Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 181: Unrestricted

"Organic phosphorus compounds?"

"Yes." The police officer nodded and said, "In addition, it was discovered that there was still a bit of saliva containing poison in the victim's mouth. This poison was an important cause of the death of the deceased. The detailed results will not be known until after the laboratory tests."

"Sergeant Megome." Kogoro Mouri walked over and said, "In my opinion, this is an accidental and accidental homicide with no specific target."

"What?" Officer Mumu said in astonishment.

"Now please come with me."

Afterwards, Kogoro Mouri led Officer Mumu to the vending machine at the corner of the street.

Standing in front of the vending machine, Kogoro Mori said, "As I guess, the murderer put the poisoned Kazeman in this exit, waiting for the victim somewhere."

As he said, he dropped a coin, "At this time, Mr. Nagai bought Katzman when he passed this place, but Mr. Nagai did not get the Katzman he bought himself at this time."

He opened the flap of the extraction port, "Instead, he took the Kazman that the murderer had put in the extraction port beforehand and mixed it with poison. Later, when Mr. Nagai was walking and drinking, he fell down because of a poisonous attack."

Officer Mumu touched his chin, thought about it, and said, "But what evidence do you have to prove that the murderer put the poisoned Kazeman here."

"Of course." Kogoro Mori took out the drink from his trouser pocket. "That's it. To be honest, I bought Kazeman here just now. At that time, there was a bottle of Kazeman that was placed in the outlet of the vending machine. local."

Xie Chen looked at Katzman in the sealed bag in the police officer's hand and said, "There is a sticker on the bottle of Katzman."

Officer Mumu took the sealed bag, and the Kazeman inside really had a pink sticker.

Xie Chen said: "That sticker seems to be a prize draw. I remember that the draw should be over three days ago. The best evidence is that there is no sticker on the bottle held by my uncle."

Mouri Kogoro looked at Kazeman in his hand and said, "There is no one on this."

"This is the same." Xie Chen took out Kazman from the vending machine exit.

"So that's the case." Officer Megumi said, "This may be the most important clue in this case."

"I remember, police officer." The forensic officer said suddenly: "I suddenly remembered that I had cross-examined the deceased."


"It should have been three weeks ago. A young lady living in an apartment not far from here reported to our police station that there was a scary man who had been following her recently, causing a lot of trouble."

Having said this, the forensic officers paused for a while, and then continued: "At that time we caught a person wandering in front of the apartment, who was the victim of this case."

Mao Lilan asked, "Is he the wolf of rice flower that I have heard of recently?"

"Yes." The forensic officer said: "But he said that he only followed her because he liked her, and he didn't do anything strange to the lady, so we let him go home and ask him not to do anything That's it."

Officer Megome asked: "What did the deceased do during his lifetime?"

The forensic officer replied: "He said he wanted to take the judicial examination, and he was working hard to prepare at that time."

Xie Chen asked, "Is the apartment where the lady lives near here?"

"Yes." The forensic officer said: "Just go a little bit at the scene of the murder."

Xie Chen said: "The deceased was also going to the lady's house this morning. Did he follow her again?"

Officer Mumu said: "What's the matter?" He is used to following Xie Chen's thoughts.

The forensic officer replied, "But after that time, the lady never went to the police station to report the crime, so I think maybe after that time, he didn't follow the lady again."

"Okay." Officer Mumu said, "In short, let's go and meet that lady first."

Then they came to the apartment in front of the street.

The one who opened the door was the young woman being stalked, dressed in home clothes, tall and slender, with an outstanding face, with her hair draped over her shoulders.

Officer Megome told her what happened this morning, and the woman's expression was shocked, "Is that person dead?"

"Yes." Officer Mumu said: "Because he drank toxic Kazman, this happened forty minutes ago. Please forgive me for being rude. Where have you been during this time? "

"If it was forty minutes ago..."

The young woman glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, "At that time, I happened to come back here from the outside. I now work in a family-style restaurant in the Yeido Ward during the day."

While speaking, she kept rubbing the palms of her hands hanging between her legs, "We close the store at four o'clock. After closing the store, I do cleaning work. It should be around five o'clock when I leave the store."

Officer Megome said, "Did you take the tram from Yeido district to Mihua Station?"

The young woman nodded, her palms still rubbing.

Officer Mumu continued: "When you got out of the station, did you walk home on foot?"

"Yes." The young woman didn't say much, she was a little bit cramped.

Mouri Kogoro suddenly leaned into Officer Mumu's ear and whispered: "So, Officer, just as Xie Chen said."

Officer Megome nodded, and said to the officer behind him: "Taguchi, bring the map of this area."

A police officer named Taguchi put the map on the table. Officer Megumi looked at the map and said, "Miss Nishitani, which way can you get back to this apartment from Mihua Station."

The young woman was named Miho Nishitani, and the police officer had already told Officer Mumu on the way there.

"Okay." Nishitani Miho said, pointing to the street on the map: "I walked back from here from the road in front of this station."

"I knew it." Kogoro Mouri said, "In that case, you must have passed the place where the vending machine fell with Mr. Nagai."

"Huh?" Miho Nishitani's expression suddenly became flustered, "What do you mean by this?"

Officer Megure said, "Mr. Nagai fell down in this place, that is to say, he was following you at that time."

"How come..." Said Miho Nishitani: "But the policeman recently helped me pay attention to this matter. I haven't seen him for a long time, and I have only recently settled down."..


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