Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 296: Marlene

"Then you wait for the Ten Commandments as my test bed!" Ma Lin, in midair, held a black energy ball in the air, very lazily facing both Fraudson and Gurayrod. The person said.

"Britania's greatest warlock! Malin, the sin of gluttony among the Seven Sins!"

"This human being is very dangerous!" Gurayirod with countless faces looked at Marlene who was suspended in mid-air and slowly said. Of optimism!

Several heads of Gureirod were condensed together and there was an energy ball shining with thunder and lightning in the middle of them! Amazing magical fluctuations emanating from it!

"Be careful!" As if worried about the weak woman being hurt, Hauser rushed out without hesitation and shouted loudly before Marlene!

Then just as Hauzel did, he seemed to have entered another space in an instant! His world has become completely dark, and nothing seems to exist anymore!

"What happened?! Nothing can be heard, nothing can be seen, nothing!!" Hauzel lying on the ground shouted loudly, as if he was afraid that other people would not be able to hear it! At this moment he couldn't even hear his own voice!

"Why is this, I can't feel the presence of my hands and feet! Am I a useless person?!" Hauser was also deprived of his touch! All five senses are gone!

"Master Marlene, what he is!" Hendrickson, who was squatting on the ground and holding the injured Hauser, asked nervously!

"It seems that his five senses have disappeared. It's really interesting!" Marlene said with some interest on her lips.

"Please don't feel sorry for Marlene, please don't apologize because I have become your shield," Hauzel lying on the ground said a little passionately. Marlene seems to be hoping that magic can be applied to her as it is now!

"Really, I always like to do superfluous things. I took away a magic that was supposed to be cast on me." Marlene's words made everyone around me stunned!

"Please, please replace me to my father,," Hauser seemed to have something to entrust to Marlene, but before he could finish, Marlene's finger touched Hauser's forehead. on!

"Ahhhhhh, what's wrong? Frighten me!" Suddenly Hauser jumped up from the ground a hundred times more vigorously, as if he was shocked! But it seems that all his five senses have come back. Because of his sudden rise, his head hit Hendrickson's chin directly!

"Forget it, just treat it as a reward for your being my test product~" Marlene didn't care about their little confusion, just said softly.

"Huh? What's the matter? I can see with my eyes, hear with my ears, and feel my hands and feet! What's going on!" Hauser touched his face and said in disbelief.

"In an instant, our magic power disappeared. It is really dangerous." Five or six heads each said one sentence. They felt a terrifying power in Marlene's body!

"Then..., let's try this, fragile souls!" As Gurayrod's opened mouth, something like a black mist came out! That is made up of countless bugs! After these bugs came out of his mouth, they flew in Marlene's direction!

"Marlene! Get away!" Ben called to Marlene.

"Bugs?" It's just that Marlene seemed to look at the bugs flying towards her with interest instead. But there was no panic or other expressions on his face!

"Light of Annihilation!" When all the insects were about to fly in front of Marlene, Marlene arbitrarily stretched out one of her hands and sent a deadly beam toward the insects! Under such light beams, all the bugs were wiped out!

And the light beam did not disappear or stop there, it penetrated the castle directly and lased towards the sky! Such power is simply overkill to deal with these bugs.

All people closed their eyes with the dazzling light twinkling! When I opened my eyes again, all the bugs had disappeared, and the one that disappeared with the bugs was one of Gureirod’s head!

"Damn it! How dare you! If that's the case, you're done!" Gurayirod seemed to have been angered by Marlene! Although it was said that a terrifying power was sensed in Marlene's body, he seemed to have forgotten this at this time!

"Anyone who violates my precept of not killing will be deprived of all time! Even you will never be an exception!" Gurayirod said grimly! Although Marlene only killed one of his heads, she still committed a murder. If you say so, Marlene will be deprived of all time and die! It's like Dorgett who was turned into a human being!

"Marlene!" Ben yelled in concern, but it was obvious that his concern was superfluous. Marlene didn't have anything to do, she still stood there as before! What happened to Doggett just now did not happen to him!

"Impossible," everyone was stunned. Marlene brought them so many surprises in one day today! It’s a little bit overwhelming for their brains. If these things happen to Xie Chen, they might not be too surprised. After all, Xie Chen’s abnormality is obvious to all. Everyone is basically used to it. But Ma Lin’s words, It makes people feel very surprised!

"Ban, please don't be so fussy~" Marlene said to Ben with a smile, her words full of flirtatious flavor!

"Ban, you must know that you are not the only person who is progressing. Marlene's strength is not what you can imagine. Now the weakest of the Seven Original Sins seems to be you and Di'an~" Xie Chen didn't know where he came from at this time. The pear I found put it in his mouth and said while eating.

"All time will be taken away, that is, literally taken away from that person's remaining life! Interesting precepts, but sorry, it doesn't seem to work for me!" Marlene is facing Guray Rod said.

"Marlene, are you not a human?" Ban's question about Marlene's strength was directly transferred to whether Marlene was human or not! ..


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