Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 163: Special guest

Takeo Mikami touched his head and smiled: "But in my opinion, the Dragon God should have sunk around this island. As long as you know the location, you can find the missing gold nuggets."

Kogoro Mouri reminded: "But even if you find the gold nuggets, they should not belong to you, because they must be nationalized."

After speaking, he drank all the wine in one cup, which was already the fifth cup.

Takeo Mikami rubbed his hands and said, "But our small island still has the right to get 10% of the benefits, right?"

"Maybe so." Mouri Kogoro murmured.

"I am pleased with this matter, Mr. Mori." Takeo Mikami poured another glass of Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro Mouri drank it all, and then said flatly, "No, I refuse! How can a famous detective in the world do this kind of treasure hunting job."

"What if your reward is one-tenth of this island." Takeo Mikami smiled like a fox.

"I'm happy." Hearing the increase in remuneration, Kogoro Mouri suddenly changed his attitude, regardless of whether it was a famous detective in the world. "

"Thank you for this." The two clenched their hands as if they were doing some kind of underground transaction. Xie Chen and Mao Lilan sighed at the same time.

"Kinoshita." Takeo Mikami turned to Kinoshita Goro, "You can explain to Mr. Mori."

"Yes." Goro Kinoshita nodded. "It happened on a typhoon night seven years ago. On the coast one kilometer away from the island, the Ryushin constantly sent out distress signals because of a problem with the hull."

He took a sip of tea and continued: "But when we went to sea for rescue, the distress signal was suddenly interrupted. By the next morning, only the body of the ship was found on the coast."

He sighed, "That's how it is, don't talk about gold nuggets, we didn't even find a drifting thing."

Kogoro Mouri asked, "So who is the owner of those gold nuggets?"

Goro Kinoshita replied: "It was the owner of the dead ship. He was about to be arrested for tax evasion, so he replaced all his property with gold nuggets. He was planning to flee abroad on that typhoon night."

"So that's it." Kogoro Moori said, patting his chest, "I understand, there is no problem. Kogoro Moori will definitely find the location of the gold nugget on this small island."

Takeo Mikami was overjoyed: "Then please Mr. Mori for more help."

After the meal, Kogoro Moori prepared a speech, and the villagers on Shikishima preached Kogoro Moori's past examples with fascination.

At this time, many villagers had gathered outside the villagers' mansion to listen to the speech of a famous detective. Some people didn't even eat lunch, so they ran here to wait for the speech to begin.

Standing at the entrance of the public hall, Xie Chen sighed silently, "There will be no problems with the won't shame us in the end..."

There is still some time before the speech can begin, at least Kogoro Mouri must sober up.

Xie Chen walked to the warehouse-like room next to the public hall. The number of the room was written with the words Naval Archives, so he pushed the door to enter.

The room was neatly cleaned, with model ships on the table on the left, and general armor on the right.

Goro Kinoshita also walked in at this time and said with a smile, "It's very interesting, right." "Yes." Xie Chen said: "There are so many weird things here."

Kinoshita Goro said, "Yes, these are the precious cultural properties of this small island."

He looked at the naval battle pictures hanging on the wall and said: "About four hundred years ago, the navy that lost in a battle finally fled to this small island."

"Unexpectedly, the residents of this island were stunned by the enemy's reward for their first-level bonus and attacked the injured navy."

"Finally, they were chased into a cave on the side of this small island. I heard that they had better be killed. Since then, unknown things have happened on this small island one after another.

Xie Chen asked: "Because the navy king will make trouble?"

Goro Kinoshita nodded and said, "Yes, so we settled in the cave, hoping to appease the souls of the navy."

Xie Chen smiled and said, "But these statements are all just superstitions."

"No." Goro Kinoshita shook his head. "Not exactly, it's not completely superstition now, because later in the forest, many people saw those naval ghosts in armor appear in the woods."

Xie Chen stared at Goro Kinoshita, waiting for him to continue.

"Moreover, people often hear shuddering grief coming from that navy cave from time to time."

Goro Kinoshita slightly raised his head and continued, "I remember about five years ago, suddenly a group of university professors specializing in navy came to this island to do research."

"They didn't ask the residents on this island beforehand, so they went directly to the navy cave to investigate, but just one night two or three days later, a samurai in armor suddenly appeared."

Xie Chen took a deep breath and asked, "Did you attack those university professors?"

"That's right." Goro Kinoshita lowered his head and said, "Although we didn't confirm, but since that night, the professors haven't heard anything."

Having said that, he sighed, "So now no one on the island dares to approach the cave casually."

"I still believe in that kind of thing now, no wonder I was laughed to death by others." Mishangling suddenly ran in.

"Little Bell..."

Mikami Ling pinched his waist and said, "My father told me that although the professors went to the cave to investigate, they didn't find it at all, so they all went back in a few days."

After that, she suddenly ran over and took Xie Chen's arm, "Let's go, Xie Chen, I will take you to a fun place."

"Wait..." Xie Chen was not given a chance to refuse, and was pulled out by Sanshangling.

Goro Kinoshita watched the two running outside, showing a kindly smile.

"Where are we going?" Xie Chen reluctantly said following behind.

"I will take you to the back of the stage to have a look. This is a special guest seat." Mikami Ling took Xie Chen's hand and ran to the back of the village hall.

Just about to enter, the door was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and the two hurriedly hid on the side of the house. ..


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