Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 97: Rehabilitation speed

"Why did they do this?"

Saeki recalled for a moment, and then said: "In fact, it was deliberately annoying. Originally, their car was behind Noriko, and they kept playing the modified horn. After Miss Noriko let them pass, she snaked in front. It's really hateful..."

Xie Chen asked: "What did the police say."

"What the police mean..." Saeki sighed, and then said, "Even if they were caught, they should not have suffered multiple crimes, because they didn't hit them at all. If they were investigated, it was due to Mr. Yamaguchi's negligence."

Xie Chen continued to ask, "Didn't the police ask the license plate of Dianzi's sister?"

Saeki said, "I have asked, but Noriko told the police with certainty that she didn't remember everything."

"Ah? Don't you remember?" Xie Chen was surprised: "Did she say that?"

"Yeah." Zoe nodded, "but I see her preoccupied and said that she doesn't remember the appearance of the couple. In the end, because there were no clues, the police raid lasted for a month and ended. Up."

Xie Chen frowned slightly. When she was in the detective office, Noriko Okaya clearly remembered the other's license plate number and the color of the car, but she did not tell the police.


Thinking of this, Xie Chen hurriedly asked: "Brother, you just talked to Sister Dianzi about rehabilitation."

Saeki replied: "I am a doctor, and I have been responsible for her rehabilitation after the accident."

"How was Sister Noriko's situation back then?"

Saeki took a sip of coffee, and then said: "She is really not easy. She is really serious about starting rehabilitation. It may take three months for the average person to recover. She was discharged from the hospital in only one month. "

Xie Chen drank the rest of his coffee, stood up and said, "Brother Saeki, we will go to Sister Nianzi right now."

"Huh?" Zuobo was taken aback for a moment and looked at Xie Chen suspiciously.

"Okay, hurry up and go." Xie Chen pulled up Zuobo's sleeve.

After Saeki went to the counter to pay the bill, he drove Xie Chen to the house of Noriko Okaya.

Xie Chen was sitting in the back seat of the car, and when he leaned back, his back was pricked by something like a needle.

"Sorry." Zoeki said, "That's the thorn of mantis shrimp cactus. I went to my friend's house a while ago and moved a few pots back. I think it must have been stained at that time."

Xie Chen smiled helplessly, and stretched out his hand to pull out the thorn on the back of the chair, "Couldn't this mantis shrimp belong to Mr. Yamaguchi?"

Saeki said: "Yes, although he is very young, he is very interested in growing cacti. After the car accident, I took those cacti as his relics."

Xie Chen looked at the cactus thorns in his hand and was silent. This mantis shrimp cactus was also called Christmas cactus.

Saeki continued: "Actually, I wanted to raise Noriko in several pots, but I was afraid that doing so would make her see things and think about people, so I decided to put it in my house for the time being and let me keep it."

Xie Chen suddenly asked: "Brother, your home is not far from here."

Saeki said, "Not far, I live on the road to Noriko's house."

"Then let's go to your house first."

At twelve o'clock at noon, they arrived outside Okaya Noriko's house, and knocked on the door for a long time without any response.

"It looks like Noriko hasn't come back yet."

Xie Chen nodded, which is weird. When will Mouri Kogoro call her to inform her that it is not certain, she should stay at home as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Xie Chen used Saeki's cell phone to call the detective office.

"Hey, Mori Detective Agency." On the other end of the phone came the drunken voice of Kogoro Mori.

"Uncle, you have gone home." Xie Chen said: "Could it be that you have found the address called Beichuan."

Kogoro Mouri laughed and said, "Yes, I have found it. It took me a lot of time. My shoes are three millimeters thinner for this."

"Who?" Mao Lilan's voice came over the phone, "Xie Chen?"

Mouri Kogoro continued: "I have notified the woman of this information just now, but the man is now living with a woman. It is really regrettable that her love relationship has just begun."

Xie Chen sighed and asked loudly, "Hurry up and tell me his address."

"Why should I tell you."

"If you don't hurry up, those two people will probably be killed by her!"


Moori Kogoro on the other end of the phone screamed, and Saeki who was sitting in the driver's seat was suddenly stupid.

After getting the address of Keishi Kitagawa, Saeki immediately started the car.

Sitting in the passenger seat of the car, Xie Chen thought: Noriko Okaya probably went to the Ministry of Transportation to investigate the address of Keishi Beichuan first, but because he didn’t know the address of the other party’s moving house, he would pay for Maori. Uncle investigated.

Judging from the astonishing speed of her rehabilitation, the possibility of making her change her determination to retaliate against Beichuan Qiangshi is very slim.

Xie Chen sighed silently, and there was no longer a second Zemu Yeh to appear, and he couldn't help so many people to excuse it.

"Brother." Xie Chen glanced at the cactus on the back seat, and then asked, "Did Mr. Yamaguchi died on the spot?"

Saeki said, "No, it is said that he seemed to be alive when they hit the mountain wall, but he was actually burned to death by fire."

"Burnt to death?"

"Before he was rescued from the car, the car's gasoline exploded first."

Xie Chen's pupils shrank in vain, and the one placed under the desk of Noriko Okaya's house was not kerosene at all, it was probably gasoline.

At the same time, Noriko Okaya had already drove to the downstairs of Qiang Shijia Beichuan, carried the backpack placed on the co-pilot, pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and walked slowly up the steps.

At this time, Kitagawa Qiangshi and his girlfriend set up a temporary stage on the roof, playing rock music on the radio at the top of the stairs.

But at the next moment, with a "bang", the radio fell to the ground, the music stopped abruptly, and Beichuan Qiangshi turned his head in doubt. ..


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