Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 22: : Start to die

In the morning, the three of them did not do anything else. They only store food for the golden little wolf. For this reason, the skinning and gathering skills of the three people rose to level 4, but they were not without benefits. In other words, these three people have a place at the intersection of the swamp and the dead forest, and the war begins to spread. The coalition party, which initially dominated, was unprepared by the other side today. Yesterday may have been a wrong relationship. The players tonight are very fierce. Alliance members were forced to leave the ruins of the swamp and spread the war to the dead forest.

However, when all the Blue Zier and Dynasty Zhuge adopted the Dynasty Guild to reverse the situation, the Dynasty Guild, as one of the oldest and most powerful guilds in China, needless to say its strength. Once the Eidolon player appears, press , Quickly tore a road, a road leading to the depths of the swamp.

The Eidolon players seem to have been cut in half, but the strength of the Dynasty Guild has also caused their fierceness. Both sides attacked. They planned to use the people to kill the Dynasty. You can follow the players behind the Dynasty to make them wishful in May and see the Dynasty. The club has opened the way, and immediately rushed into a swarm of bees, and once fought with night spirit players.

In the team where Stove and Xiaoxian were mixed with Blue Chil, even if they didn't have a chance to shoot, they were solved by the partners who walked in front. They could only step into the body of the transparent Eidolon player and slowly walk towards the ruined swamp. One step forward.

You may be aware of the purpose of the Dynasty’s Guild. The night spirit players in other places and those doing quests have received the news and rushed over immediately, or a group of people were blocked, or a few people attacked, although the Royal Guild may not cause too much There were heavy casualties, but the pace of progress had slowed down, and members of the Dynasty's Guild began to die. However, Dynasty Zhuge had anticipated this situation, which is why he divided the elite team into two groups, one for cover and one for killing bosses, so that the two groups can pass through the middle battlefield every day .

However, there is a saying that the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Tonight Lin Gu players don’t know what medicine to take, one by one, and it seems that Dynasty’s Guild is the same. For other league players, they completely ignore it and concentrate on it. And the Dynasty Guild was hit hard.

Unfortunately, these night spirit players are commendable, but they also need to see who their opponents are. They are scattered on the beach. Where are the opponents of the Dynasty Guild? Some front-line squads attacked and they broke the wall in front.

"They won't catch our score boss, but they are trapped here. It seems that someone is planning a conspiracy behind them." In the center of the team, Xie Chen watched the Emperor's Guild for a while, and it was difficult to enter. On the other side of Eidolon, someone specializes in dynasty guilds, but think about it, this group of dynasty guilds is the key. Those people’s new maps are already tired. In addition to the system’s limit of 4 hours of rest, I’m afraid I’ve been there since yesterday. I have been fighting, even if it is iron, I can't stand it anymore. Those who are destroyed by the night spirit can eat and drink, not to mention monsters, and never back down.

After the player applies for a resident, the monster siege time is 24 hours. Every hour, the system will spawn a monster. The faster you clear the previous wave of monsters, the longer the rest period. If the previous wave is not cleared, the number of refreshes will increase and the system will not be able to clear the uncleared responsibilities, but will accumulate more and more. ..


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