Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 375: Memories of Gauser?

Various fragments will always appear in Gauser's mind, but there is always no way to connect these fragments. Just like a puzzle, there are only a few pieces of the puzzle in his mind.

But even so, he still felt the sadness deep in his soul. He had never felt this way before, and it seemed that there were thousands of emotions in the fragments.

He had never felt this kind of feeling only in someone else's body. It was the first time that he had experienced it personally. It's really a very strange feeling.

There were tears in Gauser's eyes unconsciously.

"Am I crying?" Gauser felt a cool sensation on his face and stretched out his hand to touch it. Then muttered to himself.

There would be such a tavern in his mind. There is also a woman standing on the table making a noise in the pub. No, this woman is not the point. He didn't know why he was so clear. But his feelings told him.

The woman in the hood next to this woman who is making trouble on the table is the most important person to him! It's just that the person wears a hood, no matter how carefully he looks at it, there is no way to see that person clearly! I can't even remember who that guy is!

This feeling is really uncomfortable! Goser sat under the huge tree. Today is a sunny day, it should have been a sunny day. But in the fairy forest, it was mostly because of the luxuriant woods, and Goser sitting under the tree seemed to be in a cloudy sky.

In the shadow of the trees, Gauser tried hard to recall all the memories in his mind. The fragment was also carefully pulled out from the depths of his memory and displayed in front of his own eyes.

Gauser, who can view other people's memories, can naturally also probe his own memories, even if it is not clear. At this time, what Gauser was doing was checking his memory!

In my own mind, or in the spiritual world, I look at the memories that are a little vague in my mind, and are even about to collapse.

This feeling is weird, just like watching a movie of my life in a movie theater. Here I can see all the things I have done! There is a feeling of a third party peeping!

In the tavern in his memory, he was drinking by himself. In his memory, he didn't seem to notice the guy with the hood who was very important to him. Drinking wine with loose eyes.

At this time, it seemed that he didn't know that guy, or maybe he knew him, but that guy was wearing a hood and didn't recognize it.

But regardless of whether they knew each other before, they would never know each other at this time!

In the tavern, Maria Tasha tried her best to hold Yiri, who was sleeping like a dead pig, and dragged it towards the outside of the tavern! Fortunately, Maria Tasha's strength is also good, although it is not as good as Yiri, it is not very sleepy to drag Yiri anyway!

But when he walked to the doorway, a guy wearing a Paladin armor didn't know when he stood there.

"Please give Miss Yiri to me. I will take her back!" The voice of the guy in the armor came out of the armor. The voice was exceptionally clear and pleasant, and Maria Tasha was wondering if this would be a prince. Then he was sent to save his life from fleeing here.

But his idea was completely lost.

"I was sent by Lord Aman Snow to protect the safety of Her Royal Highness. Of course, including Miss Yiri." It seemed that Maria Tasha was suspicious, and Krisno immediately explained.

The more he said this, the more he was able to provoke Maria Tasha. In the end, Maria Tasa and directly threw Yi Ri to Crisno and walked in front of the station alone!

Undoubtedly, Aman Snow had already seen through the two people's outing at this time. But since it didn't stop it, it's a tacit approval. I don’t know if Kane’s Aman Snow will be entangled by these crazy girls just because she is worried that Maria Tasha is too tired!

When she returned to the room, Maritasha did not explain anything to Uncle Aman Snow, but went straight to her room. Then lay directly on the big soft boat! After lying on the bed, Maria Tasha's mind was all about the guy with the hood she met in the tavern!

She is more curious than that guy is what is in that guy's bag! The interest in the hooded man is not very strong.

And in such speculation, the exhausted Mariathasa fell asleep drowsily with a bit of alcohol! In her sleep, she actually dreamed of the man directly! This is simply an incredible thing!

After getting up in the morning, Maria Tasha sat on the bed in a daze for a long time before she finally recovered!

"Your Royal Highness, it's time for breakfast." The maid knocked on the door and whispered to Maria Tasha who was in a daze. As in the past, the early Uncle Amasno was waiting before the table.

While eating, Maria Tasha was still thinking about what was in the big box and big bag of the guy with the hood!

"I heard that you went to the tavern last night?" Aman Snow suddenly asked when Maria Tassa and was stunned again.

"En, ah? No." Maria Tatasha, who didn't react, responded first, and then suddenly changed her words after reacting.

"I don't have any opinion on going out, but you should be careful if you are safe. If you can, if you go out later, remember to bring Crisno, the paladin who brought you back yesterday!" When Maria Tasha spoke, Aman Snow stood up and left!

Aman Snow knew that even if he said, Maria Tasha wouldn't be able to wait like this kind of team. So instead of saying useless words, make useless fires. It would be better to find an opportunity to resolve such a crisis.

He knew that Maria Tasha definitely didn't want to have a small attendant behind him. However, Aman Snow did not give him the opportunity to refuse. He turned around and left. But Maria Tasha did not intend to end the fight like this! ..


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