Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 23: Aimlessly

"None of this can be your reason for killing..." Xie Chen said softly.

Then, Minagawa's mother's cry echoed in the room.

On the way back, Minagawa's mother's cry still echoed in Xie Chen's mind, perhaps it was her last words that touched the softest part of her heart.

Maybe it shouldn't be extra, Xie Chen opened the car window and looked out.

No matter what happened before, it was indeed a refreshing afternoon in April. The wind seemed to be absent, the waves were calm and the waves were calm. There were ripples on the side of the bay like a person gently pulling on the bedspread, and then immediately rippling. Drive.

The white smoke from burning the garbage pile stretched straight into the sky, and the fishing boats in the bay were dotted with seagulls hovering silently like white whirlpools.

Suddenly, he remembered where he was.

After a long time, I didn't think there was anything wrong with this kind of life. I didn't like it, but I was not bored. The previous life was immersed in killing and blood every day, and I never let down my vigilance.

In that field, one must keep a distance from everything around him. What is needed is not sensibility, but measure.

As for whether what you are doing is right or wrong, there is no way to tell. For anyone, you can be completely cordial and enthusiastic, but at the same time, you can accurately maintain a millimeter difference with the other party.

But the problem lies in this. Regarding what I said today, "None of this can be a reason for you to kill." At that moment, whether you can't grasp the scale.

Suzuki Sonoko and Moriran did not give out the chocolate in the end. Minagawa Katsuhiko was dead, and Toshihide Wakamatsu made it difficult for Moriran to swallow, so they both threw the chocolate to him.

Xie Chen gently broke the chocolate made by Mao Lilan himself and put it in his mouth. The unique fragrance spread from the tip of his tongue.

Xie Chen slowly rolled the car window. Perhaps he had never had such a thing before. Looking back, he even felt that there was no way to mention it in life.

There is a little ups and downs, hurriedly climbed up, rushed down hastily, that's it, nothing is achieved, nothing is achieved, nothing is left, I haven't loved anyone, maybe I haven't been loved.

The road is so flat and the scene is extremely monotonous, as if hesitating on the screen of a video game console, opening his mouth like a hercules to eat the dotted lines in the lost path, aimlessly on the way, but death is sure, sooner or later.

What should an ordinary life be like?

Xie Chen thought that he should go through elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university like an ordinary person.

You should talk about love a few times, then go out of society, find a job that is not high or low, and find a wife who matches you in a few years, and just go all the way.

There may be one or two dreams in life, and work hard to complete them. Of course, as long as you work hard, it doesn't matter if you don't complete them. When the children and grandchildren are full and the sixties are old, they will die quietly.

Some people will cry, but will soon forget him, some will be happy, but will also quickly forget him.

Although it is hard to imagine what it would be like to have a troublesome child who only cries all day long, isn't that the happy life described in many books?

That night, at the Zhongshi Art Museum in Tokyo, two security personnel were doing the final inspection in the exhibition room. Since the museum was closed and the power supply was cut off, they could only perform simple lighting with flashlights.

"I really don't want to visit the art gallery at night." The young security guard said with fear.

The middle-aged security guard said with disdain: "If this is the case, don't come as a security guard."

As they walked to the center of the exhibition hall with flashlights, there was a sound of armor moving in the darkness ahead. The middle-aged security guard stopped, shone a flashlight around and said, "Did you hear any strange noises? "

"Senior, don't scare me..."

"It came from this room." The middle-aged security guard opened the door next to him, shone a flashlight into the room, and said loudly, "Who is it, who is in it."

No one answered. After a while, the sound of footsteps came slowly, and the two of them looked forward involuntarily, and an armored warrior walked out of the darkness.

Later, the fearful screams of the two men echoed in the art gallery.

The next morning, Maori detective agency.

"Medieval armor can walk by itself?" Xie Chen said while reading.

Standing between the sofa and the desk, Mao Lilan said with interest: "I heard that it was seen by two security personnel. The news has spread around. It seems very interesting. The three of us, Let's go to that art gallery and have a look."

Mouri Kogoro put down the newspaper, glanced at Mourilan, then raised his head and laughed as if he had heard some joke.

"This must be a story deliberately fabricated by the museum to attract guests. You are so stupid."

"That's right, Sister Xiaolan, that rumor is designed to lie to children."

Mao Lilan glanced at Xie Chen and muttered: "I am obviously a child."

"Okay, okay, work."

"I'm going to do my homework too."

Afterwards, Mouri Kogoro and Xie Chen walked out at the same time.

"You two wait a minute!" With a bang, Mao Lilan punched the table.

The two stopped at the same time, looked back at the trembling desk, opened their mouths, speechless.

Mao Lilan raised his fist and said with a grin: "How about? Are you going?"


Xie Chen smiled helplessly, "Xiao Lan, this fellow, who doesn't agree with her, will do it immediately."

Mouri Kogoro straightened his tie pretending to be calm, and whispered: "I would have stopped letting her learn karate."

Therefore, the three people took a taxi to Tokyo Zhongshi Art Museum with different moods.

Even if it was reported last night that the medieval armor was walking on its own, there were still not many people visiting the museum.

"A lot of beautiful paintings." Mao Lilan stood in front of the portrait and exclaimed: It's really good to be here. Look at this place, the colors are very beautiful. "

Xie Chen curled his lips. These abstract paintings were strange to say. People didn't look like people and trees didn't look like trees, but it was quite interesting to walk in.

The only thing I don't understand is, isn't it to see the armor that can walk, why stopped here in the exhibition. ..


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