Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 371: The migration of the giants and goblins

The migrating giants and goblins were also blocked at the door. Jin and Di'an hadn't arrived yet, they were at the back of the large group, because most of them were old people and children behind. So it needs more care.

The number of giants and goblins who migrated this time was not very large. Even with the leadership of the Fairy King and the Giant King, only half of the entire race came here!

In this era, the giants have not declined, but even so, the number of giants is not very large, plus all the elderly and children, there are only about five or six hundred people. The fairies are about twice as large as the giants! In this way, a team of less than two hundred people will be thrown into the Fairy King Forest and disappeared!

It can be said that with ten times the number, the Fairy King Forest will be rich enough to hold them!

"Why are those stupid big guys here?" The arrival of the giants and the goblin tribes once again caused the people who had just fallen silent to start to boil.

"These giants and goblin tribes seem to be dragging their families! What are they doing? Migrating? Don't tell me they are going to live in a weird forest!" With the appearance of the goblin clan dragging the family, someone immediately guessed their purpose in disbelief!

"Hehe, don't say move in, if they can get in, I think they are amazing. Those weird things are not vegetarian!" When someone said this, someone immediately retorted.

So many of them can’t get in even if they get in. Even the demon clan and that terrifying orc are immediately swallowed up in front of this mysterious forest, not to mention these stupid ones, but those The skinny little guys!

Although the fighting power of the giant tribe is second only to the demon tribe and the goddess tribe among the five major tribes, they are still not very optimistic about them!

"Yes, yes, if they can get in, I'll eat this stone." Hearing this analysis from the previous one, he immediately echoed the words, he knew it was like this for a long time! Seeing everyone taking it for granted!

Although everyone sneered at this guy, they still somewhat agreed with what the guy said just now. Not to mention that weird big tree, even a small slap-sized flower inside can swallow an orc more than ten meters tall, how can it not make people frightened. Want to live in this way? It's just whimsical!

"Is it here? Why are there so many humans here? Didn't the king say that this is our new home?" The big and honest giant headed by scratched his head and said with some confusion.

"Why didn't the one in front leave?" The headed man stopped in front of and behind the layer of film, and the giant behind suddenly shouted. At the first moment, Jin and Diane flew forward.

"It's not that I won't leave, it's that something in front prevents me from leaving." The headed young man said to Di An and Jin with a look of simple head and brain.

"This is, it won't be the restriction that Master Xie Chen said when we left." Jin said with surprise at the film in front of him. He had heard that Xie Chen was going to make a huge restriction that would directly envelop the entire Fairy King Forest, but at that time he was just listening. After all, what Xie Chen said is really unbelievable. Not to mention the entire Forest of the Fairy King, but half of it, which is already very unbelievable for Kim and Diane. Even they had seen Xie Chen's strength with their own eyes.

Jin shook his body when he touched this film, and then flew high into the sky! It didn't stop until it reached the height of the entire fairy king forest.

From high in the sky, Jin looked at the whole fairy king forest covered by white smoke and the film, as well as the plains and mountains behind! Jin was shocked. I didn't expect what Xie Chen said turned out to be true!

This seems to be more magnificent and magnificent than Xie Chen said.

The golden expression shrank and flew down quickly.

"He,, this is the king of the fairy clan? And the one with four arms? Is it the king of the giant clan? Is this really the whole clan who has come here?" Someone in the crowd recognized Liu Xueni. There is also Duoluo Lujun. Especially Dololu, his four arms are very easy to recognize.

"They don't really want to migrate, and they still want to migrate to this mysterious deep forest?" After recognizing Liu Xueni and Duoluo Lujun, the people in the crowd became more certain. Divide the idea just now.

"So what? You don't know. This forest was originally owned by the Fairy Race, called Fairy King Forest! You can see the trees inside. The Fairy Race is naturally close to nature. That's why the trees here are so grand. "The person who knew the inside story said gossiping immediately.

The gossip is something that will exist regardless of the age, race or age in that place!

"So what? I guess they don't know why the Fairy King Forest became like this, right? They were blocked at the door and couldn't enter. Really, what kind of existence is capable of occupying the Fairy Clan. Land?" People are relatively more curious about the migration of the Fairy Race and Giant Race, what kind of existence can actually create such a miracle!

Such a range of handwriting means that the miracles are somewhat underestimating the people who made this shield and transform the forest!

And just when everyone was in a round, the trees in the Fairy King's Forest moved again! Just like a living person! One after another stepped aside, giving way to the depths of the forest in the originally dense woods!

And on this road, Meliodas, Elizabeth, Xie Chen, Gaoser and others slowly walked out of the depths of the woods!

"You,,, look, those strange trees are moving again!" The humans who saw the huge trees moving suddenly ran behind the film. Keep a certain distance from the film. The ghost knows if these strange trees will suddenly stretch out like before and kill them in the crowd!

",,, then, there seems to be someone coming out there! Look! There are really people!" The sharp-eyed people saw Xie Chen and others coming out from the depths of the woods! ..


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