Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 312: Fiasco

The tail spines of the huge guardian beast pierced towards Jin's body, and Jin Kankan hid in mid-air! In this gap Jin also summoned his own spirit spear!

"Proliferate!" Numerous sharp swords stab at the huge wasp! But it doesn't seem to be of any use! The huge wasp spins quickly! Keep all the swords out of the body! An attack of this level can't bring him enough damage!

Finally, under the storm-like sharp sword attack, the guardian beast that belonged to Liuxueni disappeared! Jin looked around. But he was completely absent!

"It seems that this seems to have reached your limit!" I don't know when Liu Xueni stood behind Jin. At this time, he was wearing a hideous armor! The huge paw in his hand patted Jin's back directly!

Jin became blood flowing in an instant, and he never thought that Liu Xueni would be so fast, obviously he was not here in the last moment!

And on Diane's side! Di An raised his divine weapon and jumped high, and then wanted to forcefully smash it towards Lord Duluo Lu. The huge body and the warhammer wielded in his hand looked very powerful, but Duoluojun standing in front of him did not hide at all!

"This is mine, with all my strength!" Dai An shouted loudly! At this time, he has indeed used his full strength! When descending from the air to Lord Duoluolu, countless pounding points fell on Duoluolu's body. At this moment, I don't know how many times Di An swung.

But no matter how many times it was, hitting Duluo Lu's deep mountain was like hitting a rock with an air hammer. It had no effect, and even no traces on his body were left! But even so, Di An still smashed hard!

It seemed to be impatient. Such a useless attack made Doluolu feel very boring. Doluolu Jun, with indifferent eyes, casually stretched out a hand and patted towards Di'an, which seemed to be slapped. It means like a little fly!

And just such a random blow just blasted Di An out! Hardly, Di An hit the ground, and suddenly there was a burst of broken stones and dust!

"Just a random palm has such power! If I hadn't used heavy metal, I am afraid I can't get up now!" Dai An, who was covered in metal from beginning to end in the dust, thought with palpitations. , Such an invincible enemy is really desperate!

"But even so! I won't admit defeat!" Di An shouted, while using magic power to summon countless huge stone arms from the earth!

Under these stone arms, Doluolu looked extremely small! It's just that even so, it didn't make Duluo Lu Jun's look change the slightest!

When the first stone arm swung a huge fist towards him, he just tilted his head slightly and avoided the past, and then his actions completely caused the commander's stone arm to attack Dai Anjing. shocked! It seems that he is able to know the location of the attacks of these arms in advance. What surprised Diane even more was that Dololu's movements were so natural that he didn't seem to be fighting at all.

"Are you so afraid of my attack? Humph, I see how long you can avoid it!" Di An shouted to Dololu like a child!

But after calling Diane, I felt something that I didn't read! Duluo Lu Jun is not hiding, but dancing! Just as Mattorona once told him when he returned to the Million Giant Mountain, let him feel the rhythm of the earth to dance! It's just that she never did it!

At this time, Duluo Lujun perfectly interpreted what Matorona said! Probably this is the reason, so none of Di An's attacks touched Duluo Lu in the slightest!

When Di An wanted to continue to spur magic power to speed up his attack on Lord Duluo Lu, Di An found that his magic power had disappeared! What he didn't notice was behind him! Countless huge stones rose into the air. Smashed towards her!

"Ah!" Di An yelled in fright, and then ran to the front! It was very thrilling to escape the attack of Duluo Lujun! But in this way, he just jumped right in front of Duoluo Lujun!

"Little girl, it seems that you have not figured out the situation at all!" Duoluolu, standing in front of Dian, said. Duoluolu's body and Dian's imagination are exactly like the ratio of an adult to a little girl. ! Diane, standing in front of Dololu, was completely like a little girl from Eleven and Twelve!

Di An looked nervously at Jun Duluo Lu in front of him, completely not knowing what to do! Jun Duoluo didn't give him much time to think, he took another palm, which seemed to be no different from the previous palm! And Diane did not use heavy metals differently than before.

The moment before that palm was shot, Di An's body was already emitting a metallic luster! It's just that this attack was not what Dian had imagined! In an instant, Di An was shot directly and flew towards the last wall. If you look outside this huge building at this time.

You can completely see that there seems to be something in this building that wants to rush out, pulling the side of this building like a mountain so long! But in the end it was still bounced back!

This shows how great the power used to hit Duoluo Lu Jun!

Di An, who was bounced back, had restored his original appearance! There was blood on his nose, and he fell to the ground in a daze. At this time, neither Jin nor Dian had any strength to fight again and fell to the ground!

"Di An,," Jin lying on the ground looked at Di An not far away, looking at her with a blurred look. It's that he just wants to climb to Diane's front and has no strength! You can imagine how miserable he was beaten by Liu Xueni. As for Diane, he is not getting better there, and he has even begun to pass out! Although there is only one blow, this blow has exceeded the maximum blow that Dian can withstand!

In this way, two people lie on the ground! They failed! Jin stared at Di An with tears, and it seemed that he could not protect him once. ..


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