Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 174: Not a bat

"I have it in my room." Atsushi Omura came over and said, "That's the fishing line I used to show the model."

"Can you bring it here, please."

"I see." Omura nodded and walked to his room.

"Xiaolan." Xie Chen continued: "Please find a plastic bag, fill it with small rocks and bring it here. Move faster."

Five minutes later, Atsushi Omura and Moriran took the fishing line and the drenched plastic bag respectively. During this time, Hiroshi Takeno stood in the middle of the room, looking a little hesitant.

"Police Officer Mumu." Xie Chen said, "Please take out a small rock and tie it with two fishing lines on it."


"After tying the stone, I used the slingshot in Mr. Takeno's drawer to shoot the small stone out of the roof of the opposite building from the window of this room."

Officer Mumu tied the stone according to Xie Chen's statement, took out the slingshot, and opened the window. Koji Takeno seemed even more flustered at this time.

Xie Chen continued: "The distance between the two buildings is only eleven meters, so as long as the slingshot is tightened, anyone can shoot the stone out."

With a "search", the stones tied with the fishing line fell on the top floor of the opposite building.

"Officer Mumu." Xie Chen said, "After officer Takagi picked up the fishing line there, he passed it through the blood-stained handrail and asked him to connect the joints of the two fishing lines."

After hearing the instructions from the walkie-talkie, Interpol Takagi connected the fishing line according to Xie Chen's statement.

"Next is the pile of rope on the shelf."

"Rope?" Officer Mumu looked back, staring at a wooden frame on the wall of the room with a bundle of rope placed on the wooden frame, "This."

Xie Chen said, "Now please tie one end of the rope to one end of the fishing line in your hand."

After binding, Officer Megome asked, "This should be fine."

Xie Chen said, "Now, please pull the other end of the fishing line into the house from the outside to the inside."

Officer Mumu pulled the fishing line closer to the house and asked, "Brother Maori, what exactly is this rope used for?"

"Xiaolan." Xie Chen said: "You now use the other end of the rope to tie the plastic bag on your hand."


"Be careful not to let the stone inside leak out when you tie it."

"It's already tied up, Dad." Mao Lilan said, holding the plastic bag.

"Brother Maori..." Officer Mumu suddenly surprised: "Could it be that..."

Xie Chen said slowly: "It seems that Officer Mume already knows, now let detective Takagi go downstairs."

Afterwards, the Takagi detective ran downstairs and stood in front of the blood-stained wall, "Group leader, I have arrived here."

"Very well, let's start." Officer Mumu's voice came from the intercom.

"What are you going to start?" As soon as the voice fell, with a "bang", the bag of stones passed down the rope and hit the wall beside him.

"How about, Brother Takagi?" Officer Megume asked loudly.

The scared detective Takagi turned pale, and it took a long time before he said, "The plastic bag hit the wall just above the line on the corpse, and the blood is right next to it."

Xie Chen said: "Mr. Takeno used this method to kill Mr. Ikuta, and then he immediately pulled the rope into the house and took the murder weapon back."

Officer Mumu pulled the rope, and the plastic bag slowly rose up.

"In this way, the murder weapon cannot appear at the scene of the murder."

The plastic bag bypassed the handrail on the top floor and smashed directly under the window of the Dacun house.

Detective Takagi immediately said on the walkie-talkie: "Group leader, this time the plastic bag hit Mr. Omura's room on the broken glass window."

Hiroshi Takeno bowed his head deeply, clenched his fists in both hands, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

"Mori." Atsushi Omura asked at this time, "Could it be that I hear the sound like knocking on the wall every night..."

"Yes." Xie Chen said: "That is Mr. Takeno's practice for this plan, but tonight the strange sound is louder than usual, because this time the murder weapon hit the window directly."

Mao Lilan said: "That's why the glass on the window breaks."

"Takeno you..." Nakamura looked at Koji Takeno worriedly.

"Mr. Maori."

Hiroshi Takeno raised his head and said, "But the reason Ikuta went to that place was after I received the call. If the Japanese didn't call him, there would be no way to implement this technique."

Xie Chen said: "Mr. Rixia didn't make any calls at all. You designed everything yourself."

Shimizu Yoichi said, "But we did hear the voice of the sun on the phone."

Xie Chen said: "As long as the voice on the phone is recorded with a recorder in advance, it can be played back as soon as the time is up. You can freely control it at any time."

Then he just had to pick up the phone in this room and pretend to speak to Mr. Ikuta instead of Mr. Higashita. "

"Of course, the person who stuffed the note in Mr. Hixia's cabinet was also Mr. Takeno, because he wanted to design Mr. Hixia as a murderer."

Rixia was already widening his eyes and looked at Koji Takeno in disbelief.

"But, brother Maori." Officer Mume asked: "How did he make sure that he was aiming at Mr. Ikuta? The street lights at the murder scene had long been broken, and the scene was completely dark."

Xie Chen said: "He just wanted to make others have an illusion, so Mr. Takeno would break the street lamp."

Officer Megome said: "In this way, doesn't he know the location of Mr. Ikuta?"

"Wrong." Xie Chen said: "In fact, Mr. Takeno knows very well, even in the dark, he still knows the location of Mr. Ikuta."

"Nonsense." Hiroshi Takeno spread his hands and said, "I'm not a bat, how can I see so clearly."

"Xiao Lan." Xie Chen said, "What was Mr. Ikuta doing when you went to the convenience store to buy beer?"

"What are you doing?" Maorilan put his finger to his mouth for a moment, then said: "At that time he was standing under the broken street lamp and he was smoking."


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