Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 340: Gate of Heaven

"Nerobasta!" Liu De Xier shouted loudly in his mind! And the previous look in the eyes of Nerobasta, who was controlled by Gauser in the temple, finally came back in this shout of Liu Desier!

"Stay, Lord Desir!" Nerobasta quickly responded after waking up!

"What are you doing?! Open the door of the heavens quickly!" Liu Dexier reprimanded loudly! If there are no reinforcements in the situation at this time, then it can almost be said to be a defeated situation! And facing that abnormal Xie Chen! Only Elma can defeat him!

"Ah, yes!" At this time, Nerobasta still seemed to be in a trance, and after being controlled by Gauser, there will inevitably be some sequelae! Absence at this time can be regarded as a treat!

After Nero Basta changed his god, the scene before him immediately plunged him into hell! Gao Se was standing in front of him, and before Gao Se's body in front of the Heavenly Gate, there was Melascoula in the Ten Commandments!

",,, ten,,, commandment," Nerobasta was completely stunned, and his eyes widened, filled with hopelessness and panic as if he had seen hell!

He also promised when he left Desier! Even the broken bones will be guarded here! Protect the gate of heaven! But at this time!

"Goth of wantlessness! And Melascoura of faith! How did they come here?! Wait, what's his purpose?! How could I just let them in? !? No, there is no time to think about this now!" Nerobasta's mind is full of chaos!

At this moment, the worst thing in the world happened before his eyes! But there are worse things waiting for him!

"The Gate of Heaven! It is being eroded!"

"I will be able to turn it into the Demon Lord's Gate soon~" Meracuras, standing in mid-air with her hands stretched out and constantly eroding the Heavenly Gate, said to Goser who was aside!

This is the purpose of the two of them, to convert the gate of the heavens into the gate of the devil, and then the demon clan can emerge from the demon world and win the battle smoothly!

"Yeah~ a unique skill~" Gauser said jokingly from the side.

"Can you stop making boobs~" But he was disgusted by Melakuras, but even though he said that, Melakuras' expression was also very happy.

"Oh! What should I do, this time is awful, it's over, what should I do now, how should I explain to Master Liu Desier!" In front of Meliodas and the others, it was arrogant. The looking Nerobasta almost knelt on the ground and wept!

And in the jungle! All the creatures of the Giants, Fairies and Humans are gathered in front of the Scar of Light!

"This is unbelievable! The anger that pervaded the air just now disappeared all at once!" said the fairy flying in the air in disbelief! Such a powerful aura would disappear in this instant.

"It must be the Fairy King and they have defeated all of the Ten Commandments!" The giant clan with wooden brains said confidently! They have absolute confidence in their king!

"In this way! Our Scar of Light is one step closer to the victory of the Holy War! It is estimated that the battle just now killed a lot of demons!"

"Five thousand!? One hundred thousand? No, it should be more than that, hahaha." Both the goblin tribe and the giant tribe seemed extremely confident. Here is a discussion about how many demons and gods his own king has killed and how many ten commandments he has defeated!

Glad, who was just sitting there, had a very ugly face! The eyes are full of deep worry!

"What's the matter with you? Doesn't your face look pretty?" Luo, who was sitting on the side, looked at Grad and said!

"No, I'm fine!" Glad denied! At this moment, he doesn't seem to want to talk too much to Luo!

"You don't need to be so nervous," Luo said in a relaxed tone, seeming to be the same as those of the fairies and giants who happily discussed his king!

"I see, that's because I'm worried that humans can't protect you." Luo winked at Grad and said jokingly.

"No, that's not the case, I just thought of something...," Glad explained quickly.

"You don't need to be so polite, after all, your brother is the fairy king! What kind of person is your brother?" Luo asked, looking at Grad lightly!

"He is an extraordinarily gentle person. Whenever I have any difficulties, he will come to help me as soon as possible!" Glad said happily with a smile!

"Allies of the Stigmata! Can you hear it?! Now something very urgent is happening! The interior of the Stigma is already occupied by the Ten Commandments!!" Nerobasta's voice suddenly appeared. In the ears of everyone!

"This, this is the voice of the God Soldier Commander! The inside of the Scar of Light is occupied by the Ten Commandments!? What is going on?!" Everyone present at the scene exploded one after another!

"Everyone please hurry up and come inside to support! The Ten Commandments are only two!" Nerobasta's voice came out intermittently! But what he said did not make the people here rush in stupidly!

After all, that is the Ten Commandments, even if they say it very lightly, but that is the existence of their own king and ability to fight! Wasn't he waiting for someone to go in? !

"But, but the Ten Commandments are so powerful, we simply can't win!"

"Yes, yes! It's useless for us to go in!" Someone kept shouting like this! It seems to have heard what everyone was thinking. Nerobasta said again.

"Shut up! No matter how many sacrifices! We must extinguish the Ten Commandments, and these two Ten Commandments don't seem to be combat-type! As long as we use human tactics, we will be able to win!" Go crazy! As long as he can regain the gate of heaven, he is willing to do anything at this time! Let alone sacrifice the lives of these aliens in front of you!

If it can be retaken, even if these people are all dead, Nerobasta will not frown!

"Did you hear that? Maybe we can beat the Ten Commandments!" said a big giant!

"Only forehead!"

"We are going to defeat the Ten Commandments and regain the Scars of the Holy Light!" everyone shouted loudly as if they had been beaten with blood! Only this time Luo stood up! ..


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