Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 99: Emotional animal

When school was over at noon, Xie Chen wanted to visit a bookstore in Shinjuku. He and Sawaki Yoko met accidentally in the rice flower line tram.

Zemu Yeze was going to watch the movie alone. There was nothing important for both parties. When the tram drove to Mu Ma Village, Zemu Yeze said to get off, and they got off together.

After getting off the car, Xie Chen suddenly regretted that there was nothing to talk about between them. As for why Zemu Ye Zi said to get off the car, he didn't understand at all.

On the other hand, Zemu Ye Zi was also a little at a loss. Because of Xie Chen, he was free to a certain extent. He always felt that he should do something for the other party or say something, but it was difficult to speak when he spoke .

In this way, they walked along the earth weir on the side of the railway towards Shigu. It was a Friday afternoon in mid-April. The rain that stopped when it was still crackling yesterday has completely stopped this morning.

The drooping gloomy rain cloud also seemed to have been swept away by Nan Laifeng, without a trace.

Zemu Ye Zi said something from time to time, Xie Chen sometimes coped with ease, and sometimes did not know how to answer, and could only respond with an awkward smile.

Today, she is wearing a white chiffon top, blue casual shorts, and a pair of white high heels. The matching is just right, and she seems to have light makeup on her face.

The bright green cherry leaves swayed in the wind and flickered in the sun. The sun's rays had already revealed the breath of early summer. Everyone who passed by took off their coats, some on their shoulders, and some on their arms. .

Everyone looked very happy. On the tennis court opposite Tuyan, a boy with the appearance of a college student took off his shirt and wore a pair of shorts to swing his racket.

Only the two girls sitting side by side on the bench are still wearing black coats properly, as if there is no summer sun around them, but the two of them are still satisfied and enjoying the sun and chatting. .

After walking for about fifteen minutes, Xie Chen talked about what happened yesterday, and Zemu Ye Zi smiled. Although her smiling face was fleeting, it was really beautiful.

"The police haven't been looking for you."

"No." Sai Mu Ye Zi said, "It seems that no one except you can reason about my technique. Now the only evidence is gone."

She stopped in front of the public water fountain, took a sip of water, took a white handkerchief from her pants pocket and wiped her mouth.

"You are right, even if you kill that couple, Miss Noriko's fiance will not come back to life."

"It's easy to say." Xie Chen said: "People are emotional animals. Feelings are invisible and easy to change. It is a very troublesome thing. If it is friendship or love, it is okay, if it is because of some opportunity. If you turn into hatred..."

"Uh..." Zemu Ye Zi nodded, as if thinking about something for a while, and then stared at Xie Chen's eyes like a treasure in the world.

Looking closely, Xie Chen found that her eyes were so deep and clear, which made her heart beating.

"Yes..." After a while, she said softly, "Some things cannot be forgiven."

Afterwards, they walked into the noodle shop near the station and ate a little bit.

In the afternoon, Xie Chen returned to the detective office and recalled what happened today. It seemed that only in front of Zemu Ye Zi, he didn't need to pretend to be a child.

The next day, Xiuhao Academy and Didan High School held a baseball game.

After finishing the home court of the academy, the students from the high schools on both sides sat in their respective stands to cheer for their school. Kogoro Moori also graduated from Tedan High School, so he accompanied Molilan to the scene.

"Hello." Kogoro Mouri drank a beer and said loudly to the students in the front row: "The voice is too low. How can you win the game if you don't speak loudly."

Suzuki Sonoko said, "Uncle, this is not cheering for professional baseball."

Xie Chen looked at the scoreboard, smiled helplessly, and said in a low voice, "This disparity is too big."

At this time, Xiucheng Academy had scored three points, but Didan High School had not scored a point.

Two minutes later, the bowler who repaired the academy eliminated two thugs from Didan High School.

In the stands, Suzuki Sonoko held the binoculars and waved his hands and shouted, "Oo, you are great."

Mao Lilan complained: "Please, Yuanzi, which side are you cheering for?"

"But Xiaowei is really handsome."

"Really? Let me take a look, let me take a look." Mao Lilan picked up the binoculars, "It's really good."

Suzuki Sonoko excitedly said: "He is the son of a doctor and the student with the best homework in the whole school year. I'm already fascinated by him."

Xie Chen sighed and asked, "Sister Yuanzi, this repaired high school won last year's regional competition, right?"

"Right." Suzuki Sonoko said: "They are also the first team after winning this year. Wouldn't it be better to cheer for them?"

Mao Lilan said: "But was it so good before the high school was completed? Garden."

"This is all thanks to Oo. Actually, it seems that the high school was built by someone at the ministerial level before, but now it is also a high school where the director is responsible for entering the school. But after Oo appeared, the image of their school became the whole changed."

"Yuanzi, you know so well."

"I know everything about Xiaowei."

At this time, the header named Xiaowei on the court suddenly made a pitch error, and the second pitch sent the opponent a home run.

Subsequently, he made mistakes in the next few pitches, and Didan High School also scored four points.

"Little Tail..." Suzuki Sonoko said with some worry, "Why is he suddenly out of order."

After the game entered the intermission, Xie Chen frowned slightly after watching Xiaowei rushing into the lounge.

Xie Chen clearly saw that Xiaowei started to throw the ball in a mess from the first fake move. At that moment, he seemed to see something and suddenly stopped.

Suzuki Sonoko scratched his head and said, "What the **** is Koo."

Mao Lilan said: "Could it be a stomachache or something?"

At this moment, a tall, thin, dark-skinned man wearing a baseball cap walked into the arena, yelled a few words with the referee, and left again angrily.

"Who is that person?" Xie Chen asked. ..


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