Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 71: Forget it

"Hey, uncle."

Xie Chen followed up and said, "It's too early to assume that someone else did it, because the way Aunt Yumi was killed... are you listening to me?"

Maori Kogoro punched the wall in vain, and said in a deep voice, "Slow wordy! I don't need you kid to make irresponsible remarks!"

"Why is there someone else? If someone enters here from the outside, why should she deliberately make her look like suicide? The murderer is her own person!"

"In other words, the murderer is one of my best buddies. I don't know what he used to kill, but this time, I will never spare the murderer! I must expose him and wait. Look!"

After speaking these words, he pushed the door and walked into the toilet.

Xie Chen nodded slightly. He and Mouri Kogoro had the same views, and the murderer was one of the four of them.

And he had already targeted one of them, but that person had a perfect alibi.

At that time, everyone was playing table tennis on the court. He also investigated the time of Horitsu Yumi's death. There should be nothing wrong.

The most important thing is that although Horigotsu Yumi was holding the pistol at the time, her finger did not pull the trigger at all.

To make Horigoe Yumi look like suicide, he should put his finger on the trigger.

Moreover, Horigotsu Yumi did not wear underwear at the time, and she was changed into a yukata of several sizes.

Xie Chen was pacing back and forth in the corridor as he thought about it. At the end of the corridor was a statue of Benqing, and he unknowingly walked under the statue.


Musashibo Benkei, a monk soldier at the end of the Heian period, a retainer of Gen Yoshitsune, and one of the traditional representatives of the Bushido spirit.

The reason why his statue is full of arrows is because he was standing when he died.

"Standing dead..."

Xie Chen's pupils suddenly contracted, and then a faint smile appeared. After a while, the smile gradually spread, and he already understood the truth of the matter.

At this time, Mouri Kogoro walked out of the toilet.

Xie Chen opened the scope of the watch-type anesthesia gun and slowly moved the sight to the back of Kogoro Mouri's neck.

Just before pressing the launcher, he suddenly shook his head and gently closed the scope.

"Forget it..."

In the lobby of the hotel, the reason why the murderer broke into the room and shot their classmate Yumi Horietsu was still being discussed.

Lingcheng Xingxiong said: "Why did the murderer kill Yumi?"

"I don't know." Nakamichi Kazuzhi said, "Maybe he was hit by Yumi when he ran in to steal something."

"But, this is too strange, why didn't we hear gunshots when we were playing table tennis."

Mouri Kogoro stood at the exit of the corridor, watching them from a distance.

He never understood that the murderer was clearly between them and why everyone had an alibi.

From the perspective of the degree of stiffness after his death, the time when Horekoshi Yumi died was around three in the afternoon. In this case, Horekoshi Yumi was shot and killed after returning to the room after separating from them.

They all played on the court between three to six o'clock. If so, no one would have a chance to kill Etsu Yumi.

He felt that what A Chun said was a bit unusual.

It was about five o'clock after Ah Chun went to the bathroom, and it was impossible for Hikaru Yumi to be alive at that time.

"Uncle Maori."

Xie Chen suddenly came over and pulled his sleeve and said, "Come on, let's play table tennis."

Mao Lilan immediately came over and hugged Xie Chen, "Xie Chen, what are you talking about at this time."

"No..." Xie Chen pretended to be disappointed and said, "My handshake style is really great. By the way, Aunt Yumi is also a handshake style."

"Huh?" Maori Kogoro looked down at Xie Chen.

"Yes, Sister Xiaolan, haven't you seen it too? There is a photo that just happened to show that she was holding hands in a handshake style."

Mao Lilan said, "Yes, but it still doesn't work. You can't play table tennis now, understand."

Xie Chen scratched his head and looked up at Mouri Kogoro, who was already thinking with his chin.

"That's right." Xie Chen smiled and said: "If you sweat, you have to change your clothes again."

Under Xie Chen's inadvertent reminder, Maori Kogoro's thoughts suddenly connected.

"Sweat...change clothes...handshake style..."

Reminiscent now, Horigoe Yumi was indeed changed into a large yukata, and she was not wearing any underwear. Even the index finger of the right hand holding the pistol did not pull the trigger, but stretched straight on the gun. Outside.

The handshake style is just the grip with the index finger straight. Kogoro Mouri has a feeling that Horigotsu Yumi played table tennis with the murderer before he was killed.

Thinking about this, he remembered what happened in the police school before.

"Old woman."

Xie Chen asked the hotel owner again: "Did Benqing stand still when he died?"

The innkeeper said, "Yes, because Benqing has to fight countless enemies by himself, so he stood and died after having many arrows in him."

After hearing the answer from the hotel owner, Mouri Kogoro suddenly said loudly, "That's right, that's it!"


"Hey, Kogoro." Nakamichi Kazushi walked over and said, "What the **** is going on with you shouting so loudly."

Kogoro Mouri sneered and slowly said, "Now I finally know who the murderer was."


"Who the **** is it, Dad."

Everyone's eyes focused on him.

"You are the murderer who killed Yumi!" Mouri Kogoro pointed to Nakamichi Kazushi and said loudly, "Kazushi!"

"What?" Lingcheng Yukio said, "Hezhi killed Yumi?"

Nakamichi and Zhi stunned, then waved their hands, and said with a wry smile: "Don't be kidding, we infer that Yumi died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and I obviously played with you on the court at that time."

"Yes." Kogoro Mouri nodded, "So you have a perfect alibi, but the premise must be that Yumi really died at three in the afternoon."

"What nonsense are you talking about? The post-mortem after Yumi's death was clearly performed by me and you."..


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