Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 301: Have something to tell you

Kogoro Mouri said, "I rented a car."

Yi Dongyang said, "In this case, can you please send the three of us to the hospital to see Guihezi's condition."

"Of course." Kogoro Mouri agreed without thinking.

Mao Lilan grabbed her father's arm and begged: "Then take me along, because I'm really worried about Guihezi."

"Fool." Mouri Kogoro said, "How can five people sit in such a small car."

"do not worry."

Fei Yingli said suddenly: "This is not a problem. I can drive Xiaolan to the hospital later."

She has a cold tone. I don't know when, she has already taken out her luggage and put it at her feet.

Mao Lilan looked at the luggage at her feet and wondered: "What's wrong with you, mother? What are those luggage?"

"Don't you understand?" Fei Yingli said spontaneously, "I want to send you to the hospital and then go straight back."

"But, Mom..."

Fei Yingli turned her head and deliberately ignored Kogoro Mouri, and said lightly: "I don't want to stay in the same space with some dull fool."

Mouri Kogoro snorted and turned his head, but said in a deep voice, "Eri."

"What are you doing?"

"I have something to tell you later."

Fei Yingli said sarcastically: "You have something to tell me, it's really exciting."

As this continued, the two had to quarrel, and Mao Lilan quickly persuaded: "You two, it's all right."

Afterwards, they rushed to the Izu Xidu Hospital together. Kogoro Maori drove the three people from the diving club, while Maorilan and Xie Chen got in the blue mini Cooper of Fei Yingli.

When I left the beach, I was on the highway, like a puff, Fei Yingli drove very fast, and kept running in front of Kogoro Mouri and the others.

Nevertheless, it is not difficult to get out, Fei Yingli's driving skills are very good, driving movement is smooth and smooth, there is no awkwardness at all.

Mao Lilan said: "Mom, be careful, you opened it too fast, even if your father really didn't notice your ring, you don't have to be so awkward."

"I don't think about the ring." Fei Yingli said lightly: "It's this case."

"Case?" Mao Lilan was puzzled. From her point of view, Takakazu Toda was bitten by an accident.

Fei Yingli watched the road ahead and slowly said, "Although there are still some clues about the whole matter, this time it is obviously a murder."

Mao Lilan was surprised: "Murder?"

Fei Yingli said: "What I am really angry about is that the foolish guy didn't notice this."

Mao Lilan stopped talking and seemed to be thinking about something. Xie Chen nodded silently. Fei Yingli was right. This was indeed a murder case, and the murderer's goal was already clear.

"What do you think it will be?" Fei Yingli said nonchalantly.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan didn't understand what her mother was talking about. "Are you talking about the case?"

Fei Yingli said, "It's not that. I mean what he wants to say. Didn't he just say that he has something to say to me?"

Mao Lilan thought for a while, but he didn't know what his father was going to say.

Fei Yingli stared at the road ahead and murmured: "It's not a divorce, it's Xiaolan's custody, otherwise..."

"Mom." Mao Lilan said softly, seeming to be comforting and worrying.

"I don't think he can do anything, that old man just wants to test me."

Fei Yingli's tone is indifferent: "Every time it is like this, let me shake first, and then see how I will react. There must be a limit to conceit."

Having said that, she glanced at Mao Lilan and said softly: "Xiaolan, I'm sorry, but I really endured it to the limit."

"Mom, don't say that." Mao Lilan stopped talking.

During the conversation, the two cars arrived at Izu West Capital Hospital in front and back. After getting off the car, they went straight to the intensive treatment room. Matsuzaki Masahiko was waiting outside the treatment room.

"Yahiko, I brought it." Itoyo handed the insurance card to Matsuzaki Masahiko: "This is Guiheko's insurance card. How about Guihezi?"

The others also walked up to him, and Matsuzaki Haru said, "Brother, please speak up."

Matsuzaki Masahiko said anxiously: "I don't know, since she entered the intensive treatment room, she never came out again."

Fei Yingli walked out and waved to Mao Lilan and said, "Xiaolan, if you have any news from Guihezi, please tell me."

"Mom, are you going back?" Mao Lilan said hastily: "Dad didn't you say I have something to tell you later?"

"Is there something to say?"

Fei Yingri stopped and glanced back at Kogoro Mori who was talking and laughing among the three young female nurses, and said somewhat complaining: "Do you think I will have time to listen to that squinting old man talking?"

After all, she walked out of the door without looking back, and Mao Lilan had to chase after her and tried to stay.

Xie Chen smiled helplessly. It seemed that he was the only one who could make Kogoro Moori regain some glory, so he called a passing nurse and asked her for one thing.

At the same time, Mao Lilan pulled Fei Yingli at the entrance of the hospital: "Mom, wait a minute, there is no way, who calls Dad a famous person."

Fei Yingli hugged her arm and said, "Don't make a mistake, I just can't bear that bad old man still doesn't feel laughing at this time."

"I said it was because..."

Mao Lilan just wanted to say something when the hospital broadcast suddenly sounded.

"Ms. Fei Hideri from the Queen's Hotel to this hospital, and Miss Matsuzaki Haru who is also here from the Queen's Hotel, would you please come to the dean's room immediately? Mouri Kogoro is waiting for you there."

The broadcast was repeated. Xie Chen used a watch-type anesthesia gun to stun Kogoro Mori, let him sit in a wheelchair, and pushed him toward the dean's room.

Five minutes later, in the dean's room, Kogoro Mouri was sitting behind the desk, Xie Chen hid behind the chair. In front of the desk were Fei Yingri and Haru Matsuzaki who heard the broadcast, and Molilan.

"What do you mean? Why do you want to use the radio to find us."

Fei Yingli patted the table and said loudly, "You really have something to say to me, now you can say it."

Matsuzaki Haru cautiously said: "I think I will get in the way here, I will come back later."..


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