Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 76: : Qinghu Horse Thief Group

In fact, everyone has their own ideas, especially as a horse thief. Many people are eager to exclude the Wang family from the dynasty. Therefore, there will not be more emperors in the world as a dynasty alliance, even in the future There is an emperor. It also applies to the White-Dynasty Alliance.

Outside the south gate, there are two high-rise platforms. The most advanced high-level platform is used for execution. There are thousands of soldiers around the high platform. The breath of these soldiers appeared more in the ranks of yin and yang split. The presence of soldiers in the outer area will cause panic to the people there, but it is not the outer area, but the middle area where only the crystal master can swing, so they seem a little incomprehensible.

Just look at the number of people who came to watch the executions and reached miraculous millions. It can be said that these people can drown the soldiers of the Bai Alliance with one person, some of whom are deeply hidden. The strong, they all have their own ideas.

On the high platform connected to the execution platform, there were eleven people standing there. Everyone was white, and their faces were already full of traces of time. Numerous roads went up, and taboo eyes condensed on these old people. They also looked at the heads of more than 10 million people below. They never showed a hint of surprise. After all, they can stand on a high platform, which is enough to show their status in the league.

"Lord, it's almost afternoon, but I haven't seen Wang Yao. He came to the team. Obviously, he didn't intend to obey our orders. And a few days ago, the Unicorn Horse Thieves Group came to Shenfeng City. We wanted Don't take this opportunity to take him... "The execution is imminent, the members of the Green Tiger and Horse Thief inevitably hide below, but at this moment an old man in a green robe stands up, ask the old man to stand in front of his hand.

"Well, since you took me to count Xie Chen and made the Wang family lose an emperor, which directly weakened the Wang family and indirectly weakened my Bai alliance, then there is no need to tell me your next plan. The old man in front is Hu Yi, the current ally of the Bai Zhao Alliance. At this time, "the time has come, it's time for Zhou Qinghu to get up!" "A little bit, Hu Yi raised his head and looked at the sun hanging in the sky. Obviously, there is still a period of time from three o'clock in the afternoon, but people should also be taken out to avoid delaying time and resounding again.

Soon after, the two elderly people took the lead in retirement. They need to go to a strict prison to raise Zhou Qinghu. At the same time, they also guarded the Qinghu Horse Thieves Group to sneak into the Shenfeng City and **** Zhou Qinghu midway. At that time, they said so. The brigade will lose the right to use it.

Soon, I saw that the old man who had just left had three numbers between the front and back. On one of the necks, there was a wooden sign with the words blood red and Zhou Qinghu written on it. It should be wind. One of the three emperors, but now the two men wearing red hanging clothes are supported on both sides. They are white and messy, their faces are also very pale, and there is a faintly unnoticeable breath in his body from time to time, and he still has one in his hand when he is strong. The big knife with cold light. Obviously these two people are butchers!

"This is the leader of the team..." The five people walked all the way through the crowded street. People on both sides also stared at the old man with the big head. They want to find traces of the old man's dream from the old man. I only saw Zhou Qinghu destroyed the Bai Dynasty Alliance and was about to die. However, I cannot find the style of this year. The eyes of some of them were burning, and I couldn't wait to throw them away. It is easy to distinguish. They are members of the Qinghu Horse Thief Group who sneaked into the crowd. ..


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