Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 81: A moment of despair

"I'm not careful..."

Such a rope is too simple for him to break free, but it is a bit wrong to rush to the opposite tent as it is now.

He didn't have any weapons on his body, and no matter how strong he was, it was a child's body. If he could converge, he would try to converge as much as possible, hoping that the two robbers had not lost their minds.

It wasn't that he didn't have the confidence to solve those two people, but it was almost impossible not to hurt Teacher Xiaolin in such chaos, he couldn't take this risk.

He looked at Yoshida Ayumi beside him. In the darkness, he could feel that she was looking over, lowered her head and gently pressed her forehead, and repeated in her ear: "Don't worry, it will be fine."

At this time, teacher Xiaolin's soft voice came from the tent next to him.

Xie Chen sighed silently. If the two guys really intend to do it, even if they are scary, they have to try it out. At least they can't let Yoshida Ayumi's psychology leave any bad shadow.

This plan was made in my heart, but after a while, Teacher Xiaolin's voice stopped.

The triangular-eyed man walked over there with Teacher Xiao Lin, whose hands were tied, and it seemed that the scared man was finally convinced by him.

After all, it has only been one day after entering the forest. Although the heavy rain has covered up a lot of traces for them, the possibility of being caught is still very high. In this case, no matter who is, everyone will leave a way for themselves.

Xie Chen breathed a sigh of relief. From this point of view, these two people can only be regarded as ordinary hooligans. It is very simple to deal with them. The question is, how can we not make Yoshida Ayumi and Kobayashi teacher suspicious.

After all, this kind of thing cannot be done by a first grade student.

"Past! I saved you once, stop yelling!"

The triangular-eyed man opened the tent curtain, took a flashlight into the tent, and then pushed Teacher Xiaolin in.

The rain outside was really too great, but the short distance between the two tents made most of them wet.

Especially Teacher Xiaolin, who must have been struggling on the ground for a long time, at this time his head was disheveled, and his clothes were very embarrassed.

Xie Chen curled the corners of his lips. Teacher Xiao Lin glanced at him and Ayumi Yoshida, forced a smile, and was pushed into the tent to sit down.

After Teacher Xiaolin sat down, the man with triangle eyes followed in, dangling a flashlight in the tent in one hand, and the double-barreled shotgun in the other.

It seems that the two robbers have also agreed on the order of the night's vigil. After Mr. Xiaolin's legs were tied, he sat down on the side with the shotgun on the inner side of his left hand.

This was originally a tent for elementary school students. At this time, the four people in this tent seemed quite crowded.

The triangular-eyed man took up a half of the space by himself, and Xie Chen, Teacher Xiaolin, and Ayumi Yoshida could only sit back to back together.

They robbed hundreds of thousands of dollars in the suburban bank this time. The triangular-eyed man was obviously a little fidgety, moved from time to time, occasionally took out a stack of banknotes, and greedily counted under the light of the flashlight.

After that, I wiped the shotgun with a rag several times, and occasionally stared at Teacher Xiaolin with his eyes.

At this time, the young female teacher's body would subconsciously move closer to the two children.

After tossing for more than an hour, the flashlight finally went out. The sound of rain falling outside the tent seemed to envelope everything into a bottomless abyss. There was no other sound except heavy rain and strong wind.

Under such a rainy night, the exhausted Yoshida Ayumi finally couldn't hold on, and he fell into a state of sleep quickly leaning on Xie Chen's shoulder.

Children's energy is limited, even if they are afraid, they can't resist fatigue.

Teacher Xiaolin was in a state of confusion, holding on to his body, and did not dare to fall asleep anyway. If what the scared man had to do just now happened, he would rather die.

What's more, it happened under the eyes of my own students, and I couldn't stand this humiliation anyway.

However, listening to them, as long as you wait for two days without the police to catch them, you will definitely treat yourself...

If the police find this place two days later, they may become the target of rape, or even kill themselves, and the two children may also be affected.

I blame myself for having a beautiful face...

Looking at the two children sitting next to her, she was almost crying.

When Xie Chen came to ask for a replacement today, she was really touched. On weekdays, this child is not very noticeable. During class, he is either in a daze or sleeping on the table, but he can answer very simply every time he asks a question.

Although I don't study very much, my grades can always be maintained in the middle reaches.

After the last school incident, she discovered that Xie Chen, the child, seemed to be more stable and smarter than his peers.

When thinking like this, Xie Chen's body suddenly squeezed towards her.

Originally thought Xie Chen was a little chilly, so he subconsciously wanted to lean on him, but in the next moment, he held the hands tied behind him.

He is untying his ropes!

The heartbeat increased in vain, and there was no time to think about how the little boy broke the rope, but as long as his hands were able to move, there was hope of escape.

Rather than face the worst result, it is better to fight for it.

Lightning flashed across the night sky in vain, slightly illuminating the scene in the tent. On the side close to them, there was a dagger on the waist of the triangular-eyed man, and the shotgun was placed on the other side by him.

Should I take a knife or a gun... She stretched out her hand trembling.

Shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. For a while, the sound of pulse and breathing almost suppressed the rainstorm outside the tent.

After the fierce ideological struggle, she slowly squatted up and stretched her hand to the dagger on the waist of the man with triangle eyes.

You must get it, you must get it, you can't deviate, you can't deviate...

Relying on the impression of that moment, he stretched out his hand, and the short period of time seemed as difficult as a lifetime.

Finally, the trembling fingers touched the hilt of the dagger, and when it was about to be pulled out, the other hand pressed it in vain.

In just an instant, from hope to despair, my heart suddenly cooled down, almost suppressing the emotions in my heart, opened my mouth, but found that my throat was dumb and there was no sound. ..


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