Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 198: Become complicated

"I thought that the thief would show up tonight. I didn't expect this thief to steal a life instead of something."

"Are you planning to kill?" Xie Chen murmured.

"But don't you think it's weird?" Hattori Heiji said, "The murderer would actually commit the crime in front of the Maori who declared his impatience thanks to your gift. It seems that this murderer is quite confident in his murder plan."

"Or rather." Xie Chen shook his head and said: "He has no way to change his plan anymore."

Hattori Heiji said, "What is strange to me is the things left by the murderer scattered beside the corpse. The murder weapon is still nothing. He should escape quickly. There is no need to take off the hat and bandage."

Xie Chen said: "Moreover, the reason why the murderer deliberately let us see his face in front of us is obviously that he wants to blame Mr. Xiuchen."

Hattori Heiji said, "So, the only person who can do this is Miss Nobuko who suddenly came out of the bedroom just now."

Xie Chen nodded. After analysis, this case was more complicated than imagined, and then he sighed again. He, who was a killer himself, started working as a detective without knowing when he started.

After that, the police spent a day and night searching every corner of the house inside and out, but they still couldn't find a trace of Hidetoshi Nagato.

On the evening of the second day after the police incident, when the police were about to give up the search...

The setting sun turned the villa red, and Hinata Yukio and Nobuko Nagato were arguing by the small pond in the courtyard.

"What are you talking about?" Nagato Nobuko pinched her waist and said loudly to Hinata Yuki, "Hiuchen didn't get married because of my relationship? What do you mean by this? You mean that Xiuchen is worried about me. Are you not married?"

Hinata Yuki held the pen in his hand, took a step on his hind legs subconsciously, lowered his head and said softly, "No, I just think he likes being gentle like the older sister..."

This sentence directly pierced the sore spot of Nagato Nobuko. She still knew her temper. Before Hinata could speak, she slapped her face with a slap.

Hinata Yuki stumbled, the pen in her hand flew away and fell into the pond next to her. She couldn't even take off her high heels and sat down by the pond, dipping her legs into the water.

"Miss Hyuga, don't do it." Mo Lilan hurried up, grabbing Yuki Hyuga who was about to enter the water.

Musashinosuke also ran over and said, "Please don't go down, this pond is very deep."

Hinata Yuki struggled and said, "But that pen is a souvenir from my father. If I lose it, I will..."

"Let the water flow out immediately!" Officer Mumu ordered loudly.

"Yes." Musashinosuke said, "I'll go right away."

After the water in the pond was released, Hidetoshi Nagato was found dead. He was lying quietly at the bottom of the pond, as if waiting for someone to find him. The bandages and hats on his head disappeared, and he looked dead. For a long time.

The police quickly recovered the corpse, and Nagato Kangjiang sat beside the corpse and wept bitterly.

"Why? How could things become like this? How could Brother Xiushen..."

I just lost my husband, and now I see my brother's body again, and lost two relatives in two consecutive days. This shock is really too big.

Officer Mumu sighed and asked the forensic staff behind him: "What is the estimated time of Mr. Xiuchen's death?"

The forensic officer said: "According to my inference, the deceased has been dead for one and a half to two days."

Officer Mumu said: "The time Mr. Guangming was pushed down from the balcony was about ten o'clock the night before, which is forty-four hours ago."

The forensic officer nodded, and Officer Mumu touched his chin and continued: "As for Mr. Xiuchen, if he jumped into this pond and committed suicide before our police arrived here, it would be in line with the facts."

The forensic officer said: "But the cause of death was not drowning."


"It takes a further step of autopsy to make a conclusion, but according to my judgment, it sank into the pool after taking the poison."

The forensic officer knelt down and picked up the stone next to the corpse. "The reason why the corpse didn't surface was because the deceased's clothes had stones in them."

Officer Mumu said in surprise: "In that case, Mr. Xiuchen committed suicide by poisoning first, and then jumped into the pool holding a stone?"

Mouri Kogoro said, "I think he must not want his death to be seen by anyone."

"But..." Officer Megome said, "Even if Mr. Xiuchen and Mr. Guangming had a bad relationship during their lifetime, they won't kill anyone."

"I think." Musashinosuke said suddenly, "This may be because the relationship between Mr. Hideo and Miss Yasue was so good."

He looked at Nagato Kang Jiang, who was sitting aside weeping, and said softly: "I remember that when Ms. Kang Jiang married Miss Guangming, the person who had been resolutely opposed until the end was Mr. Xiu Chen."

Kogoro Mouri said: "It may be because the most important sister is going to marry a friend who doesn't agree with him. He is not convinced."

"This fool..." Nobuko Nagato sighed, his face was filled with sorrow that couldn't be hidden. Anyway, it was his brother who died.

"Detective Megome." Takagi Shibuya ran over, "The results of the forensics have come out."

Officer Megome quickly asked, "What was the result?"

"Yes." Takagi Shibuya looked at the recording paper in his hand and said: "The shape of the knife found at the crime scene is the same as the wound on Mr. Guangming's arm. The blood stain on the murder knife also belongs to Mr. Guangming after investigation."

"In addition, the hair on the hats and bandages scattered with the murderous knife beside the deceased is also owned by Mr. Guangming. There is a kite string about one meter long in Mr. Guangming's jacket pocket."

"Kite string?" Officer Mumu asked puzzled.

Xie Chen suddenly asked, "Is the wound on the back of the deceased's right hand also a knife wound?"

Takagi Shibuya said: "It seems a bit different."

"That's right." Hattori Heiji asked, "There should be saliva on that knife. What is the blood type of the saliva?"

Takagi Shibuya said: "There is no saliva on it, as if it was wiped off."

Xie Chen frowned slightly, and the case became complicated. ..


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