Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 86: Concubine

The screams of the young man came from the toilet in vain, and Xie Chen immediately put down the phone and ran to the toilet.

"What happened?" Dianshan Thirteen followed Xie Chen into the toilet.

A young man named Wakaoji Juro fell onto the floor of the toilet, raised his hand tremblingly, and pointed to the innermost compartment.



Blood was slowly flowing outward from the crack in the door of the innermost compartment.

Without the slightest hesitation, at the moment when he saw the blood, Xie Chen had already ran out of the cubicle and pulled the doorknob, only to find that something seemed to be blocked from inside.

So, he leaped up forcefully, grabbed the edge of the door and looked into the compartment. Although he was already prepared, he was surprised when he saw the situation inside.

The woman with sunglasses before had fallen into the compartment at some point, her body was full of blood, and she seemed to have been dead for a long time.

Ten minutes later, Officer Mumu led people to the scene and forced the compartment door open.

"Then, like this photo, the victim fell down against the door." Officer Mumu looked at the photo in his hand and said, "Is it right, Xie Chen."

Xie Chen nodded and said, "Because the door was not locked at the time, so I jumped over to see it."

The autopsy officer carried the body out of the compartment and covered it with a gray sheet.

Officer Megumi said, "The woman who was killed was called Himeno Yayoi. She was twenty-four years old this year. She was stabbed in the heart and killed."

The police officer squatting next to the corpse said, "Police officer, the victim's neck seems to have been strangled."

Officer Mumu knelt down, took a closer look, and then said: "From the situation of her blood spray, the murderer strangled the victim's neck first, and after he died, pierced the heart with a knife and pulled out a lot of blood loss. dead."

Having said this, he stood up, looked at the compartment and continued, "He must have wanted to steal the victim's money, but he started killing after he was seen."

"Looking out from the opened window of the toilet, there was no one passing by the road outside. He dropped the murder weapon and the victim's backpack and emptied wallet, and then blocked the door of the toilet with the victim's body."

"So, this murderer who invaded through the window was already there waiting for the prey. After killing Miss Hime who happened to come in, he took her money and fled through the window in a panic."

"Good!" After a brief analysis, he directly ordered his subordinates, "This prisoner must be outside now, and immediately go to the surroundings to ask about the situation!"

"Wait a minute, Officer Mumu." Xie Chen said suddenly.


Xie Chen pointed to the window in the cubicle and said, "I see that there is no window. Is it too clean?"

Officer Mumu said disdainfully: "That's great, the toilet is clean."

"I'm not talking about this..." Xie Chen smiled bitterly.

"This little brother is right, Officer Mumu." At this time, the mature woman walked in.

Officer Mumu turned around suspiciously.

"You have become a sheriff now." The mature woman said with a smile.

Officer Mumu was taken aback for a moment, and then said in surprise: "You are not the concubine attorney, why are you here?"

A mature woman named Fei Yingli crossed her chest and said, "I also happen to be here."

Xie Chen wondered: "Sergeant Mumu, you know this person."

"Yes, because she is..."

Before the words of Officer Megome were finished, she was forcibly interrupted by Fei Yingri.

"Close to the subject, judging from the victim's bleeding volume, the murderer must also have blood on his body, but you can see that there is no trace on the window where he escaped. This is unlikely.

"But..." Officer Mumu said, "Maybe the murderer wiped it clean."

The corners of Fei Yingli's mouth raised slightly, and a slightly confident smile appeared, "A murderer who throws a murder weapon at the crime scene and fled in a panic, do you think he will do this?"

"From the fact that the murderer threw the murder weapon here and didn't take it away, I think the murderer must be a person in this store, he must be a customer of this store, and that's what you want to say, brother."

Her self-confidence and wisdom all exudes the unique charm of a mature woman, Xie Chen was taken aback for a moment, and did not answer.

"But the concubine..." Officer Mumu said, "The door of this toilet was blocked by the victim's body at the time, and the body did not show any signs of movement."

"The toilet next door does not have a window. How do you think the murderer will get out of the toilet."

Fei Yingli said: "Of course there is only one way, passing from above."

Officer Megome raised his head, "From mean from that gap? But no matter how you say it, no one can go from there..."

Fei Yingli interrupted him and said to a police officer standing nearby: "This police officer, can you please climb up and take a look."

"I..." The police officer pointed to himself.

"Please don't destroy the scene and climb to the toilet next door."

Seeing the other person's attitude, he has to climb, so he walked into the next compartment, jumped up, and leaned on the door panel above and said with difficulty, "It's still okay."

Fei Yingli smiled and said, "Right."

Officer Mumu said, "However, if the murderer has blood on his body, there will be blood on the wall when he climbs."

Fei Yingli said: "What I must say is, fortunately, there is toilet paper used by the murderer to wipe blood stains. When he climbs over the wall, he can wipe the blood stains side by side."

"But, isn't he afraid of being seen by someone suddenly coming in?"

"Didn't you notice that there is a lock on the entrance door of this toilet? Just lock the door and this is a secret room."

"That's good." Officer Mumu waved his hand, "I will immediately find out who has been in the toilet before and after the victim. Go!"

Xie Chen suddenly said, "I know who there are."


"Because I happened to see it."

"Are you serious?" The child still had no credibility.

Xie Chen smiled bitterly and walked out of the toilet with Officer Mumu, "Yes, it's the very big man standing over there, and the guy with the long and long beard, and the guy with the tied hair. Have……"..


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