Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 35: : I cooked you


"Who!?" Xie Chen suddenly withdrew from [the fire ended], turned around and shouted.


The strange behavior of Xie Chen and Xiaoxian puzzled others. Although they knew that Heping Lake would be dangerous, it was too strange now.

I don't know why, Xie Chen always feels that something is watching him. Just when he saw something that seemed dangerous, was it too nervous?

"Brother, it's dark here, I'm scared." Xiaoxian clutched Lulin's arm tightly. The little girl was afraid of darkness since she was a child, so she was afraid.

"Black?" Lu Lin watched Silk Light come to the lake through her sleep, but it turned out to be dark in Xiaoxian's eyes. Then he had to consider whether this mission would continue. The surprise at Lake Anxi completely exceeded his expectations.

To comfort Xiaoxian for a while, the team moved carefully to the bottom of the lake. What is strange is that the team swims to the bottom of the lake without any danger.

There is only a layer of black mud and stones at the bottom of the lake. Nothing. It seems that the outline of the ruins of the city can be vaguely seen, but due to the relationship between mud and vision, everyone’s vision is limited, especially I don’t know if I am afraid, the rest lake that was otherwise lifeless, or even a group of rotting Murloc, seeing so many monsters, even Lulin's eyes jumped straight. It is really worth their “walking” in the bottom lake for so long. Have they been swam by these rotten monsters before? At the thought of those rotten murlocs, everyone rolled around.

"What happened to everyone?" Because the "invisible" Xiaoxian didn't know the situation around her. Although the little girl heard that the team was surrounded by monsters, she was very nervous. But the little girl thought it was like a new moon. The fish outside the city are strange.

"Yes!" Xie Chen suddenly thought of something, and took Xiaoxian to the front and said: "Xianxian, your fisherman baby? Call it out."

"Yes!" No matter how the rotten murlocs surround the team and mutate at this moment, it is always a monster of fish humans, which means Xiaoxian will be the safest in the team.

Before Xiaoxian was afraid of this relationship, he could always follow the team. It's good to think of other things. After hearing Xie Chen's words, he immediately summoned all the pets.

As a result, in addition to mounts, Xiaoxian recruited some pets. It is doubtful that the butterfly demon does not seem to be restricted by the lake. After forming a ring of bright white light around the body, he opened his mouth and gave a hungry cry.

"The butterfly has just been fed..." The butterfly demon has now become the resentment of everyone in the team. How long has it been? Besides, how can the small body of the butterfly monster hold so many things? Are there different spaces in their stomachs?

"Wow? Wow?"

The fisherman's little baby appeared on the huge variegated crocodile, and the mutant crocodile also smashed a person with a cunning tail and protected his child from being unkind.

"I rely on! One day, I cooked you." Xie Chen glanced at the fierce mutant crocodile. He always likes to bully others, including Xie Chen.

Because the fisherman's baby belongs to a special kind of pet, Xiaoxian is not worried about the little guy's comfort. The only trouble is Xiaoxian's vision problem, he can only control the fisherman's baby to pass through the skeleton under Lu Lin's command.


The cute appearance of the baby fisherman immediately won the favor of all the women on the spot, and it was given to those who want such a cute thing to become so scary. ..


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