Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 217: Tanmoto Yamauchi

"Mr. Moriyama."

Nose Shingo came over and said, "You are quite proficient in speaking. May I ask where you are."


"He is an office worker." Mao Lilan said rushingly, "Yes, Dad."

Kogoro Mouri smiled awkwardly, "Yes, I'm an office worker."

Noshi Shingo shrugged and chuckled, "You are an office worker."

Xie Chen smiled helplessly, and this picture didn't look like a serious office worker.

At this time, the sky suddenly darkened, and then a light rain began.

"Everyone, hurry up, it gets bigger and bigger."

They ran all the way to the mountains, and they were received by an old man named Shigekichi Iwata with white hair, a heavy beard and a gloomy complexion.

"You dry your body quickly, don't get this dirty." After seeing them come in, Shigekichi Iwata said unceremoniously.

Seeing his gloomy face and this attitude, everyone was stunned outside the door, but Xie Chen asked, "Grandpa, are you the administrator of this rest station?"

Iwata Shigekichi lit the lamp, and when he saw Xie Chen, his complexion eased, and he said with a smile: "Yes, come in quickly, or you will catch a cold."

They were relieved and walked into the house.

Kogoro Mouri put the travel bag on the stool and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Uncle." Xie Chen said: "Hurry up and call."

"Yeah, I forgot all about it." Kogoro Mouri walked to the phone on the cabinet, "Mister, please borrow the phone."

Shigeyoshi Iwata nodded, and Kogoro Mouri picked up the microphone, but there was no sound inside.

"There is no sound, may I ask..."

"I think it was the thunder that had just called that interrupted the phone line." Shigeyoshi Iwata put the dishes on the table, "This kind of thing often happens."

"It's really troublesome." Mouri Kogoro said distressed: "It's raining heavily now and it's dark again."

Chao Wenzao said: "It is very dangerous at night in the mountains, so don't fight."

Nose Shingo also said: "Moreover, this is the top of Tanyuan Mountain, and there is no other rest stop nearby. In other words, we are completely isolated now."

"Huh?" Upon hearing this, Sanke Kyoko took a breath.

The riverbank took off his hat and gritted his teeth and said, "No, what a joke, aren't we going to be trapped here for one night with the murderer?"

"Murderer?" Shigekichi Iwata asked in confusion.

Kogoro Mouri sighed, sat down on the bench, and slowly said, "The young man who came with us on the mountain seems to have had an accident. He fell off the cliff halfway."

Shigekichi Iwata was not too surprised, but said, "It looks like an accident, but then again, it is too much for the murderer to soil the mountain like this."

Nose Shingo said: "That murderer, it's still very likely that he is in our small wooden house. Maybe that person is you, Mr. Chao."

"What did you say!" Chao Wenzao roared, who was warming up.

Nose Shingo said: "A person who is a bit suspicious at first glance, but not too suspicious is a murderer. This is common sense, and this is my experience."

"Nonsense!" Chao Wenzao was obviously not interested in entangled with him, but asked: "Is the meal ready? I am starving to death."

Afterwards, Shigekichi Iwata poured curry rice from the stove and put them in front of everyone one by one. While eating the curry rice, Xie Chen always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

Since entering the house, Gao Liheng hasn't spoken, and after taking two bites of rice, he put it aside.

Mo Lilan said softly, "What did Mr. Takanashi do?"

Chao Wenzao took a sip of tea and looked at Gao Liheng and said, "Surrounded by guilt."

Takanashi gritted his teeth fiercely, stood up, and a sharp knife fell out of his jacket pocket, just next to Sanji Kyoko. Sanji Kyoko was frightened, and the others stood up.

Takanashi hurriedly picked up the sharp knife and looked at them warily.

Chao Wenzao said loudly: "So it really is you!"

"I didn't." Takanashi raised the knife subconsciously.

Sanke Kyoko threw himself into the arms of the river and cried out in horror: "Don't kill me!"

Takanashi Heng took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said, "It's just nonsense. Anyone will carry a mountaineering knife."

With that, he inserted the knife into the scabbard made of cowhide.

Kogoro Mouri said, "That's right."

Nose Shingo looked at Mouri Kogoro, and suddenly said, "I remember, Mr. Mouriyama, you are Mr. Mouri Kogoro, right, great detective."

"He is a detective?"

Sanke Kyoko was taken aback again, hugged tightly by the river, and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that he..."

And all of this was seen by Xie Chen, and things became more and more complicated.

Noshi Shingo asked with interest: "Why are you using a fake name? Could it be that you are working on a case now, or a purely private matter? You are not related to this murder, right?"

Chao Wenzao looked at him vigilantly, but Kogoro Mouri suddenly laughed, "Really, how long will this rain last? Come and listen to the weather forecast."

He rang the radio, and there was a rustle in the radio.

Nose Shingo still didn't give up, walked to Mouri Kogoro, and whispered, "Just tell me secretly."

Mouri Kogoro looked at her helplessly, and the radio made a sound.

"News bulletin, a resident of Danyuan Village this morning, Mr. Tanaka, 60, was unfortunately killed. The police suspect that the murderer may have fled to Tanyuan Mountain."

The cabin became silent, looking at each other.

"The police have deployed a search force. At present, fifty police officers are continuing to search in the mountains."

Afterwards, they had their own things in mind, spread sleeping bags on the ground, and fell asleep.

Nearly early in the morning, Xie Chen seemed to be aware of something. He suddenly woke up and looked sideways. A black figure was holding a sharp knife and pointed it at Maori Kogoro.

"Danger!" Xie Chen jumped up from his sleeping bag. The man hurriedly threw down the sharp knife, pushed the door and ran out, inserting the sharp knife next to Kogoro Mori's pillow.

"Dad!" Mao Lilan also woke up at this time.

Xie Chen turned on the light and said loudly, "Someone ran out."


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