Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 256: Mess up

"The reason why you can stab Mrs. Kamimori's back correctly is because you usually wear these sunglasses-like glasses, because your eyes have long been used to darkness."

Kogoro Mori seemed to feel that his aura was not enough. He paused when he said that, then leaned forward again, almost clinging to Kazue Yayoi, and said loudly, "I was right!"

Kazue Yashiro obviously did not eat this set. She had long since been relieved from the previous shock. At this time, she patted the table, stood up and said loudly, "What are you kidding?"

The two had their eyes facing each other. When Kazue Yashiro stood up, Kogoro Mouri shivered visibly and took a half step back.

"I wear these glasses because of my age, and I feel very dazzling every time I see the light." Kazue Yashiro said vowedly.

How could Mouri Kogoro believe her excuses, blinked, cleared his throat, turned sideways and said.

"Ms. Kazue, you didn't put your bag on the shelf during class, but put it at your feet. Why is this? Can you tell me?"

Kazue Yashiro snorted, and tilted his head, hugging his arms and said, "This is because it is much more convenient to put it next to me."

"It's easy for you to take out the iron rod, right." Mouri Kogoro seemed to have spotted her.

Yayoi Kazue was furious, "I didn't hold any iron rods at all. I was saying that iron rods might not be able to pierce people without handles."

Kogoro Mori smiled, as if he had the decisive evidence, watching Kazue Yashiro slowly said, "You can do it like this."


"It's very simple." Kogoro Moori picked up the brush. "Just use your brush."

Then he picked up the iron rod and inserted the iron rake into the front end of the brush, then raised the brush and said confidently, "Isn't there a handle now?"

Kazue Yashiro seemed to be overwhelmed by his whimsical imagination, and he somewhat suspected that he was the murderer.

"Sure enough," Officer Mumu exclaimed.

Kogoro Mori put down the brush and picked up the dossier again, "In this way, you can hide this murder weapon in this dossier, and no one will find it."

This reasoning was perfect, he opened the dossier confidently, but he didn't have that iron rod at all.

He widened his eyes and exclaimed: "Why not, how is this possible? That iron rod should be hidden in the gap inside."

Xie Chen smiled helplessly. He was really handsome for only three seconds, but with his clothes, Kazue Yayoro could basically be eliminated from the suspects.

He looked around, walked to the window sill, pointed to the potted plant on the window sill and said, "Is this the missing iron rod?"

"Huh?" Everyone looked sideways. The iron rod was inserted in the soil in the flowerpot and used as a pillar for the potted plants.

"I remember." Kamimori said suddenly: "My mother-in-law did it, because last night she was still asking me what can support this potted plant."

"Uh..." Mouri Kogoro seemed to be choked, and all the reasoning he had thought before was suffocated.

Officer Mumu said helplessly: "It seems that the murder weapon used by the murderer should not be an iron rod."

Kogoro Mouri sighed, and the aggressiveness he had previously disappeared, and he fainted. Yayoi Kazue also heaved a sigh of relief, and sat down in a chair, hugging his arms and complaining: "Please, it's not like that."

The atmosphere of the room also relaxed.

At this time, Officer Mumu's phone rang.

"What's the matter? I'm Officer Mumu." Officer Mumu answered the phone, nodded three times, and hung up.

After putting down the phone, he said: "It was from the hospital. The wound on Mrs. Kamimori's back was 5 cm deep after a deep examination, and the diameter of the wound should be less than 0.1 cm."

"Below 0.1 cm?" Mouri Kogoro said, "So that means..."

"The murder weapon cannot be an ice axe or an iron rod, but something the size of a needle." Officer Megumi said.

"It's the size of a needle?" Mouri Kogoro began to think again.

After a while, he raised his spirit again, this time the target was Kamimori, "By the way, you did it."

Kamimori was not sure what he was talking about, so he looked around.

Kogoro Mori walked to the opposite side of Kamen Kamimori and looked confident again.

"I heard that Miss Xiaoxun, you used to be a nurse. Since you are a nurse, you should be familiar with things like syringes."

Kogoro Mouri raised his head. The blow just now did not frustrate him, "The diameter of the needle of the injection needle is less than 0.1 cm, and the length should be more than 5 cm."

Kamimorixiu frowned slightly, and retorted, "Even so."

Kogoro Moori raised a finger, "I can't go wrong this time, the murderer is definitely you! Miss Kaoru!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Shang Senxun again. The reasoning of this famous detective was so fast that he didn't give people any time to breathe.

Kamimori hadn't been relieved from the shock just now, this time it was her turn again, she was directly scared to pale, and her words were a little incoherent.

"You... don't talk nonsense, how could I be a murderer?"

Kogoro Mori patted the table again, "Because the blindfold on your face was not worn because of needles, but you put it on in advance to make your eyes get used to the darkness."

What he said is justified and just like what he saw with his own eyes, "In this way, even if the light suddenly disappears, you only need to remove the blindfold and just look at it with your left eye to commit murder."

Kamimori opened his mouth slightly and looked at him somewhat surprised. He didn't understand why a person could tell such an unthinkable thing so true.

It's not over yet, Mouri Kogoro turned sideways and looked at Kamen Kamamori from the corner of his eye.

"As for your motive, I think it is the knot between your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

Kamimori realized that he couldn't let him go on, so he started to fight back, patted the table and stood up.

"You don't want to make a fool of yourself, please?"

"Then bother you to take off the blindfold? If you really have a needle eye, you should not be afraid to take it off."..


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