Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 400: : Dismissed immediately

Highlight the inspiration of the brain. Xie Chen thought of the mortar shell that hit the bridge at night. correct. The danger is the threat of mortars or rocket launchers in the sky.

Think about it. Xie Chen caught a mercenary who was full of blood and driving a train. Throw him a few meters away from another row of tea trees. Of course, Xie Chen used a gentle spirit. Lest this guy is stunned. Then Xie Chen quickly threw away the other two mercenaries who were stunned in the cab. Considering that both are already fainting. Xie Chen was thrown directly into a mercenary driving truck. Use it as a meat shield to catch the other two.

When throwing the second person. As the intuition gets closer, the danger becomes more acute. Xie Chen's back muscles were a little stiff. With the help of Sandy and Jerry, two wounded mercenaries were explored mentally. Leave the carriage. Xie Chen is really Anxi Xie Chen has a voice reminder. People like Jerry and Sandy naturally value it very much. Xie Chen, this guy won't be joking at this time. The two went out. Two wounded mercenaries are running away. Sandy’s female body is better than the average mercenary. It is normal to pick up a mercenary. In order to reduce the probability of being hit. Jerry and Sandy ran separately. The two men ran a few steps. I heard the whistle of mortar shells in the distance and nearby. Run too late. Only learn Xie Chen to fly out of the ground and keep turning over. I just rolled a few laps on my body. The shell hit the truck compartment.

At this time, we can see the quality of professional mercenaries. Mercenaries with no serious physical problems after the blast wave. Or at the speed of your back or squatting, evacuate the tea with your uninjured companion.

Where do you know that mortars just follow everyone's ass. Everyone is nervous. Is this a hanging rhythm? The mortar shells falling from the sky almost chased everyone's buttocks. It can be said that they are fine. They began to test the old long-head truck in the tea garden in one fell swoop. Later, they shot quickly several times. It's not that the members of Twenty-First's mercenary team are old fritters who have seen blood on the battlefield. When they see that the motivation is not right, they will take the leg craziness seriously. Some quick shots will cause the mercenary team to lose a lot of people.

Judging from the style of the gun, it is not a guerrilla encountered in a highway bridge. The guerrillas did not have such a means of first hitting the ball. The guerrillas used large-caliber mortars. Although their heads were not good, the mortars whose lethality did fall in the tea garden were obviously small-caliber mortars used for static distance. These two are easy to separate, and the rest are professional soldiers and professional mercenaries. At this time, this place is in January. The mercenary team can only face prepared professional mercenaries, because when they cross the ridge, they can hear the fire between the armed forces and government forces. The action was so fast that the Indian army is unlikely to be so fast. Over the mountains, the suspect in the army was immediately dismissed.

The mortar shells are like dumplings, they keep dropping from the sky. Although they knew that the enemy mercenary team hidden in the dark was using mortars to drive the entire team, although no mercenaries were found. In fact, the other party probably already has a big net. After loading, wait for himself to tighten the big net, but Jerry has no choice. The mercenary is a knife-edged enterprise. He was trapped in the encirclement and then shattered the encirclement. Jerry is not the first time he has encountered it. It looks calm. Now it will break through the big net cast by the other party. ..


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