Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 159: Have hesitated

"But." Hitomi Iwai said, "Our boss blamed Holmes' wrong judgment."

"I see." Kawazu Ikuo said, "So he felt that the book humiliated Holmes."

Hu Yeyan sneered and looked up at a certain part of the ceiling.

"On the contrary, Irene is the only woman Sherlock agrees with. In this case, how could she laugh at Sherlock, I really can't imagine."

"What?" Fujisawa Toshiaki loosened the collar of Ye Yanren's account.

Hu Yeyan leaned his hands on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "I can't forgive this kind of thing, absolutely not..."

Afterwards, he fell to his knees and wept bitterly. For freedom, he even killed his lover.

Before Damu Lingzi died, what did he think, sad or angry, Xie Chen sighed silently, somehow, he thought of the lighter used for lighting.

"Huh..." Hattori Heiji woke up.

"Hattori, you are so amazing." Mao Lilan praised: "You really deserve to be a famous detective."

"Huh?" Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Of course, this kind of case is a trivial matter to me."

Xie Chen, who was hiding behind the door, smiled lightly, this guy was much smarter than he thought.

Mao Lilan went to the kitchen, Xie Chen walked out from behind the door, Hattori leaned against the door, looked down at Xie Chen, and slowly said, "Hey, where are you holy?"

"As you can see." Xie Chen put his finger to his mouth and cleaned up in silence, "My business is very troublesome, don't say more, it will not benefit you or me."

Hattori Heiji raised his head slightly and looked at Xie Chen with the gaze of the distant view. After a while, he asked, "Then why do you want to...Is it a fool?"

Xie Chen smiled and said, "I think we can be friends."

Hattori Heiji took a deep breath. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he might never forget that smile.

That is not a real smile. Although the smile is made, it has no real feeling. It is more like a confession to something.

In the early morning of the next day, when they walked to the winding road, Moori Kogoro stopped a truck and sent Huyeyan to the police station.

The rest took a taxi. After returning to the city, Hattori Heiji rushed to the airport and took the first flight to Osaka.

After this incident, he clearly saw that the so-called Sleeping Kogoro was just a false name, but Xie Chen repeatedly warned him not to underestimate the uncle.

Mao Lilan and Xie Chen returned to the detective office. They didn't have a good rest in the past two days. After a brief wash, they went to their respective rooms to sleep.

At noon, Maori Kogoro, who escorted Ye Yan to Hu, also returned, fell on the sofa and fell asleep.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xie Chen opened his eyes and couldn't fall asleep on the left and right sides of the bed. It was not a good thing to turn black and white, especially the child's body, so he decided to go shopping outside.

The night in May was chilly. Xie Chen walked aimlessly along the street, passing the Mihua Supermarket, and unknowingly came to the cinema.

Although it was late, the streets were not depressed. Some shops still had their doors open. There was a cold noodle truck that closed the stalls late and always stopped by the road.

On the other side of the street, there is a construction team all year round. At very late hours, workers in twos and threes will gather here to eat supper.

When passing by the car for cold noodles, Xie Chen was shocked. He accidentally saw the little mixed-race girl, and the little girl saw him at the same time.

The little girl was still wearing the white nightdress, but it looked gray now, covered with mud, her face was stained everywhere, and she still had no shoes on her feet.

He looked at the road under his feet, rubbed his palms, walked carefully in front of the cold noodle car, raised his face from time to time to look at the car, twitching his dirty little nose.

When she saw Xie Chen, she was obviously shocked, stopped, and then watched Xie Chen go away.

Xie Chen did not stop, and continued walking along the street. After turning the corner, he sighed silently.

He didn't understand why the little girl had become like this. Judging from the first time he saw the mother and daughter in the suburbs, their family should be quite wealthy.

Dressed gorgeously, there are so many bodyguards, and each bodyguard is equipped with firearms, even if you are in a foreign country, if you want help, you can go directly to the embassy.

In addition, Zemu Ye Zi returned the money to them a few days ago. Although the money is not much, it saves a little and is enough to eat for a few days. It is more than enough to make an overseas phone call. Why did you get this now? Look like.

Not only that, he didn't see the little girl's mother when he passed the street.

The rice flower market has developed rapidly in recent years. There are several construction sites near that street. The owner of the fishing gear shop who killed people with a fishing rod some time ago committed the crime here.

There is a dilapidated building near the outskirts of the city, which is said to be demolished and rebuilt, but for many reasons, it has not been done so far. Nowadays, homeless people or beggars often live in.

Seeing the little girl, she and her mother probably live in that building.

People who are not overly sympathetic have long been accustomed to looking at the world coldly, burying their sensibility, or even deliberately eliminating them, and maintaining a certain sense of scale with the surrounding things.

There is always an abyss between the object of cognition and the object of actual acquaintance, and the depth cannot be fully measured no matter what ruler is used.

Even so, Xie Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of compassion. During the time he became a child, the change in his heart was inadvertently, but he was still surprised.

Some people regard themselves as friends, some people no longer care about themselves all the time, and the sensibility that was once deep in their hearts, which can't be found no matter how to find them, has unexpectedly surfaced.

The little girl seemed to be about five or six years old. He had killed a girl of this age before, and she couldn't remember her face.

I don't know why, but I still remember clearly that I was strangling the little girl's neck with my arm, she couldn't die at once, and it took a lot of time to die.

The little girl struggled desperately, urinating incontinence, but she didn't have enough strength, and finally she died slowly.

The little girl had nothing to do with herself, just because she saw her face inadvertently, she was strangled alive. Although she had hesitated, it was only a moment. ..


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