Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 105: First cooperation

Officer Megome watched Shibaki Mieko slowly and said, "Could it be what happened between you and Tatsuya Kimura."

Zhiqi Mieko’s pupils began to dilate, she stared at a place on the ground blankly, her mouth trembled, and after a long time, she closed her eyes and said loudly, “No, I was not abandoned by Tatsuya. I got rid of him first!"

Tears slowly flowed down her cheeks, she seemed to lose strength all of a sudden, bending slightly, her hands on her knees.

"When I expressed my feelings to Tatsuya that day, he told me that he already had someone he liked, but he didn't know where he went, but he was willing to wait."

Having said that, she raised her hand and wiped her tears, and continued sobbing: "That's it, he told me that I can't associate with me, that's the way it is."

Terahara Mari walked over and patted her shoulder gently.

Officer Mumu sighed silently, and then asked, "Then you feel hatred like this."

"No!" Zhiqi Mei Jiangzi said loudly, "I didn't kill anyone at all!"

Terahara Mari said at this time: "Detective Megume, the song Mieko sang was chosen by Tatsuya himself from the beginning."

"Mieko didn't expect that she could sing at all, nor did she know that Tatsu would sing after her, so it is absolutely impossible for Mieko to put poison on the microphone."

"What you said makes sense." Officer Megome touched his chin and said, "We will investigate further."

Standing by, Xie Chen suddenly said: "Who helped him order the blood-red Venus that Big Brother Da Ye sang."

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and then all shook their heads.

"That's right." Xie Chen continued to ask: "Does Brother Daye take off his jacket every time he sings."

Mao Lilan said: "The blood-red Venus, every time at the beginning."

Xie Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then walked to the front of Officer Mumu and said: "Officer Mumu, where did Brother Da Ye's clothes get potassium cyanate?"

Officer Megumi thought for a while and said, "I remember it should be on his left elbow."

"It's on the coats of other members."

"No, nothing was checked on the coats of the other members."

The other members of the orchestra looked at Xie Chen suspiciously, the child seemed to see blood in every question, and the police officer was very patient with him.

I couldn't help but remember that in the private room before, it seemed that this child was the first to conclude that Tatsu Kimura was also dead.

It was chaotic at the time, so I didn't pay attention to these details. Now it's incredible to think of it.

Afterwards, Police Officer Mumu entered the private room and communicated with the wise staff. The members of the orchestra sat down in the hall, each with a heavy heart. Regardless of Kimura's temper, it was a fact that he died in front of them.

Xie Chen walked to Zhiqi Mei Jiangzi sitting on the sofa: "Sister who plays the guitar."


"The manager's sister had quarreled with Da Ye's brother just now, do they often do this?"

Zhiqi Mei Jiangzi leaned down, revealing a large white area, but when Xie Chen was a child, she didn’t care, she whispered, “Yes, every time something happens, it’s noisy, and every time the provocation is almost always and also."

She glanced at Terahara Mari who was making a confession, "But Mari, she doesn't want to be such a bad woman as Tatsuya said. She is very smart and serious. Although she is a great beauty, she has never had a scandal."

Xie Chen nodded, when a tall police officer walked in from outside the karaoke hall.

"Sergeant Megome."

"what's up?"

"This thing is in the cabinet in Kimura Tatsuya's office." The tall man placed the cardboard box on the counter, which was full of music scores and posters.

Officer Megome picked up a sheet of music, "There is nothing in it that can be used as clues."

In the mezzanine of the sheet music, a photo fell off and it was a photo of the orchestra performing.

The manager of Sumui picked up the photo and said with a smile: "It's really nostalgic. This is a photo taken by Tatsuya and the whole band before he became a professional singer."

Xie Chen walked over and looked at the photos with the store manager Sumui.

"However, the only ones left in the world of music are Tatsuya and her."

"En?" Xie Chen asked, "Are there anyone in this band who was photographed by the scout besides Da Ye?"

"Yes." The store manager Sumui whispered, "It's the person standing over there."

Xie Chen followed the gaze of the store manager Sumui, and it was Shibaki Mieko who had just spoken to.

"Actually, this is what Tatsuya meant. If he didn't talk to her, he wouldn't want to be a professional singer."

"But it's not shown in this photo."

"Yes." The store manager Sumui pointed to the photo. "She is here. It is true that her appearance has changed a lot. She has indeed changed a lot compared to now."

Xie Chen looked at where he was pointing, his pupils began to shrink, and then he sighed silently.

After he understood everything, he realized that Kogoro Moori was not present. Calling him over at this time would inevitably attract the attention of others. After thinking about it, he went to the public telephone booth outside the karaoke hall and called Zemu Hospital.

Ten minutes later, Zemu Ye Zi drove over.

"What's the matter?" Zemu Ye Zi said after getting out of the car, "Do you need my help?"

Xie Chen first told her about the murder in the karaoke hall. Although it was a star who died, the police temporarily blocked the news. Until the murder is resolved, no media will be allowed to report it.

Afterwards, he took out a sticker, smiled and said: "Put this on your collar, and my voice will come from there. The private room is very dark and no one will notice."

Zemu Ye Zi glued the sticker on his collar and nodded as if he didn't understand. She would definitely do what Xie Chen asked her to do, but she couldn't help but ask: "You want..."

Xie Chen took out a headset-like microphone from his trouser pocket and cleared his throat, "Hey, hey..." the voice was posted from the sticker.

"Isn't this too weird..." After all, the sticker posted was a child's voice. I just felt something wrong, but what happened next made her stunned.

"Is that all right?" At the same time as the voice came out, Zemu Ye Zi was stunned, and then looked at Xie Chen as if frightened. ..


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