Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 392: : The car is gone

When another mortar shell hit the air, a whistle sounded. A mortar shell hit the rocky cliff along the road. The explosion of gravel splashed smoke and dust. Hundreds of pounds of stones fell from the cliff directly on the Land Rover's hood. The body shook violently and seemed unable to open. The relatively close mercenaries hold their heads (without helmets). Lower your body as much as possible to avoid damage from rocks and metal fragments.

Jerry ignored the explosion. Press the barrel of the assault rifle to the waist with one hand. In order to avoid severe vibration affecting running speed. Already close to the van. At this time, the darkest sight is very poor. But Jerry was still relieved. It was blurred because they saw three people leaving the van quickly. Ran to him.

"Head. We're all right. The car is gone."

The two parties merged into one place. Carl is carrying a large backpack. Holding a g36 assault rifle in one hand. The mercenaries who left the cab came to Jerry again. Carl’s backpack may be a bit heavy. It is also possible that the power required to react at this speed is somewhat large. Carl's panting chest clearly fluctuates. Speak quickly, speak in a low voice. is flashed by car lights. Jerry quickly made a few gestures. Several mercenaries, including Karl, knew in a few seconds. Turn the road in the direction of the bridge head. Prepare to consolidate all mercenaries and quickly leave this extremely dangerous area. It is not clear whether the mercenary team is really in a crossfire between upstream and government forces. But it is obvious that the shell that just exploded on the cliff was deliberately applied. There is no pre-calibration of the shooting elements. Obviously this is a test behavior. When the gunner adjusts the shooting element. The time for the mercenary team to evacuate was short. At this time, the bridge head is several hundred meters away. The heavy machine gun shots of Indian soldiers have been sounded. However, it was swaying against the black mountain ammunition on the other side of the bridge. Tracking bullets embedded in the chain. It is as eye-catching as the same arrow in the dark. Indian soldiers are conducting fire reconnaissance. Find out the temporary positions of the guerrillas firing the mortars. For Jerry, these people are temporarily unable to participate.

Ten mercenaries are united under the command of Jerry (At this time, collective actions cannot be dispersed. Although this is very dangerous. Mercenaries are a very dangerous profession. There are only two different types. Professional skills and tactical qualities. And personal luck. Without him). The engine roared. Sandy's LandRover is already on the roadside. Turn off the light to turn off the light. Xie Chen, Ouyang Lanlan, Xiandi and others. Did not wait for the car to stop and open the door. Slow down the off-road vehicle. Now living in the car looks like a living coffin. No one here is an idiot. Do not wait for the mortar to squat down before running. Then it really finished. This is an act of death.

The entire mercenary team finally united. Xie Chen and Count Ouyang Lanlan. There are only twenty people. At this time, all members of the mercenary team were hiding beside a rock on the side of the road. Because the road has a small turn here. The trajectory of the two mortars was reversed. The rock under the road is a dead end of the fire. The mortars fired by the guerrillas are still not playing here.

"What to do. Head. On the upper reaches of the river, the Indian army fleet is not far away." ..


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