Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 171: Strange sound

After two months of investigation, Caroline finally understood that Masanori Fujii already had a lot of influence in the rice flower market and was connected with the Luvis family.

The most intolerable thing was that he had another wife, but before the showdown, Masanori Fujii had hired a killer to clean up her useless chess piece, and the scene that night happened.

Hearing this, Xie Chen understood everything, but since there was no wanted order or the like outside, it showed that Fujii Masazawa was not at ease with the police.

Although it is possible to mobilize the police to help by arbitrarily arranging a crime, I am afraid that someone from the police will follow the vine to find his handle. After all, the leader of the four-section search has just entered.

After sighing silently, Xie Chen asked, "Why don't you make a call back, no matter how powerful Fujii Masanori is, it is impossible to intercept every overseas call."

"I..." Caroline lowered her head and fiddled with her fingers, while Sawaki Yoko played with Lisa Fujii.

Xie Chen reacted when Caroline was hesitant to speak.

Since Caroline's father was not optimistic about the relationship between the two, he may not be optimistic about it now. Although Caroline was forced to come to China to avoid it due to the situation, there may not have been quarrels between the father and daughter.

Caroline broke with the family mostly when she left. Although she understood the power of Fujii Masanori, she still didn't want to ask the family for help.

"Forget it..." Xie Chen drank slobber, "Leave it to us to deal with it, you just need to rest assured here."

Caroline raised her head and looked at Xie Chen anxiously, "But you..."

"It's okay." Xie Chen smiled, "Don't ask more or say more."

Since Xie Chen had to go to school the next day, Xie Chen didn't live there. After saying a few inconsequential words with Zemu Ye Zi, he returned to the office.

Lying in bed thinking about Caroline, there was no clue for a while, it was easy to kill Masanori Fujii quietly, but this way, the troubles will become more and more in the future.

Let's think of a way to send her home. Although the family relationship is severed, she is a father and daughter anyway, so she won't die.

Thinking of this, I went to bed near the early morning.

The next day, when school went to school as usual, the juvenile detective team did not receive any commissions. Although they did not charge money, who would believe the detective gang organized by a group of elementary school students.

After school, Maori Kogoro treats him to dinner and leads Maorilan and Xie Chen to dinner at a western restaurant in the center of Mihua. This is the first time they have been so generous.

After leaving the western restaurant, Kogoro Mouri was still complaining, "You can just order some high-end dishes."

"Hey, isn't this Maori."

They had just come out of the western restaurant when a fat man with wide-brimmed glasses walked over and greeted Kogoro Mouri.

"Omura!" Mouri Kogoro said in surprise: "It's been a long time."

Only then did Xie Chen recognize that this person was Jun Omura, who he had met during the last meeting of Kogoro Moori’s classmates, and he seemed more energetic than before.

Atsushi Omura said with a smile, "It seems that you are still healthy."

Mao Lilan leaned down and said softly to Xie Chen, "Xie Chen, do you remember, Mr. Omura."

Xie Chen nodded and said, "That's the one we met in the hot spring, that uncle's friend in college."

"By the way, Maori." After the greeting, Atsushi Omura suddenly said: "It happened to meet you, and I happen to have something to talk to you."

Mouri Kogoro asked in doubt, "What's the matter?"

Atsushi Omura said, "It's our apartment. Recently, there are strange noises every night."

"Strange sound?"

"It's the kind of sound that keeps tapping from outside the wall."

"Could it be that the children nearby come to you to play pranks."

"I thought so too." Atsushi Omura scratched his head, "but I ran outside as soon as there was a sound, and I didn't see anyone, and this kind of thing has been going on for a week now."

"One week?"

Xie Chen suddenly suggested: "Then we can go to his house and investigate."

"Please, Maori." Omura pleaded.

"Okay, I see." Kogoro Mouri patted his chest and said, "Leave this to my detective, detective Kogoro Mouri."

Although it was said that, after they arrived at the Kimura apartment, the two began to drink. With a plate of peanuts, the two drank all the beer.

Mouri Kogoro also put his arms around Omura Atsushi and said, "Drinking with old friends is different." There is no intention to investigate strange sounds at all.

At this time, the tabletop was full of empty beer bottles. Atsushi Omura picked up a can and shook it and said, "We are all out of beer at home, I will buy it now."

"I think I'll buy it." Mao Lilan suggested.

Later, she and Xie Chen went to the supermarket downstairs to buy beer. When they came back, she saw a taller man standing downstairs smoking a cigarette. Xie Chen couldn't help taking a few more glances.

At 10:04, the two returned to the apartment with a bag of beer. Kogoro Moori couldn't wait to open a can of beer. Before he could drink it, suddenly, there was a "bang", and there was a broken glass in the next room. sound.

"what's up?"

Jun Kimura got up and checked. The window of the next room was shattered by an object, and glass shards were scattered on the floor.

"Ikuta, what's the matter?" At the same time, a man's voice came downstairs.

Mouri Kogoro walked to the balcony and opened the window. Downstairs of the apartment, a man with eyes squatted on the ground, and a man with messy hair lay in front of him.

"Answer me, Ikuta, there is a limit to joking."

At this time, a taxi drove over and illuminated the road in front of him.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the man with glasses screamed, "Ikuta...he is dead..."

"What?" Mouri Kogoro ran downstairs quickly, touched the neck of a man named Ikuta with his fingers, and then said to Molilan: "Xiaolan, go to the police."

"Yes!" Mao Lilan ran to the phone booth.

"He was hit by a blunt object on the head and died."

When Xie Chen approached, he found that the dead man was the one who smoked under the apartment before. At this time, the ground was full of cigarette butts, about a dozen.

Ten minutes later, Officer Mumu led people to the scene. ..


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