a hundred pigs~" Hawker comforted the side, although it seemed to be the power of a thousand pigs for Elizabeth. But Elizabeth would still smile happily. Sometimes what you want is not strong support, just a comfort, or if someone is by your side, you will feel full of power!

"If you use the Ten Commandments as your opponent, you will die miserably if you neglect a little bit. They are monsters among monsters! Isn't this something that can be solved by head-to-head with the enemy!" Saratras said. Speaking very seriously, he seemed to understand the horror and invincibility of the Ten Commandments.

"You may not be able to, but if it were me, I would definitely beat them with my tenderloin punch! Then let them escape with their little cubs!" Hawk is still invincible. He looks confident, I don't know what gives him so much confidence to say so!

"You can be so confident, I'm really proud of you!" Although he said this, Saratras still looked very weak! Whoever puts on such a pig teammate will be like this! It is because he makes people feel insecure!

And just as the three of them were talking, a huge low-level demon suddenly appeared beside Hawk's mother who was running at full force! The three people on Hall's mother's back were all startled!

"No way! They have sensed the existence of the three of us?!" Elizabeth said in surprise, knowing that there is still some distance from the royal capital! Can this level be felt?

"Elizabeth stands immediately behind me!" Saratras shouted to Elizabeth while holding a heavy shield in front of Elizabeth!

"It's weird if you didn't notice it!" Hawke said. The three of them were sitting so blatantly in the woods with a huge pig running wild, who wouldn't notice it!

The demon flying in the air shook his fist towards the three of them. The big fists were as big as two Saratras, but Saratras still blocked the low-level with the shield in his hand. Attack of the devil!

Then Saratras jumped up high before the Demon God could react, and stabbed the Demon God's forehead with a sword! It can be said that a sword is deadly. You must know that the lower demon gods are not the kind of high-level demon gods who can easily die. They will die after destroying their heads.

"Not bad, Xiaosa~" Hawke seemed to be very relaxed and praised when he saw the devil in front of him die!

"This is just the beginning. Your Majesty Piggy, look ahead!" Saratras said to Hawk beside him with a serious expression, and Hawke looked towards the place Saratras pointed, as if he saw something. The unbelievable thing suddenly screamed! ..


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