Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 29: check it out

"How can you kick the public property like this?" An old voice came from behind.

Moto Kojima was taken aback, and turned around in a hurry, "It turns out to be Principal Uematsu."

Principal Uematsu touched the wall of the classroom and said, "Our school will be thirty years old this year. For so many years, it has been like my clone. You have worked hard with me until now. You should cherish it."

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

"Principal, please ask you." Xie Chen suddenly stopped him and said, "Do you know where the dean of academic affairs is."

Principal Uematsu was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and smiled and said, "Paper can never contain a fire. This person's luck is really bad. This is fate."

Seeing the principal disappear at the corner of the corridor, Xie Chen frowned slightly.

So, driven by the curiosity of several children, Xie Chen accompanied them back to school again at about eight o'clock that evening.

In the backyard of the school, Kojima Motota explained his unknown plan and said loudly: "Okay, have you all heard clearly?"

"Good!" Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko raised his arm and said loudly, "Our Junior Detective Team must solve all the mysteries that happened in our school one by one!"

Yoshida Ayumi echoed: "From now on, we will go to school together."

"It's so enthusiastic..."

Xie Chen sighed, pushed open the window of the classroom, jumped in, and plugged in the only unlocked window.

"Xie Chen, we have to go in too!"

After seeing Xie Chen jumping in, the three children immediately ran over and shouted outside the window.

Xie Chen smiled and said, "You should go home quickly, it is too dangerous here."

The three of them actually disappeared from the window, and then one, two, and three sounds came from under the window. Xie Chen couldn't help but look back. Kojima Yuantas head was against a big rock.

It seemed that if they were not allowed in, they would smash the windows open.

Xie Chen had to wave his hands and said: "Okay, I know, I just let you in."

It was already dark at this time, the school had already cut off the power supply, and the corridor was dark, only a faint moonlight shining in through the window.

"The school becomes gloomy at night." Kojima Motota said, looking around.

"Yes." Yoshida Ayumi said, "It makes people feel so excited."

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko said, "You can't tell others about this. The teacher knows that he will be angry."

"Teacher will know." Xie Chen said suddenly: "You have to remove the shoe prints."


"Look at the floor behind you."

The three children looked behind them at the same time, and the floor was full of dirt marks left by them.

So Xie Chen led them to the water room, washed the soles of their shoes with a faucet, and sneaked into places like school. It was as simple as eating for him.

"Okay, let's go."

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko said, "I think we should go to the art classroom first." Afterwards, the two of them Xie Chen walked towards the art classroom, washing their shoes, Yoshida Ayumi put on the shoes and hurried to catch up, forgetting to turn off the tap.

"It's so dark inside, let me turn on the lights."

After pushing open the classroom door, Kojima Motota immediately wanted to turn on the lights, and Xie Chen hurriedly stopped and said, "No! If you turn on the lights, people will know we are here."

While talking, Xie Chen took out a small flashlight from his pants pocket, "Why don't you even bring a flashlight."

"I brought the flashlight." With a snap, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko also turned on his flashlight.

Looking at the place illuminated by the flashlight, Yoshida Ayumi exclaimed in surprise: "Look, those plaster statues are here."

In the corner of the art classroom, there were several plaster statues. Xie Chen walked over slowly and found that the place where the plaster line touched the table was marked.

Then I felt that what Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko told him was not a simple rumor.

Xie Chen slowly moved the light of the flashlight upward, and found that there was scotch tape remaining on the head of the plaster statue.

"There is nothing suspicious at all." Kojima Motota walked around and said.

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko had to say, "Then let's go to the health room and have a look."

So they came to the school health room again.

The health room was still dark, and the distorted moonlight came in almost to no avail. As if to prove that his rumors were correct, Kojima was looking for mannequins everywhere in the classroom.

"It's strange, why didn't I see anything." Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko said, touching his head.

Kojima Motota trembling at the corner of his mouth said, "It shouldn't really be like a rumor. Let's run down the corridor."

Yoshida Ayumi accidentally opened a white curtain placed in the corner of the classroom. The curtain was what Kojima Motota called a human model, which looked like a skeleton under the flashlight.

Ayumi Yoshida was frightened and cried suddenly, screamed, rushed out of the classroom crying, and ran to the corner of the corridor.

"What's wrong with Bumei!"

Without knowing what happened, Xie Chen hurriedly chased him with his two children.

The hallway was pitch black. Because of the running, the flashlight was shining around. Ayumi Yoshida just ran forward, hitting a cardboard box under the stairs with a bang, and fell to the ground.


"Are you all right, Ayumi." Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko said breathlessly.

Yoshida Ayumi nodded and said, "But my handkerchief seems to have fallen somewhere."

"What is this?" Kojima Motota asked, pointing at the things scattered from the cardboard box.

When Ayumi Yoshida picked it up, she burst into tears and smiled: "This is a rag doll, and it seems to be in this corrugated cardboard box."

"Really, it's great." Kojima Motota grabbed the cardboard box and went inside, filled with different types of dolls.

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko also grabbed the cardboard box and said, "I think it must be in some previous class to play dolls for doll shows."

After all, the child is still a child. He immediately forgot everything around him when he saw the doll. Compared to them, Xie Chen seemed extremely calm and silently thought: This is too strange, how could this kind of thing go outside.

"Look, you see."

Ayumi Yoshida took out a rag doll from the box and said excitedly: "This Mage Sanzang has the same name as me on it."..


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