Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 334: God?

"The incarnation of destruction, Indura, that is the legendary beast that lives in the devil world that even the devil gods fear and hate! They are such terrifying monsters now!" Jia Lanxin said with lingering fear.

"Only those high-level demon gods with seven hearts who sacrificed six hearts in their body to exchange contracts with darkness can obtain such a posture that reveals their nature! But people with less than 50,000 combat power can hardly bear this. Changes! Will die directly!"

Although Jialan had heard of such a legend, it was the first time to see such a change! While talking, staring at the two people below! And he himself, not to mention the fighting power of 50,000, even in terms of level, Jialan and Menspit, and Daly Ally are far behind!

At least it can be seen from the fact that he does not have a complete human body! The top demon gods are all the characteristics of the owner's human body, whether it is Meliodas, Menspit, or Daly Ally, they all appear in a human posture or appearance! This is the unique feature of the high-level demon god!

"Unexpectedly, these two people will be forced to such an extent, they need to be incarnate in Indura! It is not easy to stay in Desir!" The last sentence seems to lament the same strength of Liu Desir!

Liu Dexier did not entangle with Menspitt and Daly Allie below, but flew directly into the sky!

"It's really a group of dirty beasts." Liu Desier, who flew high in the sky, looked at the two people below him and said with a little disgust. There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, which was left to him by Daly Ally. At this time, there was no gentle and charming smile on his face, but only indifference and contempt on his face!

Leudsier put his hands together, toward the Menspit and Daly Ally below, emitting a ball of light like a little sun in the heart of his hand! Then the ball of light rushed towards Menspitt and Daly Allie like a cannonball! Although it looks small, about the size of a cannonball, the magic power in it is like a missile, and when it rushes down, it brings up a big sound wave!

Facing this blow, Daly Allie did not dodge in the slightest! The ball of light hits Daly Allie's head directly! But after all the light dissipated, Daly Allie still stood motionless in the slightest!

"No, it won't be!" Sally said, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief. At this time, even Liu Desier's face looked particularly ugly!

"Tamiye! Sally can't help!" Liu Desier shouted at the two still in a daze. At this time, Menspitt and Daly Ally's strengths were completely out of reach. To his surprise!

"Yes Yes!"

"Yes, it's not right," the two of them stammered when they heard Rüdesier's call! They seemed to be completely respected by the two of Liu Desier! But at this time, even if the two of them are helping, it seems that they can't help much!

All the tentacles on Men Spitt, who was mutated in the sky when the individual rushed in, were all pressed to the ground. Then Menspitt roared and saw all the tentacles pressing on the two of them exploded.

All the tentacles on Menspitt are made of magic! The detonated power is terrifying! The lower part was shrouded in an exploding mushroom cloud in an instant!

And the huge wave of air even if Liu De Xier in the distance had to resist with his hands!

"This **** monster!" Liu Desier cursed! What he didn't notice at all was behind him and didn't know when Daly Allie had ran behind him!

When he reacted, Daly Allie's huge pliers had already swung towards him! Although this attack left Desir, the forest below seemed to have been bombed by a nuclear bomb, and the entire piece of trees was directly bombarded into ashes!

The one-shot Daly Ally is about to face a fierce attack from Liu Desier. At this time, Liu Desier will not be as careless as before! After all, at this time, he has deeply experienced the horror of these two monsters!

Desir, who made his best effort, used all his greatest magic power to blast towards this monster very close to him! But even so, his attack didn't seem to have much effect on Daly Allie.

Because soon he suffered a counterattack from Daly Ally! This blow directly caused him to hit the ground fiercely from the air! Rolled a long distance and stopped!

Liu Desir looked at the charcoal-like Saliye and Tamiya not far away, and his expression was full of anger and disbelief!

"This, it's impossible! How could the four angels fail to beat them!" Pretending to be a high god, but even the beast he thinks can't be defeated, this is a naked humiliation!

"This is really interesting," Xie Chen, who was sending Elizabeth back to Meliodas at this time, suddenly appeared high in the sky! Looking at the two people who are already inhumane and said. At this time, the combat effectiveness of the two monsters has reached the height of hundreds of thousands! You must know that at the beginning they only had less than 100,000 combat power!

Just relying on sacrifices to be able to live with such a great power, presumably what they have given is extraordinarily large, and even they may lose their lives!

"But I really can't change them back to the original state! It seems that you can only kill them!" Xie Chen said to himself, but his words were still dropped by Jialan in the distance. Liu De Xier on the ground heard clearly!

"Human! This is a sin you committed, and you need to pay for it! Go, kill these two monsters! God will forgive you!" At this time, even if Liu Desier thought Xie Chen would not be this at all The opponent of the two monsters, but still does not miss a chance to block the two monsters in front of you!

"God's forgiveness? Haha, what if I say that I am God? Who is qualified to forgive me!" After speaking, Xie Chen exudes an amazing magical power! This is far more amazing than the magic of Menspitt and Daly Ally!

Looking at Xie Chen in front of him, for the first time Liu Dexier found that he seemed to be wrong from start to finish! ..


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