Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 247: Everything

"Why the Mole Star Man hasn't come yet." Kojima Motota sat on the ground holding the shovel, "Xie Chen, what time is it now."

"Ten ten."

There was a sirens on the road, and a police car drove in front of them.

"It's Officer Megome." Kojima Motota stood up.

Yoshida Ayumi asked, "Did something happen?"

"I'll go over there and see." Xie Chen stopped a taxi and followed.

At the same time, a cordon was raised outside a jewelry store in the center of Mihua. More than a dozen police officers were waiting here, including the spectacle police officer. Outside the cordon were a large number of onlookers.

After Officer Megome arrived, the spectacle officer hurried up and said: "Then Chief, please come inside."

Mouri Kogoro also rushed here, standing outside the cordon and beckoning: "Officer Megome."

Officer Mumu turned his head and said, "Brother Maori, you go in first. I'll talk to Maori."

Shibu Takagi and Officer Eye entered the jewelry store, and Kogoro Mouri also crossed the cordon and walked over.

"I heard that there was a robber with a gun."

Officer Megome nodded, "Yes, it is said that the time of the crime was seven minutes ago. With that said, you would have been at the scene of the crime long ago?"

"No," said Kogoro Mouri, "I just happened to pass here just now."

"It turned out to be like this." Officer Mumu smiled: "I didn't expect you to catch up with the crime scene again this time."

"Police Officer Mumu." The spectacle officer walked out of the store and reported to Officer Mumu: "The anti-theft video recorder has captured the appearance of the gangster."

"Really." Officer Mumu said in surprise.

The spectacles officer said, "You also know that man, Mr. Maori."


"Anyway, let's go in and talk about it."

They entered the jewelry store, and Xie Chen sneaked in behind.

In the surveillance room, Takagi pointed to the computer screen and said, "Police officer, this is the gangster."

Kogoro Mouri exclaimed in surprise: "So it's him."

Officer Mumu asked, "Who is he, brother Maori."

Xie Chen frowned slightly, and the person on the surveillance video was Koda Masao.

Kogoro Mouri said, "This man's name is Masao Koda. I don't understand. How could he come to grab the jewelry store."

The spectacle officer said: "In short, this Koda Masao escaped after stealing a dozen gems here."

"Officer Mumu." The officer guarding outside came in. "Someone found the motorcycle on which the criminal was riding near Mihua Station."


Without further ado, they rushed to Mihua Station and found the motorcycle.

"Absolutely can't be wrong." The spectacle officer said: "Officer Mumu, the license plate number is exactly the same as the witness's confession."

Officer Megome nodded, and Shibuya Takagi ran over to report: "Officer Megume, we found this thing on the stairs of the station."

"It's a gem." Officer Mumu looked at the black gem in Takagi's hand, "Then it can't be wrong. The gangster has escaped from the Mihua Station with a ring gear."

He immediately ordered the spectacles officer: "Immediately request emergency alert for the various stations in the ring." "I understand."

"As for other people to go nearby to ask the witnesses' confessions."


Xie Chen leaned against the wall of the street, lowered his head to think.

Could it be said that Masao Koda really deceived us like the Mole Star person mentioned by Yoshida Ayumi? Could it be said that his sister was killed by Yoshikazu Watanuki by himself?

But when you think about it, it's hard to explain.

Even if he has a reason to fabricate these things, like a person who does everything in his way, why didn't he wear glasses or cover his face when he robbed the jewelry store, so he was blatantly exposed to the surveillance camera.

In the end, he parked the motorcycle in a place where everyone could easily find it, as if he was afraid that others would not find him.

When thinking about this, Xie Chen suddenly noticed a leaf on the manhole cover next to it.

This leaf is still very emerald green, and it will be caught in this place, which means that someone has opened the lid of this underground passage not long ago.

Suddenly, he remembered that there was also an underpass behind Mianguanyi's family.

At the same time, Kojima Motota was complaining behind the Watanuki Yoshio family that when Masao Koda had not yet come, Masao Koda suddenly got out of the underground tunnel nearby.

Masao Koda took the iron rod, climbed over the wall, and jumped into the courtyard of Yoshinori's family.

Kojima Motota carrying a shovel and Ayumi Yoshida ran to the front entrance and saw Masao Koda drilling the lawn with an iron rod.

"What is he doing?"

"Does he want to dig someone's yard?"

"Then I will lend him my shovel."

"Wait, let's take a look at the situation first."

At this time, Tsuburaya used the detective badge to tell them that Yoshiichi Watanuki had already rushed back by taxi.

"What to do, Ayumi." Kojima Motota asked.

Ayumi Yoshida thought for a while and said, "I think we'd better tell him first."

She grabbed the door rail and yelled at Masao Koda: "Uncle, listen to me. Mr. Watanuki will be back soon. If you don't run away quickly, he will find him."

Masao Koda glanced back at them, gritted his teeth, did not intend to leave, lowered his head and continued to drill the lawn with an iron rod.

Xie Chen rushed back by taxi at this time, and seeing Masao Koda's actions at this time, he whispered, "Sure enough."

Kojima Motota asked, "Sure enough, there is nothing wrong, Xie Chen."

"Mr. Koda..."

Just after the words were spoken, a taxi stopped on the road, and Yoshikazu Watanuki hurriedly got out of the taxi, opened the door, ran to Masao Koda, and pulled him up.

"Hey, what are you doing here."

Masao Koda shook him away and said cruelly, "I want to prove what you have done wrong."

"what did you say?"

Koda Masao took out the phone and just about to dial, Yoshiichi Watanuki suddenly looked up and called him out.

Kojima Motota exclaimed, "The Mole Man was beaten by him."

"You get out for me." Yoshiichi Mianguan looked angry and pointed out the door and said loudly, "I want you to get out of here now."

Masao Koda didn't move, and he didn't seem to be leaving at all. Ayumi Yoshida suddenly pointed to the flash on the lawn not far away and said, "What is that? It seems that something is shining."


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