Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 61: Tranced woman

"The Lady Luck is back!"

The goddess of luck did not appear, and a woman walked down askew on the steps of the overpass.

This woman is wearing a professional suit and skirt. She looks tall, slender, and has nice legs. She wears a blue crystal pendant around her neck.

The hair, which was as beautiful as black silk cloth, seemed to be cut in pieces with scissors because it was troublesome and didn't want to keep it. The length was just enough to cover the ears a little, and this short hair was exceptionally suitable for her.

Although walking in a trance, it seems like drinking too much, but she is still a charming woman, revealing a temperament that might be called elegant and refined.

Just when Moori Kogoro could see the gods, the woman suddenly fell off the steps, hit him, threw him directly to the ground, and fell asleep.

"It hurts... was put on by the goddess of luck..."

Looking at the woman who fell on Mouri Kogoro, Xie Chen frowned suddenly.

Although the short-haired woman has a slim figure and good-looking legs, he can still see signs of muscle training.

Later, Kogoro Mouri sent the short-haired woman to a nearby hospital.

After a series of examinations, Kogoro Mouri looked at the checklist and asked the doctor: "So, there is nothing wrong with that girl?"

"Yes." The doctor nodded and said, "But there is another problem."


"I have already checked, this patient only remembers that her name is Zhenye."

"Huh?" Kogoro Mouri asked cautiously, "Did you lose your memory?"

The doctor said: "The correct statement is retrograde mild amnesia, that is, partial memory is impaired."

Mao Lilan said, "Is it when I fell from the overpass?"

"No." Xie Chen said suddenly: "At that time she was already in a trance."

Kogoro Mouri nodded and said, "Is she recovering?"

The doctor said, "Of course, it's just a matter of time. If it's at this stage, I'm not so sure."

"It's so pitiful..." Mao Lilan sighed slightly.

"Okay." Kogoro Moori stood up suddenly, "Let my detective Kogoro Moori come to restore Miss Maya's memory!"

Xie Chen smiled helplessly, and muttered softly: "What does this have to do with a famous detective..."

Afterwards, Kogoro Mori walked into Miss Maiya's ward with a bouquet and fruit basket.

"Hello, how are you feeling."

Ms. Maya, who was sitting on the hospital bed, glanced at Mouri Kogoro, but did not answer.

Xie Chen walked to the bed and watched Zhen Ye silently.

It is not difficult to see that her whole person is surrounded by a unique temperament, her eyes are blurred, and the melancholy formation entity spreads over the whole body, like a protective film that is easily destroyed.

Kogoro Mouri put the fruit basket and bouquet on the table in front of the hospital bed and said, "You are Miss Miya, right? I am the detective Kogoro Mouri."

After a long time, Miss Zhenye said softly: "Are you a detective?"

"Don't worry, please be fine." Kogoro Mouri sat down on the chair in front of the hospital bed. "Where did you lose your memory? Can you even remember this?"

"This..." Miss Zhenye lowered her head, seeming to remember something.

Xie Chen suddenly said, "I think it's impossible for Sister Zhenye to come from far in that situation."

Kogoro Mouri said, "I guess he must have lost his memory in this neighborhood, right?"

Ms. Zhenye didn't answer, and Mao Lilan asked, "Can't you remember anything?"

Miss Maya stared at the white quilt covering her body and shook her head gently.

Xie Chen said: "And Sister Zhenye seems to be exercising, or she lost her memory on the way home from the gym."

"Gymnasium?" Miss Zhenye raised her head to look at Xie Chen.

Kogoro Mouri scratched his head and said with a smile: "Your discovery is really not lazy. It's probably because of lifting dumbbells or weights."

Xie Chen smiled helplessly. It doesn't look like someone lifts weights, but suddenly she noticed obvious scars on the ends of Miss Zhenye's two index fingers.

For a moment, he couldn't think of the job of the person who would be injured at the end of his index finger, so he asked, "Sister Maiya, are you working on metal strings?"

As soon as Xie Chen's words fell, Ms. Zhenye's face changed in vain, her hands were tightly clasped on her chest, her lips trembled, her eyes fixed on her chest fingers, as if she was afraid of something.


"what happened to you?"

"It hurts..." Ms. Zhenye held her head and shook her head constantly, shouting hoarsely: "My head hurts, I can't remember it anymore, help me..."

"Xie Chen! Look at you, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!" Moori Kogoro held Miss Maya in his arms, feeling the fragrance of her body, "Good luck seems to be back again..."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ms. Maya fell asleep deeply on the hospital bed, and Kogoro Mouri and the others returned to the detective office.

"It's complicated." Mao Lilan said while sitting on the office's sofa: "Can we really wake up her memory?"

Mouri Kogoro leaned on the back of the sofa, shook his head and said, "There is no sign of recovery at all."


Xie Chen pointed to a piece of jigsaw puzzle and a page of a fragmented book on the table and asked: "Are these all things borrowed from the hospital Miss Ma Ye?"

"Yes." Kogoro Mouri raised his head and said, "That's all."

Xie Chen picked up a page of the fragmented book, on which it was written in Matthew Chapter 5, Section 3.

"Isn't this the bible?"

"Bible?" Mouri Kogoro said, "So she is a believer?"

Xie Chen said: "Will Christians tear the Bible apart?"

Kogoro Mouri said: "According to the truth, it should not be possible, but..."

"She took it as a post-it note."


"Look at it." Xie Chen put the paper on the table and said, "Here is a touch of handwriting."

"Yes." Kogoro Moori said, "I wrote on the previous page, and I accidentally tore this page when I tore it."..


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