Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 238: Suddenly moved

Okita's face suddenly turned pale, and he quickly defended, "But I didn't kill anyone at all."

Xie Chen watched him and frowned slightly. He had been observing Okita from the very moment he entered the house, but he seemed to be ignorant from beginning to end.

Even an actor with superb acting skills will have obvious performance traces in this situation.

Kogoro Mori pushed Okita Kazuya away, patted Kosaburo Mosari's back, who was squatting on the ground in pain, and whispered, "Mr. Tukata, although you are very sad, please don't mess up until the forensic personnel arrive Moving scene."

Ten minutes later, Officer Mumu led people to the scene.

"The deceased was named Nagakura Yumi. He was 38 years old this year. He was strangled to death. He was definitely choked to death by the murderer who strangled his neck with thin thread.

Officer Megome asked Kogoro Mouri: "I want to know, did you really see this earthmoving wife being killed?"

"Yes." Kogoro Mouri nodded and said, "Although I don't know if I saw it immediately after she was killed, but there were me, Xiaolan, Xie Chen, and the husband of Miss Yongmei. four people."

"We came here by accident and stood on the balcony. At this time, we heard the sound of a phone call in the room next to Mr. Okita."

"When we turned to look at it, we saw this scene. Miss Yongmei fell from the house on the balcony. I think she might have died long ago."

After Kogoro Mouri described the situation at the time, Officer Megume asked, "What happened after that?"

"Of course." Mouri Kogoro said, "We rushed here right away, but his door was locked. We knocked on the door several times, and there was no answer in the room."

He glanced at Kosaburo Tukata who was crying bitterly in the living room, and then continued: "We will ask Mr. Tukata to stay here alone to monitor the actions inside."

Officer Megume nodded and motioned to Mouri Kogoro to continue.

Kogoro Mouri said: "I immediately rushed downstairs to the building to find a backup key. After finally getting the key, he also opened the door. When I entered, the body fell on the balcony like this."

"Please." Okita walked over, "Don't talk nonsense, okay, Miss Yumi will die on my balcony. To be honest, I'm also surprised."

He patted his chest and promised: "And I didn't hear a knock on the door at all. Besides, I have any reason to kill Miss Yumi."

"You dare to say it!"

Tsuki Saburo suddenly stood up and grabbed his collar and shouted: "You still want to pretend to be innocent. I have been monitoring your actions from the keyhole outside the gate. You said that besides you, who else would kill? she was!"

"Okay, okay." Kogoro Mouri separated the two. "Don't be like this, Mr. Tofu."

Officer Megome said, "Mr. Okita, can I ask you some questions?"

Okita nodded, and Officer Mumu asked: "First of all, I would like to ask what you were doing during the time from four o'clock to half past four."

Okita said, "I'll stay in this room to listen to my music, because Mr. Tufang wants me to wait for him in his room in the evening."

Officer Megome looked at Kosaburo Tsutoga, and Kosaburo Tsutoga said, "Yes, I don't know if the rumors between Yumi and Mr. Okita are true or false. I asked him to make time for confirmation." Mouri Kogoro nodded, looked at Okita, and said mockingly: "It seems that the rumors from the outside may really be groundless."

He began to explain his fantasy again, "Maybe before Mr. Tufang came here, Miss Yongmei came to you first in order to speak in a unified manner, and then you had a quarrel, and you killed her."

Okita said loudly, "Didn't I say that, Miss Yumi has never been to me."

Kogoro Mouri said, "But there are other suspicious factors in your body."


"I think you should know that Mr. Tufang's usual role is not an ancient government official or an impartial law enforcer."

He approached Okita and said, "But those you play are not thieves and spies, or other people's rivals in love. They are all unsightly bad characters."

Okita Kazuo was a little confused, but he didn't expect the reasoning of the famous detective to be so absurd, "What is the connection between the two?"

Kogoro Mouri felt that what he said was very reasonable, "It's a coincidence, too."

Officer Mumu said helplessly: "As far as I am concerned, you will appear at the scene of the murder every time. It's also a coincidence."

Kogoro Mouri glanced at him, as if saying, "You don't understand at all, this is a detective called by the case."

"Group leader." The forensic officer said: "Something like a fishing line was found on the floor."

"is that true?"

"Wait a minute." Okita looked at the fishing line in the hands of the forensic staff, and said quickly: "I don't know why there is that line."

Officer Mumu said: "In any case, now that witnesses saw that the corpse fell on the balcony from your house, the murder weapon has been found again."

He patted Okita's shoulder, "If you have anything else to say, can you please come to the game with me?"

Officer Mumu's tone was not a negotiation at all, but an order.

"Please, don't make a joke, okay." In this situation, it doesn't matter what Okita says, so the police officer just picked him up and wanted to take him away.

Xie Chen suddenly came over and said, "Police officer, it's weird. When Miss Yongmei fell just now, her feet were still in this room, but after we came in, her body was all lying on the balcony."

What he said immediately caught everyone's attention.

"It makes sense to say that." Mao Lilan covered her mouth and said, "Could it be that...Miss Yumi has moved by herself?"

Officer Megome quickly asked, "Is this true?"

"Yes." Mao Lilan said, "because when we saw her just now, Miss Yongmei only had her upper body emerging from this balcony."

Kogoro Mouri said, "I think the murderer must have moved."


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