Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 43: Crack the score

"Then, Mr. Nishimoto."

Officer Megome went to Nishimoto Fitness and said, "Although you are the first person to find Mr. Black Rock's body, what are you doing in such a place? It is doubtful."

"Kuroiwa called me over!" Nishimoto said, waving his arms.

Kogoro Mouri snorted coldly, and said loudly, "If he tells you to go over, you go and kill him, right?"

"No!" Heiyan Lingzi walked over and said at this moment: "It is Shimizu, the candidate for the election of the village chief. If my father and Kawashima were not for my father and Kawashima, then the seat of the village chief would become that of Mr. Shimizu."


When Heiyan Lingzi and Qingshui Masato were arguing, Xie Chen looked at the music book in his hand with no expression.

"Xie Chen, what are you looking at?" Mao Lilan asked.

Xie Chen said without raising his head: "I was looking at the music score left by the murderer at the murder scene. I think it must be the secret sign left by the murderer. What kind of relationship might this rising sign have with the falling sign."

Mao Lilan leaned down, looked at the notebook in Xie Chen's hand, and said, "The piano refers to the black keyboard."


Heiyan Lingzi started yelling again, "Hurry up and arrest this murderer for me. If you don't get it, there will be victims!"

"Understand?" Xie Chen suddenly said loudly: "You will be the next one."

"Xie Chen?"

The noise stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at Xie Chen.

"This code is very simple if you know the trick. Put the English letters in order from the left side of the piano keyboard, and then write the message you want to convey on the score in pinyin."

Although it was a child's voice, the tone was calm that no adult could match.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the child who seemed to be only seven or eight years old. Although Police Officer Mumu and others had known that Xie Chen was different from children of the same age, they still seemed a little surprised at this time.

Ignoring everyone's surprised gaze, Xie Chen continued: "According to this clue, read the sheet music at the scene where Mr. Kawashima was killed, and it became, understand, you will be the next one."

"You are amazing, Xie Chen." Mao Lilan praised.

Police Officer Megome hadn't gotten over yet, Mouri Kogoro hurriedly asked, "So, what about the score written in blood just now."

"This..." Xie Chen thought for a while, and then said as if he was reading a word: "The resentment of sin is eliminated here."

As soon as Xie Chen's words fell, several suspects took a breath at the same time.

Shimizu Masaru said: "The resentment of sin, shouldn't it be..."

Heiyan Lingzi said: "The pianist who committed suicide by arson twelve years ago..."

Nishimoto's lips trembled and said, "It's that guy, Keiji Aso is still alive!"

"He is indeed dead." The elderly policeman opened the door and walked in. "The bone and tooth shapes found at the fire scene were also compared. It is absolutely correct that they belonged to the family."

The elderly police walked into the lobby and continued: "Everything was burned down at the time, only the music scores in the fireproof safe."

"Music scores?" Kogoro Mouri asked immediately: "Where are you! Which music scores are there now?"

The elderly policeman said, "In the warehouse of the public hall, but the key to the warehouse is in the police station." Officer Mumu suddenly said loudly: "Then you don't want to get it soon! Go!"


The elderly police officer ran out quickly, and Xie Chen followed him.

On the way, Xie Chen asked, "Did Mr. Aso really set fire to death by himself?"

The elderly policeman raised his head and said: "Because four witnesses saw Mr. Kameyama, the former head of the village, and Mr. Heiyan, Mr. Nishimoto, and Mr. Kawashima."

"What's the relationship between those four people?"

"The five of them, including Mr. Aso, grew up together since they were young."

Xie Chen thought for a while, and then continued to ask: "Where is the man named Murazawa Mon?"

"That guy suddenly came to this island three years ago. He finally got engaged to the village chief's daughter a few days ago, but the village chief has always been against it."

"What about the village chief's secretary called Hirata?"

"That man is a timid and weak person. He is unlikely to do that kind of vicious behavior, but I often see him and Mr. Kawashima sneaking around in the public hall."

"How is Mr. Shimizu?"

"He has a strong sense of justice, he is very much loved by fishermen, do you have anything to ask, little detective brother."

"No more." Xie Chen said with a smile.

After the two arrived at the police station, the elderly police ran through the boxes and cabinets for an hour before finding the keys.

"Hey, Mr. Police." Mao Lilan ran in at this time.

"Sister Xiaolan?"

Mao Lilan gasped and said, "It's too slow, everyone is waiting impatiently, and they have all gone back."

"What?" Xie Chen frowned and said, "All the suspects have gone back?"

"Yes, the last message left by the prisoner is the resentment of sin. It is eliminated here, which means that it is over, so there should be no more murders."

Xie Chen shook his head slightly. So far, the first and second movements of Moonlight have been played at the murder scene, and Moonlight actually has a third movement.

"I'm going to the public hall to take a look." After dropping this sentence, Xie Chen ran to the public hall.

Later, the elderly policeman and Mao Lilan followed Xie Chen to the warehouse of the public hall.

"Xie Chen is really curious." Mao Lilan complained.

Just as the elderly police used the key to open the warehouse door, the sound of something falling on the floor came in vain from the piano room.

"Did you hear a strange sound coming from the piano room just now?" Xie Chen asked.

"No." Mao Lilan shook his head.

Without any hesitation, Xie Chen rushed to the door of the piano room and opened the door.

There was no light in the piano room, and as soon as Xie Chen pushed open the door, a black shadow broke the window and fled.

When Xie Chen was about to catch up, he lowered his head and found that Murazawa had fallen in the middle of the room at some point on Monday, and said in a very weak voice: "Wait a minute..."..


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