Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 178: Shadow of death

Caroline hugged her daughter and lay on the sofa. The light of gunfire outside flickered fiercely like firecrackers. The originally quiet factory instantly turned into a battlefield filled with gunpowder. The gunshots were rapid and exciting.

Masaru Fujii raised his pistol and faced the door with a look of horror. Although he was in a high position, he had never experienced such a thing.

And the foreigner standing at the door of the room just pulled out his pistol, he was pierced through the forehead by the stray bullet shot from inside, and fell slowly in front of him.

After a long time, the vibration finally disappeared, and the frantic gunfire outside gradually stopped. At this time, Fujii Masanori could see only the corpse and blood of the foreigner at the door, and the pistol that had fallen aside.

Masaaki Fujii's shoulders trembled, his pistol was tightly held in his hand, and he dared to move it for a while, for fear that if he moved it, he would be pierced through his head like the foreigner.

I don't know how long it took, and calm outside recovered again. Masaaki Fujii simply turned his mind, pulled Caroline on the sofa, pushed her in front, and slowly leaned toward the door.

Caroline was hesitant, she didn't know who came to save her, the woman or the child, maybe it was together.

When she arrived at the door, Caroline took a deep breath and quickly covered her daughter's eyes with the light of the electric light outside.

There was a mess outside the room, with corpses all over the floor, all blood, like hell.

When Fujii saw this scene, he was trembling almost all over. He glanced at Caroline, and then trembled into the walkie-talkie and asked: "Quickly, quickly report, what happened just now? How could this happen."

After the rustle of the walkie-talkie, a man's nervous and flustered voice came, "Boss, the corridor on the left was blown up. We probably have four or five brothers buried underneath. What should we do now?"

Masaru Fujii took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, but it was in vain. He shouted angrily: "Leave them alone, all come up, all come to me, hurry up!"

There was just a reply, and another voice came in, "Help! The boss, help me! He is outside! I didn't know where he came from just now. Our two brothers were killed by him. He is very short..."

The person didn't seem to finish speaking, and the intercom was interrupted in vain.

"What? Who the **** is he? Answer me!" Masaki Fujii hurried to the window and looked down. It was pitch black outside and nothing was visible.

At this time, the walkie-talkie rang again.

"Boss, the corridor was blocked by a collapsed cement slab. We are pushing away and we will be here soon."

As soon as the voice fell, gunfire sounded in vain.

"He's here again... he rushed in!"

The gunshots outside kept ringing. For Fujii Masanori, the endless gunshots were equivalent to the bells from hell.

He just felt trembling all over his body, pacing back and forth in the room. After a while, the gunshots gradually reduced before he pressed the walkie-talkie and asked hurriedly, "How is it, have you killed him?"

"No, not yet." A nervous and flustered voice came from the intercom. "He is too flexible, like a monkey. Our brothers were shot as soon as they appeared. Boss, what should I do now..."

Masanori Fujii knew the reason for the scarcity of gunshots. It turned out that the number of people on his side was declining. He gritted his teeth and roared: "What? You mean he suppressed all of you alone?"

"Yes...Yes." The man almost cried out, "His marksmanship is too accurate and too flexible. We dare not go out. We will die immediately when we go out..."

"I..." Masanori Fujii was incoherent for a while, and he didn't even know what he was talking about.

After a few breaths, he shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Add money! I'll add money to you! Everyone listens to me counting to three, go out and shoot together, I don't believe he can kill all of you! One, two..."

The word "three" had not yet been exported, and the broadcast suddenly sounded, "No trouble, I'm not there anymore."

The voice was cold and hoarse, with a hint of immaturity when listening carefully.

The people below thought that Masanori Fujii had already called out three, and rushed out with his head feverishly. While shooting frantically around, a bullet shot down from the side and pierced a person's head on the spot.

Although they rushed out together, they still couldn't find the enemy's position. The broadcast also shocked their minds. After their companions fell, all of them shrank back.

The little boss turned on the walkie-talkie and said tremblingly: "No... he seems to be in the broadcasting room... Boss, he is running to you!"

Masanori Fujii shouted: "Then you guys don't hurry up! What are you waiting for!"

Fujii Masaru shivered in fright. After the factory building was requisitioned by him, he did arrange a broadcasting room, and that broadcasting room was not far from his room.

The shadow of death shrouded in an instant, and for the first time in his life felt such fear.

No matter what, he couldn't sit and wait for death. He staggered to the table, took out a submachine gun from the drawer, and held onto Caroline tightly.

Caroline stared blankly at everything in front of her, a trace of fear arose out of her tension. It was an innate fear that originated from human instinct.

Although she was born in a family like Fandino, she has never heard of such a person, a person, single-handedly breaking in and breaking out, and no one can stop her. She regards life as a child’s play and plays with so many people’s lives. In the palm.

"Mr. Zhengze, the mother and daughter are the ones I want to protect. Now return them to me." The voice that just sounded on the radio appeared on the walkie-talkie at this time.

Masaru Fujii trembled, "Okay... don't kill me, don't kill me, I can give you money, you want more..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a "bang" and something hit the door. Masaru Fujii conditioned his reflex to pull the trigger, and the machine gun spouted wildly at the door.

"Mr. Regular, I really didn't want to kill you, but you want my life, sorry."

The voice still came through the walkie-talkie, and Fujii was sitting on the ground. He couldn't imagine what kind of person it was. He climbed up to the height of the five-story building and rushed into the factory building by the opportunity of an explosion.

It was like going to a friend's house for dinner, killing more than a dozen experienced mercenaries, and then leaving calmly, and suppressed all the owners of the entire factory. ..


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