Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 143: : Pangu Mountain

"Hey." Xie Chen swallowed, only to feel slippery in his throat, without any feeling. When there is no taste, the whole person is soft on the ground and falls into the depths of the pool. Both the devil and the Tianshui fairy were shocked, but their repairs did not reveal any traces, as if Xie Chen had completely disappeared. Xie Chen sank into the pool and did not disappear, but merged into the entire pool and felt the water power of the entire pool. A trace of water is like silk. It glides over every inch of your skin. It seems that every cell and every inch of your own strength is like tap water, making you unable to feel other advantages. What are these three doctrines? The artifacts are like disappearing, they don't exist at all.

Xie Chen was stored in this kind of power, entered the realm of two things I had forgotten, and really started Wood's physical training.

One month later.

Xie Chen only appeared from the water. If it were not for the saints who hinted at the two, I fear the two would have to demolish the cave.

"Let you wait a long time." Xie Chen just came out of the water when he was embraced by the devil and broke into the swimming pool. Xie Chen smiled happily: "Devil. It's me."

"Devil, I want my father to be an adult."

"I know." Xie Chen picked up the demon and flew out of the water.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"what do you think?"

"Nothing can be changed, but these things are very good. We should spend more money. At least we can help the fat man add some repairs. These are spirit stone lotions born from the watermark on the ground. One drop can be used as a fat man for several years Suddenly, with his ability, I don’t know when to enter the master level."

"Lingshi lotion, is this useful?"

"Of course, this thing can only be found in the depths of the mountain, and there are centuries-old spirit stones, thousand-year spirit stone lotion, and Wannian spirit stone wine. I think these stalactites have a history of at least tens of thousands of years. This is definitely ten thousand years old. Nian Ling’s Shijiu. How can we be violent and absurd in such a good thing? "Although Xie Chen has no habit of plucking hair, this matter is very important to him. Therefore, the original kiln was used to collect stalactites in the pond. Then take out a dozen small bottles, each small bottle can hold more than ten kilograms of water, and contained in the water bottle.

Even the original plants were collected by Xie Chen.

"Devil, you have been here for so many years, you must be familiar with the situation here, what can be the fastest way to become a witch border?"

"Do you want to go to Pangu Mountain?"

"How did you know?"

"Many masters have been there recently, saying what kind of weird monsters they want to collect. I am very familiar with them, and I will take you to the past." The demon opened his mouth, spat a blister, and haunted everyone. The three people turned into light streams and disappeared into the swimming pool.

Xie Chen didn't think his daughter's cultivation was so powerful that he would walk thousands of miles in a flash. It was only three o'clock when it arrived at Pangu Mountain where the Wu people were.

Pangu Mountain is the sacred mountain of the Wu people, who claim to be descendants of Pangu. Pangu was the first holy emperor to open up the sky, but the head of the three emperors. From there, there will be creatures in the world, no more chaos. The witch was originally the only person in charge in the world, the palm of the monster race, the witch. Only after the Lich War was the world broken. In addition to the 365 born stars, there are countless countless stars all over the world. These stars are composed of fragments of the Tianxuan continent, but they have no race. Alive. ..


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