Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 183: Wait

Taguchi opened the notepad he carried with him, "I have a wallet, driver's license, cigarettes, room keys, and a lighter."

"Lighter?" Xie Chen asked, "What kind of lighter is it?"

Taguchi flicked his finger, "That's the kind of lighter that can be opened like this, a little bigger than a normal lighter."

Xie Chen continued to ask, "Where is that lighter now?"

Taguchi replied: "We have already returned to the victim's mother."

Xie Chen nodded. After knowing this, he went to a nearby telephone booth to call the detective office and the police station in a different voice.

Twenty minutes later, Kogoro Mouri and Officer Megure arrived at the apartment where Miho Nishitani lived.

"Detective Mumu, did you call me?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, you obviously asked me to come."


Nishitani Miho was about to go to work, her tone was a little hurried, "What the **** is going on? I'm going out to work soon."


Xie Chen silently turned on the watch-type anesthesia gun. Just halfway through his words, Maori Kogoro suddenly leaned on the stool beside him.

"It is indeed me who called you." Xie Chen hid behind the table and said in the voice of Kogoro Moori.

"Oh?" Officer Mumu said in surprise, "You are about to start, right? Keep talking."

Xie Chen said, "Ms. Nishitani, I think I will ask you to call for a day off today. This is because the real murderer who killed Mr. Nagai by poisoning him is you."


Nishitani Miho's pupils shrank suddenly, her face suddenly became pale, and she subconsciously said, "What did you say?"

Xie Chen continued: "That morning, you knew that Mr. Yongjing was still behind you and kept following you. You bought a bottle of Kazman from the vending machine. We will temporarily call that bottle number one. Up."

Nishitani Miho took off her coat, revealing her thin white sweater. With only thin hair left, her **** looked much plumper than expected.

She hung her coat on the stool and watched Kogoro Mouri, adjusting her breathing silently.

"You didn’t take it out after pressing the button. Instead, you took the other Kazman 2 you prepared before, deliberately let Mr. Nagai see it, you seem to take Kazman 2 from a vending machine. I took it out."

"Then opened the lid on the spot, and started drinking while walking, and then you put the opened Kazman on the wall, but that bottle is not the Kazman 2 you were drinking before."

"It's the other bottle you prepared in advance, that is, Kazeman No. 3, but it's because Popcorn Wolf has a strange hobby of collecting his objects."

"So of course, Mr. Nagai picked up the bottle of Katzman. At this time, he found that there was still a lot of drink left in the bottle of Katzman 3."

"Mr. Nagai, who has always liked you unilaterally, of course drank it happily, without even thinking about being poisoned by someone inside."

"The reason you left the Kazman One in the vending machine was to make outsiders think it was an accident."

As for the coins you used when you bought Kazman No. 1, and the poisoned Kazman No. 3 bottle, you can't find your fingerprints. "

"According to my guess, you applied adhesive to the tips of your fingers in the Mihua Station toilet in advance to make your fingerprints disappear."

When Xie Chen said this, Nishiya Miho had been biting her finger, seemingly hesitant and a little at a loss.

Officer Mumu was surprised: "Adhesive?"

Xie Chen said: "When we first got here, she kept trying to rub off what she didn't know on the tips of her two fingers. In fact, it was the adhesive debris."

Nishitani Miho's eyes trembled, and her language seemed to be missing. She was obviously not a person who could hide her heart, even though she had been trying her best to keep herself calm.

"It's a bit unreasonable to wear gloves this season. If you use a handkerchief to hold the bottle, you will be suspected by Mr. Nagai. That's bad, so you just use the adhesive."

Nishitani Miho sighed slowly, a particularly long breath, perhaps she herself felt too long, then raised her face and looked at Kogoro Mouri with a slightly nervous look.

"How you reason about it is your freedom." She said, "But you have no evidence at all."

Xie Chen said, "Of course I have evidence, Xie Chen." He handed a stack of photos to Officer Mumu, and Officer Mumu took the photos and turned them over.

"This is..." The photos were taken secretly by Tatsu Nagai behind her this morning.

Xie Chen said: "It seems that Mr. Nagai took your photos secretly. You seem to have no idea. In fact, it is no wonder that this is because he uses a special camera."

"Special camera?"

"That's it." Xie Chen took out a lighter. "In addition to being able to ignite normally, this lighter will turn into a camera if it is turned on like this. The shutter is this button."

Nishitani Meifan's face instantly turned pale, she bit her lip, staring intently at the lighter that Xie Chen had put on the table.

After Xie Chen returned to the table, he continued to say in the voice of Kogoro Moori: "Because Mr. Nagai, like his father who worked as a mechanic in an iron factory, has very dexterous hands for ironworkers."

"Now you will be very clear as long as you see those photos. The Kazeman beverage bottles in those photos have a pink sticker on them."

Officer Megome looked at the photo and said, "Is it a sticker for giving gifts?"

"Actually, it's just like what Police Officer Megome said before."

Xie Chen said: "The Kazman sold by the vending machine had all been replaced by bottles without stickers and marked with a new date just after noon the day before yesterday. So... "

"That's right." Nishitani Miho suddenly interrupted him, squeezing her hands on the table, her shoulders trembling unceasingly, and almost sobbing: "I did kill that person..."

She stopped for a moment, as if she wanted to calm herself down, **** the tablecloth, and the rest of the people did not speak, and waited for the following, silence fell in the room. ..


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