Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 205: Artificial satellite

"Because we don't even know when and in what way the Kaipi No. 1412 will appear."

At this time, a strong physique on the left side of the hall looked like a simple-minded police officer with well-developed limbs was speaking loudly to his subordinates.

"What did you say? Didn't I just say it? Pay attention to the riverside! You have to deploy a part of the police force to the riverside!"

"Remember, the thief No. 1412 is going to invade the museum from the Temujin River that flows next to this museum, you know?"

Shiro Suzuki introduced to Kogoro Mori in a low voice that this was the manager of the Second Division of the Metropolitan Police Department's investigation, Shintaro Chaki.

"Has the code been solved?" Suzuki Shiro walked over and asked.

Chamu Shintaro nodded and said, "The invitation to follow the waves mentioned in the notification letter means to come down the river along the Temutsu River."

He said with confidence, "And the only place in the vicinity where there are waves except for the Temujin River, there is no other place."

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing out loud as if he had heard an extremely funny joke.

Hearing the laughter, Shintaro Chaki immediately turned around and saw Moori Kogoro in astonishment and said, "Aren't you the Moori who had been a lesson before?"

Kogoro Mouri walked over and said, "You are so cruel, sir."


Kogoro Mouri said in a sensational manner: "Don't you understand? Waves refer to the ocean. When it comes to the ocean, you think of the wilderness, and the stars are the stars."

"It means the idol star Yoko Okino, who will hold a live concert in the nearby Rice Flower Hall from tomorrow, do you know?"

In this unconstrained reasoning, Chamu Shintaro was speechless, and Xie Chen was also a little confused by him.

Kogoro Mouri said more and more vigorously, "Also, Yoko Okino's last song has been determined to be the moon girl, which is a sentence that implies when the moon separates the two."

"So, the strange thief No. 1412 must have committed the theft near the Rice Flower Hall at the end of the live concert at 9 o'clock in the evening, don't you understand?"

"Nonsense..." Xie Chen whispered, but the reaction of Shintaro Chamu then made his eyes go dark.

Chamu Shintaro touched his chin and said, "That really makes sense."

Shiro Suzuki praised it even more: "As expected of the detective Kogoro Mori,

Xie Chen almost vomited blood, it is hard to imagine how they became police officers and chairman of the board.

Chamu Shintaro thought for a while, and said loudly to his subordinates: "Well, the third team and the fifth team will now gather around the rice flower hall."

Apparently, he was convinced of Mouri Kogoro's analysis.

Just as Xie Chen was about to interrupt, he changed his mind, he didn't untie the secret signal of the notification letter himself, so he had to give up.

After the police were dispatched, Chaki Shintaro looked around and said, "Where did the guy who was assigned to our bureau last month went?"

The young police officer standing behind him replied, "The team leader took his subordinates wherever he went this morning."

Chamu Shintaro complained: "This kid really doesn't know the time." The young police officer scratched his head and said, "Report the police officer, it's already two o'clock. Should we go to the neighborhood for a meal first."

Due to Kogoro Mori’s reasoning, the big guys all concluded that the strange thief 1412 would come at nine o’clock in the evening, and the original tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed, so the patrol that should be patrolled should have dinner.

After most of the police officers evacuated, Xie Chen ran to the window and fiddled with the watch on his wrist.

"What are you going to do, Xie Chen." Mao Lilan asked after coming over.

Xie Chen said without looking up, "I am using my watch to determine the direction."

"Confirm the direction?" Mao Lilan asked in confusion.

"Yes." Xie Chen fiddled with the watch. "First of all, the time of the watch should be aligned with the direction of the sun. Because Japan is in the northern hemisphere, the angle between the hour hand and twelve o'clock on the surface is exactly south. "

Suzuki Yuanzi also looked over at this time, and Xie Chen realized that he knew too much, so he smiled awkwardly, "It's nothing, in fact, I just try to watch the common sense on TV..."

Mao Lilan nodded suspiciously, and then walked aside to chat with Suzuki Yuanko.

Xie Chen breathed a sigh of relief and stared at the line of police cars outside the window. After confirming just now, he already knew that the south was in the direction of one o'clock and the southwest was at 2:30.

After a while, he slowly raised the corners of his mouth, and then he and Mao Lilan returned to the detective office.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, while Mao Lilan was sleeping in his room, he came to the office and called Dr. A Li.

"Hi, Dr. A Li."

"It's Xie Chen, what?" On the other end of the phone, Dr. A Li turned off the TV. "You want me to investigate the information about this strange thief No. 1412."

Xie Chen sat on the desk, fiddling with his pen, "Please, doctor, there should be his information in the crime file in my room."

"But what are you doing?"

"I'm going to meet that guy now, I want to get a bottom line first."

"You want to see him? Do you know where that guy is?"

"Yes." Xie Chen raised the corner of his mouth, "I already know the location he suggested in the threatening letter."

"Then why don't you notify the police?"

Xie Chen smiled and said: "Because I also want to see this strange thief No. 1412 with my own eyes. I want to see what the thief who sent the notification letter looks like and caused an uproar."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and walked out of the office.

He has already unlocked the signal, and when the moon separated the two, the two were referring to the artificial satellite and the sun.

Then, the sentence that the moon separates the two refers to the lunar eclipse caused by the moon between the artificial satellite and the sun.

Then the time when the strange thief 1412 appeared was the time between 12:30 and 4:00 in the middle of the night when the BS broadcast was interrupted, which happened to be the B and S beginning with the English letters of BLACKSTAR.

With the invitation of the wave, the wave of the sentence refers to the radio wave, which means that the phantom thief 1412 will appear from the direction of the BS radio wave.

The radio waves transmitted by BS are sent from south to west forty-five degrees, and will also be sent out from above the horizontal line in the direction of 42:3 degrees to the distance. ..


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