Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 66: Magnificent

Five minutes later, the police from the nearby police station rushed over.

"Famous Detective Kogoro Mouri, you have done another great service this time. I am very grateful for your help."

"It's nothing trivial." Kogoro Mouri showed his slightly funny smile again.

Xie Chen smiled helplessly and pointed to the alley and said: "Uncle Maori, don't you need to take back the gun that the robber took in the convenience store?"

"By the way, please come with me." Only then did Kogoro Mouri remembered the gun.

But when they came to the alley, the pistol that the robber had dropped on the ground was gone.

"This is weird."

Kogoro Mouri squatted on the ground and said, "I remember that the robber's pistol was clearly dropped here."

The policeman exclaimed: "Are you saying it's gone?"

"Could it be that..." Mouri Kogoro frowned and said in a deep voice, "Could it be that the pedestrians on this road took it away just now?"

"That's bad! I have to notify the bureau as soon as possible to find it!"

Subsequently, the police dismissed the onlookers, and Xie Chen and the others returned to the Maori detective office.

The school is closed today, so there is no need to go to class, and the three children did not come to find themselves. Xie Chen was happy and relaxed.

On the contrary, Kogoro Moori had been entangled by his daughter about traveling to the hot springs. In the afternoon, he couldn't stand the stalking of Moorilan, so he reluctantly agreed.

In the early morning of the next day, they boarded the first train to Hot Spring Township.

Xie Chen looked out from the window of the express train, except for the grassland or grassland. There was no cloud on this day.

Because I didn't eat breakfast, after the train departed, Mao Lilan called a train lunch.

"It's better to eat the train lunch when you travel out."

Xie Chen smiled and nodded, and put a piece of fish sushi into his mouth.

Kogoro Mouri put his arm on the edge of the window and sighed, "Why must my classmates bring the kid, really..."

"What does it matter?" Mao Lilan said, "Didn't you take me to participate five years ago."

"At that time, because you were still young, I couldn't leave you alone to participate."

"If Xie Chen hadn't saved his father's life this time, dad, you still can't go to your classmate meeting."

Mouri Kogoro curled his lips and said, "Even without this kid's help, I can catch that guy easily."

Xie Chen shrugged and suddenly asked: "By the way, did you find the missing pistol."

"That's right." Mao Lilan also said: "The police have not released any news, what is going on."


Kogoro Moori thought for a while, and then said, "Although the police have conducted a rigorous search, they have not found any crimes that it was used in, so there is no clue at all."

"Everyone called that kind of pistol the Smith & Wesson M439. In fact, the bank robber didn't know much about guns. Although he bought a gun at a high price, he didn't know whether it was a real gun or a toy gun. " said Mao Lilan: "If you put a toy gun, it will be fine."

Xie Chen frowned slightly. Yesterday he noticed that the muzzle of the gun was not filled with filler, and it was not damaged even if it fell to the ground and was hit, so he thought it must be a real gun.

He sighed softly. Since the police have already conducted a rigorous search, they don't need to worry about this kind of thing. After eating the lunch, he picked up the desk without knowing who left the secretary. It was a biography of Jack London.

Xie Chen suddenly felt that, compared with Jack London's magnificent life, his current life is as peaceful as a squirrel in the cave at the top of the tree hole waiting for spring with his head resting on a walnut and sleepy.

At least this is the case for now, and the future can still be said.

At about eight o'clock, they arrived at the Hakone Onsen Hotel in Kanagawa Prefecture. Kogoro Mouri was the last of their classmates to arrive. The others had already been waiting for him in the lounge.

Mao Lilan did not go to the lounge with his father, but took Xie Chen to the open-air bath.

"Speaking of it, I haven't seen each other in years." Like the others, Kogoro Mouri changed into the dark blue loose bathrobe prepared by the hotel for the guests.

"That's right," said Yumi Horekoshi, "I haven't seen each other since I held a class meeting here five years ago."

Sitting next to Kogoro Mori, the burly man said: "Yes, it's really hard to meet the same graduates of the Yonaka University Judo Club."

Kogoro Mouri leaned on the sofa and said, "The days of hard practice are really missed."

"You're so embarrassed to say it." Sitting opposite Kogoro Moori, the thin man smiled and said, "You rarely practice by yourself."

Sitting next to the thin man, the woman with eyes echoed him and said, "That is to say, you always said that geniuses don't need practice, so you don't need to practice all day long, Maori."

The man with a fat body and wide-brimmed glasses sitting on the far left then said, "So when you finally fight against a friend's school, you are the one who didn't win."

Kogoro Mori waved his hand, "My match was because of..."

"I knew it!"

Just halfway through the conversation, Mao Lilan's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Xiao Lan..."

"So you said it was a lie to beat the whole school invincible in college, Dad."

"Yeah," said the burly man: "It's Xiaolan, it's been a long time."

Horigoe Yumi said, "Even though we met yesterday, you really have grown up."

"It's okay." Mao Lilan scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Xiaolan." Mouri Kogoro asked: "Where did you go just now."

"Open-air bath."

"Open-air bath?" Moori Kogoro exclaimed, "It's a mixed bath for men and women."

Mao Lilan smiled and said, "Don't worry, there was no one next to me when I was washing, right, Xie Chen."

"Uh..." Xie Chen looked embarrassed and nodded stiffly.

"Huh?" Mouri Kogoro asked loudly, "You two went to take a bath together just now!"

The corners of Xie Chen's mouth began to tremble, but Mao Lilan said naturally, "Yes, Xie Chen is so shy. It took me a lot of work to take him."


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