Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 411: Hesitate

Xie Chen took a rest on the rock, and then walked towards the hidden cave with Gao Se and the others. The stone was blasted away by Gao Se very easily, revealing the cave that went directly underground.

The whole cave is diagonally downward! As soon as you enter, the terrain inside is lower than the outside, and the more you go inside, the lower the terrain. As Xie Chen said, it goes straight to the ground.

The air in the cave has air circulation, but it seems very dry. The stone forest is already very dry, almost without the slightest moisture. And in the cave, or more vividly, in the crypt. The air is even drier! But anyway, the three of them are people of some strength, so this dryness is not a problem.

Especially the puppet Goser was made by puppets, let alone lack of water. As for the little guy, it seems to be very happy in such an environment. Born to fit such an environment!

"Let's go!" Xie Chen took the lead and flew towards the crypt! It was good at the beginning, the terrain was not very steep, and everyone could walk on the ground. But the more you get to the back, the steeper the terrain becomes. The environment is getting drier. Although yo air, there is even wind. But it's all hot air.

It's like being in the oven! The wind blowing from the ground, if it is an ordinary person, can definitely cook people directly.

The crowd flew slowly towards the ground. On the way, Xie Chen and others were also attacked by underground creatures. The same is a stone creature. It's just much better than on the ground. But they were all wiped out by Xie Chen's wave of hands!

"How long do we have to walk!" The puppet Goser seemed a little unbearable. Although he is not afraid of dryness, he is somewhat afraid of heat. The temperature at this depth is no longer something he can bear!

"Let him go back first! If the temperature here continues, I guess he won't be able to stand it." Gaoser, who was sitting in a wheelchair, said to Xie Chen. He is the creator of Goser. Naturally, he knows the bottom line that Goser can bear. This temperature is already the highest. No matter how high it is, it really won't work!

"Goose, come here." There is no doubt that this sentence was said to the puppet Goose.

Puppet Gaoser held the little guy and flew towards Xie Chen, looking weak. His physical strength and magic power have reached the limit at this time!

Xie Chen waved his hand and directly caught Gao Se in the Fushan City! It is estimated that it will be even more difficult if you go back. It is hard to guarantee that Gauser will not lose his strength halfway back! If that's the case, it's really troublesome!

Seeing Gao Se disappearing in the same place, Gao Se, who was sitting in a wheelchair, immediately turned towards Xie Chen. Although he knew that Xie Chen must have weapons or tools such as space to store things or something. Because from the gate of heaven and all kinds of things Xie Chen took out of thin air, you can know.

But what he didn't expect was that these Xie Chen could still put the living things in! It just made him want to think more!

"You go in too, there is still some distance below. I'm going well by myself. If the following is safe, I will let you out again!" Xie Chen said to Gao Se who was looking at him.

"Okay." Gauser is not hypocritical. First, he really doesn't have much spare energy. Although he is much better than Puppet Gauser, he still feels uncomfortable in such an environment. Second, he also wants to see. That space of Xie Chen! If Xie Chen didn't say anything, he would be embarrassed to tell Xie Chen.

But since Xie Chen invited him, how could he miss it! Know that his greatest hobby is research. In the past, all the things that could only be studied have been studied by him. Let go of interest this time. And now there are new things that interest him very much, how can he let it go!

Only when he came to Xie Chen's belly mountain city, he was completely dumbfounded!

No matter what he thought, he never thought that Xie Chen's tools for keeping things in and out would turn out to be a small world! This is definitely a big secret. If the Demon King and the God King knew about it, they would definitely **** the past desperately!

This is something more tempting than ruling Britannia!

Even if the king of the gods or the king of the demon gods ruled the entire continent, then he was only the king of this world! But if you own a world, it's completely different! Owning a world and ruling a world are two concepts!

The former is a god, and the latter is just a king! See you in such a contrast! So who can resist this temptation!

And in front of Gao Se, it was not that Xie Chen trusted Gao Se but had absolute confidence in himself! No one in this world can **** things in his hands. This is the benefit of strength!

After Xie Chen received Gaose into the Belly Mountain City, his speed immediately picked up. Before that, he had to take Gaose and others into consideration, instead of pulling the hind legs of the two. In less than a while, Xie Chen came to the place where he had been with spiritual thoughts!

That underground world!

Stand here at the entrance of the underground world. Xie Chen finally only needed those five directions for what space stones were used for! No wonder the placement is so particular!

The entrance in front of Xie Chen is not a simple door or entrance, but an entrance to a world or space. It can be seen from the film that exudes the slightest spatial fluctuations!

The so-called underground world can be said to be an underground space opened up underground. Just like his belly mountain city. It's just that the level is much simpler than before Xie Chen just got the belly mountain city without upgrading!

This space is completely supported by the five-dimensional space stones in the underground world. If you say which stones disappear, then this space will also disappear directly and disappear into this world!

It's okay if there is nothing in the space! Otherwise, whether it is the buildings in the space or the trees, creatures and animals. Will be deeply buried in the ground in an instant! Directly crushed into pieces!

But no matter what, there is no way to change Xie Chen's determination! Take a deep breath. Xie Chen directly stepped over the film and entered the underground space! ..


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