Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 177: : How to poison

"Help you again." The painful demon also joined in, and huge power poured into the star again, suddenly strengthening the power of the star chart, and the four souls roared into the star. It quickly became a four-story saint, sealing the violent anger of the riot. The real person of Xingxing immediately sat on the ground and began to absorb the mana around him to restore energy, but he was immediately blocked by laughter.

"This place was set by the 12th ancestor, but it is the vitality of the 12th ancestor's practice. It is very powerful and has been branded by the witch. You should inhale these elements, it will be violent. . Give him a green devil. "Xingsu Town is not someone who has never heard of a clearing magic pill. This Dan is something that senior families can enjoy, and it is difficult to improve this thing. I can't think of a virtual disk. The virtual disk took out a black bottle, poured out two small-thick magicians, and gave it to the real person. The star singer saw this medicinal fragrance, it was full of kindness. medicine. Swallow it immediately and run mana to increase the power of the drug and increase its power.

The people of the magic door and other real people recovered and started to move forward, but this time they were very cautious and cautious. I am worried that the big tree around me will suddenly swallow myself.

The Taoist people are also in trouble. This trouble is caused by Taoist people. Taoist people are very concerned about the soul of heaven. They saw tens of thousands of years of elixir in the woods, and they rarely appeared. Once, the disciples were shot, but they did not get the elixir. Swallowed by the elixir of this hand, the half-circle time became a pile of dead bones that could not be preserved.

"Be careful, this is the wood of the wood ancestors. Don't touch those things that have signs of life?" Mrs. Zha Yun roared immediately. The people of this witch are too evil, so powerful, how to poison them. There is no sound.

"Your warning is too late. I lost more than 20 elites at the door. Do you really have this ability?" Said he was not Yin Yang. The lady stared and said: "If you have a law, you will break the surrounding trees, let me wait for the lifeline of the witch, and break the root of the witch."

"Hey, the Confucian sent you such a gimmick, it really counts, the old guy will not be able to walk, or want to fish in the back." said with a gloomy face.

"Hahaha, old people really laugh. It seems that you are not so bold. Let me chase the cloud, female lover, come on." The lady took a deep breath and stepped into the forest with her right foot. Step on the ground. Suddenly, a sawdust knife came out of the ground, it hit and shattered all the surrounding space. The lady prevented all the retreat of the lady, and sneered: "Regional spells, dare you to show off in front of me?" The sky is white and protects the body. The four Confucian sacred Zhu Ju are in the green forest, and five or six green light beams suddenly burst out It came out, even higher than the dragon, forming a black witch in the sky, covered with two Yin and Yang dragons. The surrounding woods emitted a green light, helping the green beams to gather together, completely suppressing the two dragons.

Soon, the forest returned to calm, but there was a crackling sound from the forest, and several green trees burst suddenly and flew into the sky.

Everyone is confused.

Seeing all this, the old man looked at it and said: "The three emperors of the past said that the colorful forests have incredible power, and they are also the land of witches...


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