Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 309: : The carriage crashed

"This is a notice. Did the above say that Hanchuan Town was attacked by a beast bullfighter?" Wu Dagang pointed to a notice board placed at a city traffic intersection and said, "As long as someone solves this exotic beast, he You can get the bonus for this notification. This city has a lot of notifications. Just delete it and kill the drum and go to the military alliance to get the bonus. This is the most common way to deal with the threat of alien animals in the city near Fengyun Mountain. This is also a very important method. suitable method.

Xie Chen nodded, "Well, indeed, these bonuses are used to mobilize the active surnames of the fighters so that they can help manage the Fengyun Mountain and protect the residents. Like, if you encounter some powerful brutal beasts, no one can What do you do with a uniform?"

Wu Dagang has not spoken yet. The third party explained: "Then increase the bonus and let those with high intensity go. If it is not possible in the end, no one can kill, then you need to call the law enforcement team in the city. If it is law enforcement, If the team can’t do this, then send the city’s deputy city boss. If the deputy city boss can’t do this, then the city boss will go. Finally, if the power of the beast is too strong, then you must ask the general and our city master to go personally In the past few months, there was a tyrannical beast, and the resource unicorn ran out of Fengyun Mountain. Many people were not their opponents. They looted many towns. Afterwards, things spread. Then the imperial Huaxia general went out and galloped in a wagon. Come, people around yelled loudly.

The carriage was pulled by four hurriedly. In the carriage, a teenager and a girl laughed. It seems that the avenue is a track, it is running non-stop.

Behind the carriage, several carriages drove along the Mercedes-Benz, and everyone was a strange animal pulling and shouting loudly.

"Come on! We must overtake them." A young man sitting in a carriage yelled, slamming the carriage, and speeding up the carriage again.

The people around the Golden Boulevard stared at them. Some people with stalls on both sides of the road were unable to clean up and were knocked down by the carriage.

"No, there is an old man there." A third man pointed to the front of the street, where an old man with a cane was shaking.

When Jin Qin looked at it, he suddenly felt anxious and said: "Family, driving freely in the city is simply lawless. The old man's legs are not good enough to avoid it."

Many people have also seen this scene, looking at the carriage almost in front of the old man, they have stopped to make them stop.

But the boy driving the car laughed, ignoring the people around him.

The transportation speed is very fast. Even if they want to save the elderly, many people have no power. Even if the old man can be hugged and abandoned, he will not escape being hit by a carriage.

Just as the carriage was about to hit the old man, everyone saw a gust of wind blowing by and a figure suddenly appeared in front of the old man. Then there was a low tone, and the carriage shook. The four bobcats pulling the carriage screamed and fell to the ground. The boy in the carriage hugged the girl, swelled in the air, and then fell to the ground.

The number of carriages behind it was too late to stop, they violently broke into the hands of the elderly.

Everyone saw a low voice, and then a carriage crashed. ..


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