Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 77: What a mistake


Officer Mumu held the TV and said loudly, "What's going on, Brother Maori."

Although he was holding the TV, Kogoro Mouri on the TV still couldn't hear him.

"Sergeant Megome."

The producer handed the microphone over, "Use this, please use this microphone to talk to Mr. Maori."

"Wait a minute, please wait a minute!"

Seeing a camera facing him, Officer Mumu immediately turned around, patted his clothes, adjusted his hat again, and coughed slightly before turning around. Even the voice of speaking became magnetic.

"You have to think clearly, Maori, the murderer shot the victim with a pistol in this room on the fourth floor."

Having said that, he adjusted his hat again, and then continued: "But at the time of the incident, Mr. Matsuo was hosting a live show in the studio on the ninth floor. How do you think he was going to commit this monstrous murder?"

"It's really impossible," said Kogoro Mouri on the other side of the TV. "But the floor where the police officer Megome is is three floors up, which is the seventh floor where I am."

"The murderer can commit crimes through the window from here, because it only takes two minutes to go back and forth from the studio to here, and this warehouse is the key."

Matsuo Takashi's pupils shrank in vain, and his face turned pale.

"What?" Officer Mumu said loudly, "Is this true, Brother Maori."

At the same time, the video department is backstage.

"We are so good at using equipment." The director said, "Aren't they angry?"

The assistant standing behind him said, "Anyway, this is only broadcast in the station. It won't be exposed."


At this time, the TV station manager opened the door and broke in.

"Manager... I'm sorry! We will stop right away!"

"Who told you to stop!"


The manager said loudly, "I will bear all the responsibility! Move fast! Play the video to the whole country immediately!"

As a result, this inference live broadcast appeared on major TV stations, and then even the big screens of shopping malls were put up.

On TV, Kogoro Moori said: "I will prove it to you now, Xie Chen."

"Leave it to me." Xie Chen also took this opportunity to go back to TV.

Xie Chen opened the window of the warehouse and aimed at the fourth floor with a prop pistol.

"Mr. Matsuo stretched out his body from this window and aimed down at the fourth floor, where the victim was."

Officer Mumu pointed to his forehead and said, "But here is the wound on the victim's head. Not only was the window closed at the time, but shooting from there was also affected by the wind."

As soon as the voice fell, Xie Chen's screams came from the TV in vain.

"Brother Maori, what are you doing!" Police Officer Mumu said loudly, watching Xie Chen who was about to fall from the window on the TV screen, "Hurry up and help him!"

Before he could think, Officer Mumu pushed open the window and looked up.

Just as he opened the window and stretched his head out of the window, a drop of red fuel dripped on his head.

Xie Chen used a prop gun at the window of the sixth-floor warehouse to accurately hit the head of Officer Mumu's protruding head.

"After hitting the victim in the head like this, Mr. Matsuo dropped the gun."

Speaking of this, Xie Chen threw the gun down. After the pistol hit Officer Mumu's head, it fell into the room and Officer Mumu sat down against the wall.

"But Maori brother." Officer Mume stood up, wiped the red dye on his forehead with a handkerchief and said, "How did the murderer let the victim look up from the window?"

"Using a mobile phone."


"The person who talked to the victim before the victim was shot was the murderer. I think he might say that he was about to jump from the building to commit suicide, so the victim opened the window in a panic."

Through the camera, Xie Chen suddenly felt a little funny when he looked down at Takashi Matsuo's speechlessness.

"Looking at you like that, am I right, Mr. Matsuo Takashi."

Officer Megumi said, "That's true, what about the bullet holes and shells left in this room."

"Of course these were left by Mr. Matsuo in advance. Since the shooting is from above, there should be bullet marks on the ground under the windows."

"Hurry up and confirm!" Officer Mumu immediately ordered his subordinates.

Xie Chen continued: "Mr. Matsuo, you left the studio while playing the tape and came to the warehouse on the sixth floor, and then used this technique to shoot Mr. Suwa who was on the fourth floor at that time."

"You went back to the studio in time before the tape was finished, Mr. Matsuo, I was right."

Matsuo Takashi smiled tauntingly, and then said: "Then you are talking about it, what is the evidence that you said I used this technique to kill someone."

"Actually you only made one mistake in the whole case."

Matsuo Takashi's face changed in vain.

"That's because you forgot to turn off your mobile phone in a panic." Xie Chen said slowly: "Yes, the evidence is your mobile phone."

"You should be very clear. If the power is not cut off, you can replay the previous call by pressing the repeat button. Officer Megome, please give it a try."

Officer Megure took out his mobile phone directly from Matsuo Takashi's arms, and after pressing the replay button, Suwa Michihiko's mobile phone rang.

"It's broadcast to Mr. Suwa's mobile phone."

"Mr. Matsuo, I remember you said that you don't know the number of Mr. Suwa's mobile phone, right."

"Yes." Matsuo Takashi said flusteredly: "But I put this phone on the table before I took the photo. Someone must have called it at that time."

"Then you are wrong again, because I also used your phone during the show. If you haven't made a call after that, the rebroadcast will call the hotel I called."

"But after I called, you received your mobile phone in your jacket pocket. I said that besides you, who else can use it, Mr. Matsuo!"

Matsuo Takashi's shoulders began to tremble, and the cold sweat instantly ran down his cheeks.

After a while, he lowered his head and smiled, and then said softly: "I still failed. It seems that I was really misguided to find you as a special guest today, Mr. Maori..."..


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