Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 378: The arrival of the demons

"Bait?" Maria Tasha looked at the guy in front of her with a bit of astonishment, who was sitting there with her head down and playing with the doll in her hand. At this time, I really feel that this guy is a crazy! Thinking about it, Maria Thasa's eyes suddenly looked at Gauser with a look of compassion.

How can such a serious young man be stupid? Mariathasar couldn't help but want to reach out and touch the guy's head in front of him.

Gauser, who was concentrating on carving something, suddenly trembled, and then he felt goose bumps on his body! Then he raised his head and looked at Maria Thasa's pitying eyes, feeling uncomfortable no matter what. He quickly went down and continued to do his own things.

But there was no time for Maria Tasha to speak. Mariathasar heard a scream. The sound came from the crowded streets in the small town.

Immediately, Maria Tassa's expression rushed toward the street position in a hurry! But there was one person who was faster than him, and he was sitting there.

When she had just turned around and ran towards the entrance of the alley, Gauser had already collected everything and flew into the sky. In other words, those things were automatically packed up, and then flew to him.

Then, with Mariattasa's mouth wide open, Gauser sat directly on his big bag and flew towards the street!

The cause of the chaos in the streets is the demons! I saw hundreds of low-level demon gods flying towards the town in the distant sky! Most of them are the gray demon gods that Hendrickson last retained in the kingdom of Leonis. The remaining part is the red demon **** and the demon **** with wide wings like a pterodactyl.

These demon gods are flying towards the town while spitting various magic **** under the town! Bombarded the town from top to bottom! It's just that their attack did not succeed, and they were all blocked by Goser flying in the air!

In mid-air, there is a protective film that seems to be the same as the one that was laid out during Arthur's Kingdom! Just like foam, there are these reflections on the transparent film!

But obviously these films are much stronger than the one that Marlene set up. Although the range is not very large, but it is enough for the attack of the demon clan right and left!

"Run! The Demon Race is here! Run!" Although the people below were not attacked, they still yelled in a panic and fled everywhere like flies without a head.

"Calm down everyone! Look up at the sky, you are in no danger now! A human warrior has blocked the demon race! Calm down everyone! Don't panic!" Mariathasa shouted loudly among the crowd! Try to calm everyone down.

Panic is contagious. As long as one person becomes panic, everyone else will be contagious and become panic! At the beginning, what Mariatasha said had no effect at all. There were people everywhere in the crowded streets, panicked adults and crying children! There was chaos on the street.

But thanks to Maria Thasa's efforts, everyone's minds finally calmed down! The attack and extinction of the Demon Clan they imagined was coming as expected, which calmed the anxiety in their hearts a little bit.

All of them carefully raised their heads towards the sky and looked at the demon clan and the person standing in the sky. Gauser. Gaose stood in front of all the demons alone. The people of the Demon Race seem to be very jealous of Gauser, and they seem to know Gauser! All the attacks just now were blocked by Gao Se.

"Everyone and everyone evacuate in an orderly manner, please take care of your own children!" Maria Tasha shouted loudly, seeing everyone calm down!

This time everyone looked towards Maria Tasha. At this time Maria Tasha had taken off his hood. Showing his appearance!

Not long ago, Maria Thasa once rode a horse through the streets! Most of the people here know Maria Thasa.

"It's your Majesty! Your Majesty is ours!" Suddenly some people in the crowd shouted loudly! It seemed that Maria Thasa had already been recognized.

"It's Princess Mariata! Her Majesty did not abandon us!" The people in the crowd seemed to have found the backbone at once, and they all gathered in the direction of Mariatasa!

"Don't remember it here, evacuate from here in order!" Mariatasa tried hard to guide everyone. Soon all the people here were evacuated!

"Princess Mariatsar!" After everything was done, Krisno, Yiri and others finally rushed over! Aman Snow looked at Maria Tassa, did not speak, just stared at her.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Mariathasa thought Aman Snow would punish him for coming out secretly! But the expected punishment did not.

"You are doing a good job, and the royal family must take on the safety of the people's lives!" Aman Snow said with relief looking at Maria Tassa.

Mariatasa breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Aman Snow's words. But in a flash, I thought of Goser in the sky again! He quickly raised his head and looked at Gaose and the demons in the sky!

"Gose, you don't seem to be able to escape today!" Menspitt said to Gose to the hundreds of low-level demon gods who stood in the air and led behind him.

"Why should I run?" Gauser said to the door Spit in front of him with the indifferent appearance when he met Maria Tasha. There seems to be no sense of fear at all! It seems that standing in front of him is not a fierce demon, but an ordinary person!

"The Demon King said that if you are willing to join the Demon Race, you will be directly given the title of the Ten Commandments. You are different from these low-level foods. My King is willing to accept your existence!" Menspit was very polite. Gauser said. It seems that Gauser in front of him is a more advanced existence than him.

Let a demon clan treat a human in this way, this is simply an incredible thing! You know, the demons have never looked down upon humans! Not to mention treating humans like this. It's simply an incredible thing!

Mariathassah below looked at Gao Se in the sky a little nervously. ..


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