Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 187: not here

Tadao Ohno raised his head, stared at the ceiling somewhere, and said softly: "I had that accident three years ago when I was shooting a movie in the Grim Reaper, and I switched to TV."

"What's the accident?" Police Officer Mumu asked.

"Remember that day, the double who had been scheduled to shoot the film never appeared on the set. Nanjo Hayato temporarily suggested not to take the double, letting Kitano, who was still a rookie, on top."

Tadao Ohno said slowly: "Finally, Kitano, who played part of the action part, also agreed to play. With Nanjo talking about it, we still bite the bullet and started shooting."

"Unexpectedly, the off-road vehicle used for filming suddenly exploded and caught fire. In the end, Kitano would never go back. From then on, because I expressed my full responsibility to everyone, I stabbed the director."

"I do have a hatred for Nanjo, but I know there is another person who hates Nanjo even deeper than me, and she is sitting there."

As he said, he pointed to Yoshino Rimi sitting on the sofa, "Everyone knows that Rimi and Kitano used to be a pair of boy and girl friends whom everyone admired."

Yoshino Rimi sat on the sofa quietly without speaking.

Nanjo Mizuki looked at her and asked aloud, but her tone was not as intense as before, "Is it true? Satomi?"

"Yes." Yoshino Rimi looked up and said: "I admit that I and Kitano were boy and girl friends at the time. At that time, Kitano and I belonged to the same brokerage company."

She looked at Officer Mugo and her tone became hurried, "It was indeed an unfortunate accident, but I definitely did not hold any grudge against Nanjo because of that accident."

"Dad." Mao Lilan said suddenly: "I can prove that Miss Satomi stood in front of this building with me and Xie Chen when Mr. Nanjo was killed."

Officer Mumu raised his arms, becoming more and more confused.

"That's right." The TV station staff suddenly said: "We just used a camera in the park to take a picture of the inside of the Death Array."

"What?" Officer Megome said quickly: "Then let's take a look."

Nanjo Mizuki said: "There is a VCR on the sixth floor."

"Great." Yoshino Rimi stood up, "I'm going to prepare now."

Yoshino Rimi went downstairs to prepare the video recorder. Xie Chen stood in front of the window and looked down. Why did the murderer deliberately let everyone see in the park, and the shadow just now...

boom! There was gunfire downstairs in vain.

"From below!"

Kogoro Mouri hurried out to press the elevator. At this time, the elevator was on the first floor. They had to run the stairs to the sixth floor.

Yoshino Rimi sat down in front of the elevator on the sixth floor. After seeing them coming down, he pointed to the direction of the escape stairs and said, "The death line ran out."


Officer Mumu immediately dispatched police officers to search the building.

Later, Kogoro Mori called everyone to the office on the sixth floor, and Officer Megume asked Rimi Yoshino about what had just happened.

"That said, you took the elevator to the sixth floor. When you opened the escape exit door, the Grim Reaper who was hiding in the office on the sixth floor suddenly shot you, and he ran away, right?"

"Yes." Yoshino Rimi nodded. Xie Chen frowned slightly. It was too strange. It has been just an hour since Nanjo Nanjo Hayato was killed. During this period of time, the murderer was able to escape the attention of the police and kept hiding. The building was not found.

And why did the murderer shoot Yoshino Rimi? She was the only other person. Instead of shooting her to attract the police's attention, it would be safer to escape quietly.

"Team leader." The police officer came in and said, "The inspection work at the scene is over."

"Thanks." Officer Mumu said, "Are there traces of bullets found at the scene?"

The officer turned the record and said: "No, we guess the murderer probably escaped from the escape exit."

Officer Mumu sighed, "That's true, it's difficult to find it."

The VCR was also adjusted at this time, and the photographer stood up and said, "Officer Megome, now you can start playing the videotape."

"Okay, everyone sit down."

Everyone gathered in front of the VCR. There was a videotape in the TV cabinet where the CD was placed. Xie Chen picked it up. The videotape still had some temperature, and it did not fall to the front at all.

Yoshino Rimi suddenly stretched out his hand, took the videotape, and smiled and said, "Xie Chen, you can't touch this indiscriminately."

"Sorry..." Xie Chen smiled awkwardly.

When everyone was watching the video tape in front of the VCR, Xie Chen went to the office on the seventh floor and picked up the fax and read it page by page.

After a while, he slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, Xie Chen." Mouri Kogoro chased after him, "You don't want to go around here."

Xie Chen handed the fax over and said, "But look at this fax."

"Huh?" Mouri Kogoro received the fax. After reading it for a long time, he couldn't see why. "What's wrong with this? Isn't this the fax just now? What's wrong with it..."

Before he finished speaking, the same intense sleepiness as usual suddenly hit, and then he sat slantingly on the sofa.

Then, the phone in the office on the sixth floor rang.

"Hey, okay, Officer Mume." Rimi Yoshino handed the phone to Officer Mume. "Mr. Mori said I want to talk to you."

"Okay." Officer Mumu answered the phone, "Hey, brother Maori...what...have you revealed the answer?"

"Yes." On the other side, in the office on the seventh floor, Xie Chen said to the phone in the voice of Kogoro Moori: "Actually, the murderer never disappeared from the murder scene, because she was not there at the beginning."

Officer Mumu was surprised and asked: "What? He was not here in the first place?" After that, he pressed the hands-free button of the phone so that everyone could hear it.

Xie Chen said: "When our group of people ran desperately in front of the building, in fact, Mr. Nanjo had already been killed by the murderer."

Officer Mumu asked: "But Xie Chen and the others clearly saw the shadow of the murderer in the window on the seventh floor."

Xie Chen said: "That's just a trick deliberately designed by the murderer."

Officer Mumu asked, "What technique?"

Xie Chen said, "I think I can show it to everyone soon. Could you please ask everyone to come here on the seventh floor, and please help me prepare a roll of insulating tape and a fishing line."


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